Does any non nintendo fan honestly give the slightest fuck about those two games...

Does any non nintendo fan honestly give the slightest fuck about those two games? I feel like if they weren't made by nintendo no one would talk about them to begin with.

Other urls found in this thread:

>One sold 2 millions just in Japan.
>The other sold 1M+.

I don't know.

>cartoony paintball game in an age of call of duty clones
>hurr durr you only like it because nintendo

yes. i don't care about arms though.

Did I ask how many japanese fucks like it? I asked if the non nintendo fans on here give a fuck about those two games, retard.

I'm a nintendo fan and even I can't give a shit about ARMS

>Implying I don't fucking love unique area fighters like Arms regardless of who made them
I've been begging for a new Power Stone and Gotcha Force for ages but Capcom hates money

>Splatoon 2
Nah,even it's fan base barely cares

Loved Splatoon, love ARMS and hate Splatoon 2. Honestly shooters or any game with a big multiplayer focus shouldn't have sequels since there is so little you can do except upgrade the graphics. Splatoon 2 was basically Splat1 with a different coat of Ink, including weapons, bosses, modes and even the "2 idols" thing and most of the free content they are giving are lazy reskins of other weapons.

At this point Splatoon 3 will be a make or break for my interest in the franchise, however I still play ARMS regularly and im interested to see what they can improve with the sequel.

I tried ARMS for the first time Friday night. It's alright without joycons. Like a fundamentals fighter. I'd play it over SFV but Pokken is a lot better

Splatoon 2 is fun as shit

>Fan base barely cares
How can you be a fan of something and not care for it? Are you dumb?

roomie has a switch and i dont have to pay a sub fee to play online so i play the fuck out of splatoon because its easy as shit to get into and not having voice chat is a plus when you consider other big name titles like overwatch have voice chat/text chat and even when you block the shit by default you still get stuck with salty retards who report you for lack of communication when all you fucking want to do is wind down and have fun playing vidya.

Thats what splatoon is fun vidya you can wind down with while still playing in a competitive environment

My normalfag friends all have Switch's now to jump on the Breath of the Skyrim hype and they do not even entertain the idea of getting Splatoon when they're asking for good online games on the thing. If it ain't Fifa they don't care.

non nintendo fans are mostly interested in CoD and FIFA and PUBG

so no, they don't

ARMS is just a worse Pokken

I bought a Switch for Splatoon 2. Was interested in the first game, but was NEET and didn't want to spend what little money I had on a WiiU. It's so fun

Arms is trash. Splatoon is actually a good game and I've talked to people who bought a switch just for it. Maybe if an actually unique shooter came out besides it people would care less.

Splatoon 2 really plays differently from the first one. Splatoon 2 has a way more offensive approach while the key of the gameplay in splatoon 1 was defense.

>you either hate Nintendo or you like Nintendo

>I feel like if they weren't made by nintendo no one would talk about them to begin with.
what even is the point of these completely hypothetical scenarios, it's retarded

what are we even supposed to discuss, there's no argumeng to be had it's your arbitrary "feeling", are you a woman?

Nope. Don't even recognize the one on the right.

Who the fuck would categorize themselves as a "non-nintendo fan"? Someone who actively hates Nintendo products? Because I'm an idort and I like both of these games. I own every platform and Arms is easily one of my GOTY contenders. I like Spla2oon but hate the character designs.

But that guy is right. These games have sold over 3 million total. Of course people give a fuck about them, by any metric that is colossal.

They're both garbage, if they haven't died out by now they'll definitely be dead when smash switch is out. At least those games are fun. I don't know what's taking so long, it's like Nintendo thinks,ik gonna break down and buy shovelware to ride over for the only gimmick fighter worth playing.

>using Aura to shitpost
there is a special place in hell for the likes of you

Good point. Gaming since 1998, never owned a Nintendo console, don't care.

its a stupid arguement put both both haters of nintendo and die hard nintendo fans

>like some nintendo titles
>dislike new pokemon
>"hurr durr you dont like pokemon you must retarded or something cause its everyone else likes it"
>"hurr you just hate pokemon cause its nintendo"

You cant win in any discussion when it comes to nintendo

Splatoon is a game that throws third-person shooters on their ear. I love it.

Splatoon 2 is literally the first game in Japan this decade to sell 2 million units, gee, I wonder if people care.

How much playtime can I get out of Splatoon 2? Over 100 hours? Considering buying it since I haven't touched my Switch since Odyssey

>Do any non Nintendo fans like these Nintendo exclusives
i'm going to say no user

>They're both garbage, if they haven't died out by now they'll definitely be dead when smash switch is out. At least those games are fun. I don't know what's taking so long, it's like Nintendo thinks,ik gonna break down and buy shovelware to ride over for the only gimmick fighter worth playing.

Jesus. It's like saying other platformers from Nintendo aren't allowed to exist except Mario. And Smash always takes a while to make.

Did you play the wiiu one? It's the wiiu one again.

