>minor character ends up being final boss
Minor character ends up being final boss
hypest final boss music
>that fucking lifebar
Literally just beat Yakuza 5 a few moments ago.
Say what you will about the story and the retarded plot twist, but the fight itself was one of the best final fights since Yakuza 2. I just wish it wasn't Aizawa.
why do they keep letting daigo be the chairman when he's clearly shit at his job?
I was hoping he would die in 5. Really tired of him.
name 1 game
Super Paper Mario
>when the music syncs up with Kiryu smashing him through the door and into the snow
Dungeons & Dragons: Heroes did this
>important character
>turns out to be evil
>turns out to NOT be the boss though
>turns out the person you knew was evil is even eviler
Honestly the end of this game was a roller coaster of emotion
They did a nice job on it
Actually was my favorite Zelda ending
Dragon's Dogma.
The tutorial character is the final boss.
>have entire character whose gameplay gimmick is idol shit
>don’t even bother making her last concert playable and just make it a cutscene
Fucking Yakuza 5, did they run out of time or something?
I wish they didn't put that Idolshit in, barelly ruined 5 for me
Persona 4. Several times in that game really.
Ace Attorney Investigations 2
This faggot shooting Shulk in the back when he was making a pact with Egil.
>it's a Daigo get's his ass handled again episode
>Comedic relief character was secretly strong all along
and then at the end of the second playthrough, YOU are the final boss instead (assuming you play offline)
Shinpachi from Gintama
>randomly appearing mini boss is way harder than many of the story bosses
>Boss is fucking unfair.
>a nobody from the first game is the true villain in the sequel
Jackie Chan on the PS1
This fucker here
>the final boss level is 100x more difficult and interesting than the boss itself
First ending I was emotionally invested in for a long time.
BOTW was garbage in comparison with it's Zelda Ex Machina.
>Boss apparently fought a different protagonist in a different series, as means to show off why he hates the main character in his original series
>Regular enemies that don't even get their own theme music are more difficult than the final boss
Telltale Batman. You'd think that the main villain is Scarecrow, right?
It's Vicki Vale. Vicki. Fucking. Vale. What's next, Lois Lane as main villain in Telltale Superman?