Post 10/10 vidya girl.
Post 10/10 vidya girl
Kaine is a girl, she just accidentally has a ponos as well as a vagoo because of a technological error.
She is a girl user. Just has a penis as a bonus
Cirilla means swallow in ancient elf gibberish because Ciri loves to drink everyone's cum.
no its a bird dummy. stop sexualizing her
I wish you could get other main characters to pose and/or react to Kat swinging around the camera.
i wonder what happened to reisenfag
not this demon of semen again
She's a disgusting annoying special snowflake in both books and the game.
I love Kasumi!
My nigga.
>it's okay when japs do it, but it's SJW pandering if it done on the west
My wife.
You personafaggots are changing wife with every new games. If it can be replaced, it wasn't 10/10 in the first place.
I hope you only meant April
Don't mind me, just posting best girls from their games.
But I never considered a Persona girl, or any girl for that matter, to be my waifu until Ann.
This is my goddess
You're better to not change this after release of the next game then.
I've never seen a more shit taste chart
Guildmarm a cute!!! a cute!!!
Kaine a shit
He said 10/10, not 11/10
She looks pretty bad desu
You're a shit
If it was done in the West, she'd look like a man, be defined by having a dick, and it wouldn't be presented as a problem at all. Whereas because the Japs did it, she's still a hot girl, has far more to her than just her penis, and the penis is presented as a problem that she wishes she didn't have.
I love Fuuka!
Calm down dude.
tfw no girl will ever create a pocket dimension and put you in it just to keep you safe.
rikku! she is best girl, ya?
>Look everyone! I'm projecting
Just finished drakengard and copped her game. Im excited. I just started P5 though so its gonna be a minute.
we all know its true
Name a better Fire Emblem girl than Camilla
Pro-Tip: YOU CAN'T!!!!
No bully pls
>people unironically like literally demented cotton candy
>the year 2018
>not sticking your dick in crazy
I wish I could marry Morrigan.
But it is. Jap devs get it right because the focus of her character isn't on the fact that she's a woman with a dick. In fact, it barely matters and by the time you find out about it you probably won't care. If a character in a western game had the same thing going on it would be pushed to the forefront of that character and shoved directly in your face in every instance from marketing to dialogue. The west forces you to care, the japs don't want you to.
Japanese do it for fetish fuel
West does it to be "Woke" and "diverse" and typically never give them personalities
Don't pretend you could argue otherwise.
I use her color scheme often.
>has loads of hair
>can protect you
>is literally a goddess
So underrated, is she.
She gets a lot of undeserved hate.
It is , because they don't throw it in your face, most people that played Nier didn't even know that she had a dick
>You liberated this?
>I liberated this.
Fuck 'er
Literally ANYONE is better than Cowmilla.
She gave me a succubus fetish.
If I didn't have one before, I sure do now.
Helps that she covers pretty much every other fetish of mine, too.
There was an ad that had her in it in a nintindo power magazine I had when I was young. I didn't want to risk looking up girls on the internet cause my parents were more tech savvy than I was and like religious to the point where people don't believe me. I fapped to her so much.
>Nintendo Power? But the only Nintendo game she was in back then was Capcom vs SNK2....
You fapped to THIS?!?!
/my/ guy
It was a different picture iirc.
That's pretty hot
If there is one thing that most girls have in common here, its their ability to protect you. What would be even better is them training you to be strong enough to fight alongside them.
Not this one, I hope...
I love Reisen!
She looks especially happy today.
Keep crying bitch nigga
That's still pretty hot too
>Tfw your friend tells you his first Vidya crush was Kaine and then explaining that she has a dick
It was one that was mostly side boob.
all the character designs in baten kaitos were awesome, but xelha is just god-tier
Why make new waifus when you got it right the first time
Predictable as fuck, but a 10/10 vidya girls thread isn't complete without 2B.
How do you think he manages to do it?
>Take your eye off her for a second
>She's fucking dead
Not sure what makes me sweat more, Peach's DSL or Daisy's everything below the waist.
I haven't really had a chance to post her in a couple of days so I'm happy too!
I refresh the catalog a lot!
underrated af
A challenger appears!