Dragon Ball FighterZ


Open beta -NOT- extended-edition

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Add more pushback to the dragon dashes or give them more recovery

Bamco doesn't care about the xbone, they still don't know shit isn't working there kek

or make the throw a hard counter to it.

Dragon rush or Super dash?

>end of the Open Beta Test on 16th January, 08:00 am (UK Time).
3AM est


>*pushes you into a corner*


Joke's on him, he's now way more powerful.

Who /undefeated/ here

>2 day beta
>Not playable for an entire day
>Not extended
Fucking jews at Bamco

>hit orange ranks
>suddenly fighting people who know 60% combos because they spent a ton of time labbing characters while the beta was acting up
well the game was fun while it lasted

Nobody puts Baby in a corner.

V-Jump leak when?

I just wanna know for sure if this is it.

>people will skip cinematic intros/outros

>"adult gohan is a wasted slot"
>"adult gohan is just a goku clone"

he's not as spammed by top players anymore. The first day was 7/10 teams using gohan.

Best characters of the Beta:
>Cell Dorado

For me that has been the answer (mostly since it was being done to me when I was confused on how to open up someone playing defensively).

Damn Cell and Goku are very used

Why are Demons ranked higher than Supreme Kais?

>Let them watch theirs
>They skip mine
Fuck you too, kirito2004.

Honestly thinking about cancelling my pre-order of FighterZ because of how ArcSys is handling this beta.
>beta servers are shit for the 2 days it's left up
>no extension
>they release an update for PS4 only that addresses the issues, leaving Xbox still to be so broken that you can't play a single match
>they don't even mention Xbox at all or say "hey we'll get apatch to you soon too!"
>some people reporting that PS4 beta is still broken as well
I was pre-ordering on PC, but borrowed a friend's Xbox to play the beta. This might be a sign that they're going to totally prioritize PS4 and put the other platforms on the back-burner.

Whoever isn't getting this game on PS4, be wary.

For all those guys bitching about auto-combos, you don’t use them a lot if you want to win

Only button smasher scrubs spam them

>that team variety
i know half the cast is locked but come on guys do you really have to have goku and/or vegeta in every single team?

power levels

>Demon tier

Dabura confirmed

Anything but just nerf them, they're way too safe

Because Dabura > Shin.



They got to spend the entire day labbing Goku

>buying a fighting game on PC

Why does people hate 18? She saved me several matches

Does piccolo frieza or beerus have any reversals at all? i just got completely stomped by a vegeta/kid buu rushdown and i feel like i'm just missing some tools with how bad it was.

Cell and Goku are all rounders so they're safe picks and don't need 200 hours in the lab.

she got nerfed

Goku and Vegeta both have great assists and are easy to use.

If they don't totally fuck up the PC port, it will be the objectively superior version to play on. The playerbase will definitely be alive long enough for me to enjoy the game too. If I decide to go hardcore and play for years, and I see the PC community getting too small, then I can just buy a cheap PS4 down the road and play.

I don't think anything in this game is gonna need 200 hours in the lab. Or even 20 hours. Or even 2.

I'm gonna check the pc player count day one and decide then

Meh I'll just get mhw and get this later on or wait for the switch version (if it is coming that is).

no matter the voice language, cell is always awesome

Assists experimentation sure will


Boys gotta check this, it's savage.

I already canceled my preorder. I'm stripped for cash right now and AE will be free for me, I also have MHW prebought and that will already give me 1000 hours of playtime. DBFZ is going to be a streamboar game for me.

been reposted twice already bruv

>switch version
Even if does come the online is going to be dead as fuck on switch.

People are going to lab for ages coming up with assist/snap and other general tech

so are threads back to shitposting now?

Wow, that must have done at least 10% more damage than had he just mashed triangle.

There's nothing to spam, literally every light or medium hit confirm leads into a combo if you're not holding back on your controller. It's absolutely retarded that you can't turn it off.
It's gonna take me some time to learn to hold back.

>It's gonna take me some time to learn to hold back.


It's more Bamco than arcsys

Good thing I play charge characters, holding back and down back is my natural position now


>not holding back anyway
why user
maybe it's because i played charge characters but i do that automatically, there's no reason not to

You should always be holding back unless you're committing to moving forward. Even during your attacks in case they whiff.

I know man feels bad everytime

Really disappointed at how this beta was handled.

Xbone version is still broken.

I'll get the full game but this beta has left a bad taste in my mouth.

The dissidia beta worked better which is a surprise.

>maybe it's because i played charge characters but i do that automatically,

Same here, that's exactly what i was thinking.

I've lost every single fight since I got saiyan rank.

And that's 3 hours ago. I went from 30W 28L to 30W 64L

This shit matchmaking is infuriating and I can't improve without a training mode.

And this is what frustrates me, autocombos and mashing do retard damage and the scaling for proper combos is ridiculously high, so yeah why not just mash shit

Nice Tumblr nose haha

Why is his nose red?

How many ranks exist that we know of?

Hopefully the full game will have player made lobbies like guilty gear.

They are unranked.


The rank after demon is ss3, the highest for now

Yeah nah, movement is way too important. Even if I'm committed to playing the most turtle bitchboy of Bison I can I'm still not gonna hold down back the entire match.
I just don't understand why they can't just let you turn it off, unless there's some system I'm missing. Maybe in the full game.

That's Zangief
This is Nappa


>he doesn't immediately return to back or down back after any form of movement like an IAD


>fight super saiyan
>he's mashing
>hold down back
>he doesn't know what to do

Not all characters are available.

during strings user, during strings
also yes what this guy said

FUCK YOU BAMCO I want my Sunday back!

>get game with a guy with 0 games
>I won 4/4 and have a rank up chance
>dont care about rank though
>match is close, he finishes my Krillin with 1hp Goku
>"You disconnected from the lobby"
>as soon as Krillin died
Im so sorry man it wasnt me

Fucking bastards, Don't make the hopeful suggestion to begin with. Makes you wonder if the guy who posted that on twitter posted the suggestion before actually talking to anyone at the company about it.

barely does any more damage than an autocombo

Play casual faggot

Or git gud

>he didnt press r1 repeatedly to summon more distructo disks which wouldve done more damage

This infuriatrs me.

Pffft they let your opponent do that? Tekken doesn’t.

>playing fighting games on anything other than Playstation or Nintendo

So, how good is SS1 Goku?

On ranked I get a game every 5-10 seconds of waiting in the lobby.

On casual I don't get any games at all

can someone post an actual autocombo i'm tired of this meme

>he goes on to cancel preorder

Jobhan op i love it

>tfw Cell has a free vanish attack

Pool's closed

so does adult gohan after level 1 ultimate unlock

yes even Nintendo is a better alternative than PC and fucking Xbox


> U P D A T E D
> they didn't update shit

>iit's okay for companies to fuck over all the other systems! anyone who doesn't buy sony is stupid anyway!
people like you need to just living.

Can someone post a screencap of all the beta characters movelists? I'm trying to play Piccolo, Nappa and Freiza but I don't even know any of their specials

This shit lol. If they let their intro play but skip mine it usually ends up making me pumped up to beat them.

>Only the CHAD SQUAD can enter here.