Name literally one thing wrong with this game
Even google has it as the best game ever made
There is literally no objective flaw in this game
Name literally one thing wrong with this game
Even google has it as the best game ever made
There is literally no objective flaw in this game
No spears
Doesn't have unicorns or cars either. Not a flaw
Why is Bethesda still shilling this game?
Shit combat, your warrior can become the archmage, the faction war consists of battles between 8 people, shit graphics, bugs, dumbed down stats
It only kinda gets fun if you put huge limitations on yourself
Magic is really underpowered. Spell damage doesn’t scale nearly as well as weapon damage, even with all the perks, and you can’t just make stronger spells to compensate, like in older games, since there’s no spellcrafting.
Bethoswho? I'm Rodd Boward, I don't know who that is
Except spears are literally the best weapon against creatures in a time-period where swords and axes are used.
it's really boring and repetitive
Combat is flawless. It's simple but it has a certain degree of skill involved, and it's both engaging and entertaining. Bet you played the game on Easy
Graphics are gorgeous. Stats aren't needed in a game like Skyrim because the game itself is so customizable already.
Magic is super powerful. You just need to go to the tree specific to your particular magic. You probably leveled alteration while you were using destruction spells or something lol
Really meh vanilla.
One of the best open-world RPGs when properly modded.
>Combat is extremely basic
>Pure magic is not a viable way to play
>Character creation was simplified
>Guilds are meaningless, you never gain control despite becoming the leader of most of them
>Dragons are incredibly unfun to fight
>Enemies all become damage sponges at higher levels
I'm aware this is a bait thread, but I thought I'd throw in my two cents.
Name the time period where dragons existed in medieval Europe
"Oh no this game is repetitive I have to use my controls to move around the game world and execute actions"
Good argument
5 more days until sterdust
my body can't take it
combat feels like waving noddles around. Enderal made the game into a real RPG but it was still stuck with skyrim combat
False advertisement, "dragons" were actually wyverns
Skyrim is one of those games that is way better than people say it is, but it's nowhere near as good as people say it is.
Oh, there’s another flaw: your magic skill doesn’t affect the spell’s power, only it’s magicka cost. You need perks to do anything important, and you only have so many perks. This makes a lot of enemies bullet-sponges when it comes to destruction magic.
>hurr durr, i totally misinterpret your claim for shilling purposes
>muh strawman argument, never fails, hurr durr
which part of "the game is boring and repetitive" about this game you don't understand? have you even played it? because anybody who played it for more than 5 hours finds it really boring and repetitive
>Guilds are meaningless, you never gain control despite becoming the leader of most of them
>Dragons are incredibly unfun to fight
Those are the only ones you cannot fix with mods.
>Stats aren't needed in a game like Skyrim because the game itself is so customizable already.
Wrong. Stats would make it even more customizable than it already is.
Skyrim is only fun on low difficulty. With some nice graphical mods and a kill move mod, the combat becomes cinematic and brief, which is the only way you can make it good. Playing it like this or as a stealth character makes the game very comfy.
it really needs a much better combat system. i would say "just copy souls lmao" but it's hard to do that with first person mode that bethesda have to have.
I suppose you just need a better melee system where there's actual impact with each swing. I want to see my axe embed itself into the enemy, even momentarily when I connect a hit. seeing a sword swing right through a heavily armoured bandit leader is stupid as fuck.
blocking / parry should be almost mandatory and have a big stamina cost to it. have combat play as a chess match rather than a spam m1 fest.
I dont know what you're talking about. The game's combat is already really good. It has a stamina bar you need to manage just like Dark Souls. And theres a lot of skill invovled like when to block and when to attack otherwise you get killed. Its especially fun when you're fighting a lot of people at once
cant rape without mods
Atleast the sex mods are good.
i know this is bait and im eating it, but there isnt.
there is a bit of stamina management at the start of the game when you're weak but after the first 10-20 levels it just goes away and you become an invulnerable damage sponge. DS maintains the challenge throughout the game. upping the difficulty just turns other people into damage sponges.
and even if the combat was good and did involve strategy, which it doesnt, it still doesnt convey any feedback from melee swings. it just feels like you're swinging a great big sword through thin air.
gay shit for wannabe nerds
gay shit for wannabe nerds
lmbo how pathetic is that? You have to pretend to be a loser lol
Since nobody's pointed this out, the visual style is ugly as fuck
You don't feel, hear, or see the impact when you hit someone or hit a shield. That was what turned me off about the combat and the game in general the most, but I got used to it.
Nobody pointed that out because it's false.
i hate skyshit but i honestly think it looks fine, usually
Its ok.
I really want to play it with some mods though
There isn't. All gamers should be proud of this great accomplishment of the industry.