Post highly aesthetic enemy designs

Post highly aesthetic enemy designs.

>don't spread your lies to me or my son every again


I'm fine with you either wiping out vampires or conquering Tamriel for vampires, so long as you fuck up my father.


One job.

Name a more stylish theocracy than the Tribunal Temple
protip: you can't, scum.


I will show you a stylish theocracy, you mongrel

>how not to create a dlc: the guide

what a fucking downgrade, aesthetically

were bethesda creatively bankrupt when they had to throw together skyrim?


At least it isn't fucking Oblivion.

is there any armor in this game that looks good?


The dawnguard one.

I'm actually fond of the Ebony Armor, minus the helmet

Its funny that in the Vampire DLC, the vampires are the worst thing, and the Falmer and Forgotten Vale and Soul Cairn are the best thing

I always end up wearing their robes in Skyrim, don't use the helmet though, I prefer that unique circlet

I think it looks ok, you have just grown bitter over the years, but to be fair, TES armour designs are almost all fucking garbage. But because Bethesda never fires anyone, it will never get better

love these guys

I don't like mohawk but the Ordinator is something else

Nordic Steel, Steel Plate, Orcish, Dwarven, Deadric, Ebony, Dawnguard, Nordic Carved Armor, Falmer Heavy Armor, Ancient Nordic Armor, Vampire Armor are all good

desu, I think Redoran Bonemold looks better than Indoril armour

redoran was so fucking kino, the house, the style, the armour, everything

too bad their quests were the absolute worst in Morrowind. In terms of how good quests are it goes Hlaalu > Telvani > Redoran. I personally always joined Telvani because I always play as a mage

>>I feel the most sympathy with House Redoran; they are Dunmer driven by creeds and deeds, like I am. House Indoril is closer to the compassion and sympathy of Almalexia, a comfortable and secure serenity. House Telvanni matches the disposition of my brother Sotha Sil -- iconoclastic, profane, unconventional
>Redoran is so best Vivec use them as his ideal

Hello, do you have the time to hear about our lord and savior Dagoth Ur?

>Heavy armor mixed with garbs
My absolute nr 1 fetish thanks to morrowind. not many games allowed it tho unfortunately

calm down edgelord

wort wort wort

Hello, do you have the time to hear about our Lord and Saviour HermaMora?

im still pissed you couldn't ally with him

bethesda doesn't do multiple endings, its the same reason you can't join the mythic dawn, or Miraak. Last time they tried having multiple endings they ended up having to declare THEM ALL canon, which is actually really cool, but still

>that Oblivion glass

I liked Oblivion's designs. Potato face and crap animations aside. And the Bordeaux red dress was aesthetic as fuck.

>those Oblivion faces


It was the perfect storm of new graphical capabilities and lack of character art direction.

>make version 2
>doesn't include Dragonbone/scale armor

Is it just me or did Skyrim's faces look better than Fallout 4's?

It's just you user.

Nah. I prefer stylized over photorealism too.

They were better despite being more limited. Memeout 4 looks more plastic-y.





Fucking awesome, kind of look like storm troopers.

Nah, there definitely was something WAY off in Fallout 4’s faces.

By the way, I want to replay GC2. Should I play GC1 one? I've heard that it's not that connected story wise to GC2, but I wonder whether the game itself is worth the time.

Idk, i never played GC1, but i think that's a plus, the story seemed more mysterious and intriguing to me that way, hearing things about stuff that happened made it feel much deeper.

Apparently the game is freeware now (despite being sold on Steam), so I may aswell

wow, didn't know that, thanks for the info man

in skyrim they got some 3d model studio make the faces for them so at least theyre not bethesda quality

Everything about that game's art direction and design screams "visionaries", some things are gorgeous, fit the lore and game world perfectly, other things pop out like an immersion ruining sore thumb.

Fuck them even FO3 and NV looked better, if it weren't for the shit engine and textures.

>Post highly aesthetic enemy designs.

it's lighting and Bethesda tried and failed to make their own skin shaders for F4


Animation in FO3/NV is so garbage though.

The concept art for fo4 especially is gorgeous.