That’ll be an extra $16 please.
What we’re they thinking?
That’ll be an extra $16 please.
What we’re they thinking?
I was 100% getting this game. Then we find out half the roster is dlc.
And now I'm not so sure
get unist
How much is the base game ?
The base game download is going to be 5370 yen which equals 48-49 dollars. It's going to be a 50 dollar game and not a 40 dollar game like people are spamming for some reason
>people still care about Roosterteeth
RvB has been shit since season 5
What the fuck
And RWBY has been shit for the last 2 seasons at least
The worst part is that due to there being only 20 characters in the base roster, the game's story mode is going to be gutted. The only non-BlazBlue characters are;
>the boring original quartet of the Investigation Team
>the main heroes of Under Night + Gordeau
>fucking HALf of Team RWBY
What kind of interesting character interactions or story can even result from that?
An alternate possibility that's even worse is if more non-BlazBlue characters appear in the story, but are only playable through DLC. Fuck that.
>Implying Kanji isn't the best character on the IT
You're absolutely right about that.
What a shame he's Sir-Not-Appearing-In-This-Game-Unless-You-Pay-Extra.
Potentially, the story mode might involve all 40 but half of them just won't be playable without paying.
Let's be perfectly honest here, the controls looked shoddy as fuck.
Fuck RWBY, the worst part is that's it's guaranteed some of the 20 DLC characters are characters who are free in the standard Blazblue, UNIEL and P4A, literal recycled assets which you gotta pay for.
>Reused assets of characters with neutered movesets have to be paid for
Did they think they were clever or something?
>smart combos
When will companies learn that getting the casual audience does not work?
You hurt your long time fans in the long run.
No wonder why this game has tons of dlc already because they're assuming the casual fans will buy it like any other game dlc.
Are you fucking kidding me? 20 characters as dlc?
I only cared about Persona and RWBY characters anyways.
Say hi to your base roster
>what we are they thinking
>Have to pay for Yang
Wouldn't buy this garbage either way
RWBY has always been shit, the only thing that's improved is the animation.
Get wrecked, bimbofag
How did Wiess get in over Ruby's literal sister? Hasn't she suffered enough?
Their radio silence is hilarious
There was the briefest of moments, after the end of season 3, where it looked like RWBY might actually become something good. Then season 4 hit and shat the bed harder than anyone thought possible.
Are you dumb? They're going in order.
>mfw penny-fag
there will never be a rwby game...
>blake paywalled
the absolute state of..
>yang paywalled
gordeau and waldstein really are they fucking retarded
Character popularity aside, there was no way they weren't going to announce them in R > W > B > Y order. Blake and Yang just got the short end of the stick for being the second half of the team name.
Waldstein makes some sense, he's part of the good guy trio.
Gord is just there.
>When will companies learn that getting the casual audience does not work?
Whoa whoa whoa. Hol' up.
As a fighting game fan that is SHIT at them, like, ultra-bronze-tier shit, even casuals don't like auto combos.
What if its free dlc?
Why bother announcing free DLC as DLC at all 4 months before release?
but tager and azrael have already filled their niche
That they could make more money this way, and they're right. Just be glad that the only people who will suffer from this are dumb RWBYfags.
They will release a "new" game 6 months down the line.
Best girl Weiss is base who cares about the worst secondaries
>filled their niche
Like that matters
>announce game
>fans get exited
>hype buils up
>shoehorn shitty dlc, season pass bullcrap
Why did they have to fuck it up with this shit? They the same shit with DBZ. I'd say MvC infinite too but, I dont know if people actually cared from the get go.
Everyone just buy UNI[st] instead. It's fucking good.
Because it won;t be ready for release?
This part is true, Weiss is the only saving grace of that trainwreck of a team.
>90%of the recycled sprites won't be ready
That's just fucking lazy
>implying Kanji is part of the original quartet
You all are fucking retarded if you don't understand the added value of bring couch play back for friends who don't own every $60 + $60 dlc fighting game that comes out.
Technically would be only an extra 8 if you preorder.
Still it is a fucked up move!
If they are still gonna sell spritedumps as dlc fine, but at least put the fucking Team RWBY, ONE OF THE MAIN SELLING POINTS OF THE GAME, TOGETHER AS PART OF THE BASE PACK!
None of what you said contradicts what I said.
Nothing justifies having command normals be part of auto-combo strings, that's just garbage.
Nah, S6 and S7 were pretty good, and Chorus Trilogy (S11-13) was really good.
Does Japan even know RWBY exists? They wouldn't even consider them anime anyways. I fucking hate the devs for adding these stupid fucking characters.
They do
They loved it so much they got an all-star seiyuu dubbing crew
its not anime its machinima.
Mvc infinite could have the same backlash, but people lost interest when they announced that:
>the characters would be their MCU versions and any kind of sexiness would be censored to comply with SJW regulations.
>theres 2 players per team plus the infinite stone, tho some people were trolling saying that the infinity stone system was dlc like SFXT.
