Voiced by yuri lowenthal

>voiced by yuri lowenthal

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Did he set his volume too loud?

I need to know the source of this webm

No he's listening to the Super Mario Odyssey OST

lesbian moaning

>white people get stands for their headphones


No, it's some audiophile autist pretending to be in pain because those headphones are so "bad".

>voiced by Tony Jay
I miss him.

headphones are like $3k and are shit.

>american dub

>old man cums just from listening to his wife being pumped by bbc

Wait, I thought he was having multiple orgasms from how good they sound.

>I’ve heard worse headphones before, but for $2749 these have got to be the worst price/performance headphones I’ve ever experienced.

>Well over 50 years old
this is a great meme

>getting upset by a joke

I think you are the autist here.

I just watched some of his other videos, he seems to be fucking around. He probably doesn't like the headphones but his reactions are a joke.

>voiced by yuri lowenthal

>voiced by Johnny Yong Bosch

analog hifi generation with too much money saved up.
makes sense, really.

>getting upset by a post on Sup Forums

I think you are the autist here.

I'm thinking of spending 100 dollars on cans but I don't know I always buy 10 dollar ones


Why's he listening to Ed Edd and Eddy music?

>voiced by Jim Cummings
Why is this man in everything

audiophiles understand why, the subtleties in the music really show how great the headphones are

Johnny Yong Bosch is a voice actor I really respect. It must take SOMETHING to use the same voice every time and still somehow get work. Do you think he literally sucks cock to get work?


>getting upset

>voiced by Fred Tatasciore
Same with this man.

>Voiced by Nolan Norton

JYB is one of the only dub VAs I like, even if he uses pretty much the same voice every time. I love how enthusiastic and passionate he gets in roles, it works really well for anime/anime games. The only time I'll even consider a dub is if he's in it.

He is a damn power ranger and never shittalks about anime (unlike some VAs who start landing bigger roles and scoff at their early beginnings), and is always up for a small or big role, people just find him a pleasant guy.

This is what happens when pretentious faggots make it to retirement.

I liked his Jonathan Joestar. His voice has a "young and noble hero" quality to it.

>$2749 headphones

snake oil

>Takes off the headphones
>Acts like someone just burnt down his fucking house



JYB was so good as Rantaro in DRV3 that I didn't even realize it was him. For the first fucking time in my entire life I did not recognize Johnny Yong Bosch.

Yuri is the new Petey, don't bully

>I just watched some of his other videos, he seems to be fucking around
Good job figuring out something anyone not autistic could do right away