This game is so fucking BORING

This game is so fucking BORING


t. racist

t. racist

It's 2018 - everything and everyone is racist.

You sir are a racist and a bigot and an anti-semite

Fucking sick of all the blatant racism on Sup Forums. Fuck you, trailer trash

The only people who cry about being called racists are racists 100% of the time. When was the last time you called someone a nigger, chink, etc? Ask yourself that. You can lie on here but you can lie to yourself.

It's a Ubisoft game, what did you expect?

wrong image op

French brainless retards can’t make games.

That's the same game.

For me? I'll just save us both some time and call you a n igger, with zero playfulness or irony, right now.

I'm so tired of all this ordinary racism...

they just removed the fun guns and the fun cars

what could go wrong right?

See, only racists get mad at being called racist. Thanks user.


upgrade the gang tree, its fun as fuck passively taking out every area with gang hits

even when you're inside a building lol

Not mad bud, just confirming your fears. Sleep tight.

I disagree

Only boring people are bored. Take a good look at yourself, OP, and fix yourself

the game is fun as fuck what are you on about? it's a solid 8

What the fuck did you expect?

I got annoyed 20 minutes in and it grew from there. I can see it being fun for people who generally only play ubishit so I'm not going to call it bad. It was only bad to me.