>the game would be esports friendly.
>no xmen or muties cuz JEEEEWWWWSSS, which leads us to...
What's the appeal of this series? I watched the first season and it was a parade of bog standard anime tropes combined with low grade production. The first few episodes seemed kind of interesting. Does it suddenly stop being cookie cutter after that?
Trailer Duos
Thoughts? They got unique intro animations for Yu and Yosuke
>Anything free
The first season is widely considered shit. Season 2 is okay, season 3 is where it gets good and takes a huge tone shift for the darker.
Wasn't this game going to be cheaper than most games? I think I heard that somewhere
Machinima are animated movies made in 3d game engines.
RWBY was originally animated in Poser, they changed to maya by V4/ChibiS1.
RWBY is NOT machinima.
Also the japs consider it oficially as a 3d anime, so keep crying manchild!
team eugene sounds cool
>they made their own meshes so it doesn't count
>despite red vs blue and dead fantasy
die of aids.
>any kind of sexiness would be censored
Everything else still stands through.
every season improves significantly on the animation from the last one
everything else doesn't really, you'll either like the story from the beginning or hate it
>the game's story mode is going to be gutted
DLC characters have appeared in BB story mode before.
>Nu has extremely similar powers to Penny
I see what they did there.
Can you prove those 2 were machinima?
In which game those 2 shorts were made?
shhhhhh, be quiet Sup Forums
best girl is sleeping
That was censored too, who knows how that went past the SJWs radar tho, they would have cancelled it entirely.
>Can you prove those 2 were machinima?
Can you prove they weren't you false positive fuck?
>In which game those 2 shorts were made?
Red vs Blue was clearly Halo 1 with spectator mode for cameras you little shit
It honestly sounds like you're being held hostage by your own time commitments and/or inertia. I appreciate the honesty.
>can you prove red vs blue were machinima
i'd rather not, again, fuck off. google exists. I don't care.
Should i watch this trash? My only contact with this so far has been the porn.
The right thing, make money off the people who want garbage characters
I like the show because it's 50% cute girls being cute and 50% cute girls fighting things
I completely understand anyone who doesn't like that or doesn't think it does it well enough, and I don't care
this, Yangfags btfo by the superior Ruby and Weiss
and then immediately turns to shit again upon the ending of season 3
Cute Kitty
No, it's terrible, and the only semi decent things about it were the choreography for the fight scenes, which stopped after the shows creator died, and now it is straight trash through and through. They are currently trying to keep interest in it by throwing out soap opera/GoT style plot lines where everything keeps getting fucked over and people are injured/killed to forcibly keep the audiences emotions invested in the shoddily built characters and plot.
More importantly, who in their right mind ever thought that putting RWBY in an ArcSys crossover game was a good idea in any way, shape, or form?
Especially because the characters' real voice actors are C-list 4Kids garbage.
Dude, it's just an american webseries, who gives a shit if it's a anime? Just because they like the series and have shit taste won't change that. Japan will like anything with cute girls and cool action scenes. Do you think other series like TMNT ,Spider-Man and The Legend of Korra are anime too going by that logic?
>Does Japan even know RWBY exists?
It somehow got a japanese dub with famous VAs, unlike the original English with which is youtube tier fandub.
>What's the appeal of this series?
Waifus. That's literally it.
There was also the slight promise of it being well-animated when the first trailer came out, but that went out the window very quickly.
Ok my bad ,didnt read RvB, and yeah, that was halo.
However, Haloid? or dead fantasy? I can tell you, NO ONE would be able to do such things on the halo engine.
>Couldn't even get Jubei,Terumi and Hakumen
>Couldn't even get the rest of the IT with Labrys and Adachi
>Couldn't even get Orie,Seth and Hilda
>No BY and Cinder
Kill it now jim
If the japs say so? Yeah they are!
b-but Blake is DLC and Yang probably will be too
>More importantly, who in their right mind ever thought that putting RWBY in an ArcSys crossover game was a good idea in any way, shape, or form?
The guy in charge of Team Blue at ArcSys.
The RWBY characters work better as action/fighting game characters than they do as characters in their own shows, considering Monty was only good at fight choreography to begin with.
Toshimichi Mori, Blazblue's creator, is a RWBY fan, people are even speculating that he only wanted to make a RWBY game but obviously wouldn't get the approval from the ArcSys suits so he passed on a crossover from established fighters to mix RWBY with it.
Why are people so in the dark about Mori loving RWBY
The creator of Blazblue is a fan of the show. It explains his shit taste.
RWBY is garbage.
>ywn play an actual RWBY fighting game with all of the hunters and villains
All these weapons and the coolest fighter is still that grey guy that kicks
Stockholm syndrome victim here. Don't. It's terrible and below mediocre at best.
Every season starts off by showing promise, but then you come to a point where you realize they just make shit up along the way.
s4 probably had the strongest start, but then:
>nothing happens
based arcsys jewing Sup Forums so they can use the profits to make real fighting games