Look at what my wife just let me buy with my very own allowance!

Look at what my wife just let me buy with my very own allowance!


Un fucking believable lmfao. The numale nitty soyboy open mouth is real holy fuck LOL



they are happy
they are excited
and thats ok
be nice to one another
5. have a nice day

>reaction has an open mouth

Hello soyson


because soyboys lack essential amino acids and male hormones to act and look like real men.

Welcome to the Family Son

>can just barely make out "BABIES" in the background

The 21st century's big war will be between Mexico, Russia, China and the colored hordes fighting over the corpse of the west.

why is TJ Miller there

Why don't Americans close their mouths?

Where's Jakers! REEEEEEEEEEEE!

I dont know who that is, i just stole this image from an user, but it seems they have soyboy fever

lmao are amerifats really so fat that they wear clothes with soda brands on them?

is this an epidemic?

probably just got it as a fuckin freebie. Don't project too hard m8

>accused of sexual assault
a soyboy wouldn't ever be around women you nig

an actor and his photo is probably taken from a tv show or a movie

>adult with a job

what? are there seriously men out there that let their wives do this to them?

Holy fuck, are those people fucking countless.

So they can suck the so(y)nyygers into their bodies, extract the soy content and process the rest into faeces.

I honestly can't deal with that fucking facial expression.

Duce is excited to play Mario

lurk more, newfag

Yes, that's the point of the thread. To be mad about the current emasculated state of the popular male culture


soynyggers are faeces though

Yeah, it's not just an annoying soy fad.

People rightfully bring this shit up all the time, but let's not forget the complementary nugirl face.

Look, I have a job. But my wife says I'm not to be trusted with money, so the money goes into her bank account and I get an allowance commensurate with the number of Good Husband Points I've accrued during the week. It's a fair system.

Even the glasses emoji has its mouth open

I thought soyboys were niceguy feminists that aren't like those nasty m*n who are only interested in s*x?



my problem is i dont see this in real life only here most guys i know would leave if their wives even tried to take their money and then give them an "allowance"


>the current emasculated state of the popular male culture

>tfw your console isn't getting cracked wide open and emulated in less than a year

Please don't be rude to faeces, user. They are better than that.

Fucking soyniggers

I like you.


Why are nintendo fans such losers?


Holy fuck. I wouldn't be surprised if this fad started from something like that.

Numales ruin everything they touch. Now im insecure about playing switch in public

I have glasses and prefer a short beard. will I forever look like a soy?


Yeah it's not so much in real life but it is in video games
Posting a child doesn't really argue for either side. He's a dumb Redditor who is a part of the problem

Yep, that's the correct definition.


>Put toilet seat down
How about SHE puts it down when its her turn to use it? He obviously has to put it up after she uses it.

Can't spell SONY without SOY.

>it will now forever be known as the "Soyboy Emoji" on Sup Forums
holy shit


that's because the soystation has no games
>b-but shitborne
utterly irrelevant dark souls ripoff with 3% attach rate

>feed baby until it throws up

Aw, thank you.


The only way you could ever be comfortable playing Switch in public is if you have no self-awareness, I wouldn't even do that shit if I was Andre the Giant.

>requires the original firmware to hack
only a crazy person would run the initial firmware
it literally cant play commercial games


>get out of the dog house free card

oh shit nigga LOL

Quite frankly he's getting a pretty sweet deal. That's all shit that one should do by default and not be rewarded with.

Unironically looks more masculine than the OP image.


>know a guy that looks like this
>always wearing cringey Star Wars t-shirts
>stay at home dad, wife brings in the bacon
>"best friend" is a big black guy

Come to think of it I always end up flirting with his wife at parties.

Oh no, not my favorite emoji! How will I have a proper emoji discussion on Sup Forumsnow?

keep your mouth closed in pictures and don't be a white night or a mgtow and you wont be one

fucking hell

Best meme.

Already driving friends and family to stop posting pictures and even started taking down pictures of themselves making that stupid open mouth garbage expression.

Do you really think anyone gives a fuck what you do in public as long as you aren't making noise or looking dangerous?

How often do you open your mouth to inhale all soy products within a 10 mile radius?

Do you think nuChris likes soy?

Man, those golden nigger's adventures are getting more and more surreal.

I'm all for driving this meme into the fucking ground.

It's the same thing as duckface, people do it because they are awkward getting their picture taken. Read any more into it and you are mentally defunct

>or a mgtow
sup shlomo

cuck him and post results

>implying the emoji wouldn't be spammed in threads

Where do I find these people? Being a bull sounds like fun!

>the video game board bitching about emasculated males

I really like those threads, the best part is when Sony fags start yapping their equally pozed trapholes. When will you peasants console fags and especially soyboy nintenweebs fags ever learn ?


>t. soy-based lifeform

That's a common relationship saying. "Being put in the doghouse" means that you're not sleeping in her bed tonight because she's angry at you.

Why's Rich Evans in there

Taking down from where?

user, you won't make any of us proud by not making a move
you have my blessings, do it

don't forget this faggot

what I mean is pump and dump instead of just staying home and jacking off. get laid but dont commit

Id let my waifu do that to me.

Thats a soymoji now.