Except it isnt they balanced it alot better in this one and actually have a new mode for grinding and getting the coins/ stats shit you need

i'm a nintendo fan and i gave a shit about both, but stopped giving a shit once i actually played them.
splatoon is a bad casual shooter with shit netcode and no freedom to play how you want, literally the games maps and modes are locked behind certain times of day
arms is okay but the netcode is too shit to really enjoy, and it gets really repetitive. the characters aren't nearly as diverse in playstyle as other fighting games.
>in an age of call of duty clones
oh just fuck off already, this was the cool meme ~2010 (despite it being false back then too), but now we have tons of games like dusk, strafe, doom 4, quake champions, wolfenstein 2, overwatch, stillborn and playerbasebreaker, all in 2017 alone, and i could go on. you can argue about the games' quality but they're not cod clones. the only fucking CoDlike to come out last year was CoD itself.

you havent played any real fighters to begin with since smash doesnt count as a real fighter

what in my post makes you think i've only played on nintendo consoles

because thats generally how these discussions run so just shut up and go with it you fucking smash fag

>Do people who don't like Nintendo games care about these two Nintendo games?

I'm going to say no user. Just a wild fucking guess.

>if you are not a fan it means you don't like it

Splatoon is Japanese MLP.

Sup Forums would defend ARMS more if it was a non exclusive non Nintendo game

splatoon yes, arms fuck no. arms is awful.

Is Splat2 really that popular? I hear it's selling well, but it doesn't seem that popular to me

If you like a Nintendo game you are by definition a Nintendo fan.

this week's splatfest had over 2 million unique players

If you seriously think nobody would care about Splatoon if it was on other consoles then you’re a fucking idiot. Splatoon would be an even better game if it had the online features of other systems.

Why do people even like Splatoon? I just don't see the appeal at all.

>like one call of duty game and hate all the others
>I am now a call of duty fan
Fuck off retard. You decide yourself if you consider yourself a fan of something or not.

Do you like shooters?

Yes, but I can't see any appeal in Splatoon. It seems so strange to me.

Its a unique shooter with a lot of creativity

Sup Forums autist talks with normal person:
>hey will you get the new nintendo console
>nah I'm not a nintendo fan
>did you never like any nintendo game?
>I liked punch out for the NES
>HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM? that means you are a nintendo fan after all, what's your real excuse to not get a switch?

Basically its the same shit with pokemon fans
>like old pokemon
>suddenly that means i like all pokemon

it's a mechanically super solid game that is intrinsically fun to play with a very satisfying core loop that's both accessible and relatively deep

it also has a pretty unique world that is at the same time nostalgic and fashionable with some of the most bizarre, varied ost on the market

finally the regular free updates, constant balance patches and online events make the game always feel active and evolving, which helps to maintain interest

is a gud gaem

I guess? It just feels like the special ink weapons are reskinned guns. It just seems like a giant gimmick game that would get boring after an hour. It doesn't help that I find it very ugly to look at, but that is personal opinion so it doesnt count much. Most shooter games I know get free updates and such. But it seems like all the updates here is just recycled content.

I dunno, it's just a shooter with area control paint. It's not very complicated to understand, and that simplicity makes it easy to just turn your mind off and play, unless you're at a high level. Keep in mind that the whole game isn't just Turf War where you only have to paint. Unless it's just the aesthetic, which is just something you like or you don't.


>It just feels like the special ink weapons are reskinned guns.
what the fuck are you talking about

>complaining about games you've never played

One is like a sniper rifle, the bucket one is like a shotgun, the smg one, a melee weapon in the roller thing. They are just reskinned other weapons from things. Maybe I didn't play or watch enough, but they didn't seem very unique to me. Just the same weapons that are in other games with a different coat of paint on them. They aren't anything new or unique. Again I could be wrong.

I have played it though. Where did I say I hadn't? Not for very long, but I didn't see or feel an urge to ever pick it up again. I guess I am just curious as to why it is so popular.

>I like this game
>you must be a nintendo fan! you don't count

>the bucket one is like a shotgun
The umbrellas are shotguns.

>the bucket one is like a shotgun
it's nothing like a shotgun

closest thing to a shotgun would be the umbrella, and even there the comparison doesn't really work because it's a shotgun with a shield and sub/special weapons that consist of a lawn sprinkler and a rain cloud

splatoon yes
arms no

Well, what do you want out of a shooter? It's pretty unique with what it is

I'm a Nintendo fan and 2bh not even I give a fuck about either

"Do non-Nintendo fans care about games they aren't fans of on consoles they don't like/have?"

Gee whiz, OP, I have no idea.

They're both pretty cute

I never ubderstood why everything nintendo related gets stapled as “gimmicky.” Not just that but why is gimmick always automatically a bad thing?

Splatoon 2 was the best shooter released last year, so. ARMS is cool too for the neat waggle controls

Only fans of Splatoon 2 like the game, did you ever notice that?

in a way, it's true, but it simply is a pejorative way to describe nintendo's way of making games: most of their games are built upon a central gameplay mechanic like shooting ink and turning into a squid to swim through it, or telescopic arms

this is of course a good thing, but if you're a shitposter obviously you'll call it a gimmick in an attempt to devaluate it

>Splatoon 2 was the best shooter released last year
I'm so fucking tired of this shit. Every Nintendo game is always the best ever and shit like that. Always this immense fucking idealization of nintendo fans. You guys should be banned from Sup Forums.

>Always this immense fucking idealization of nintendo fans. You guys should be banned from Sup Forums.
But you JUST admitted
>Every Nintendo game is always the best ever

The only issue with Pokken is the shitty field phase. You get locked into a shitty, no-combo, no-variety moveset and have to dance around like a faggot before someone Phase Shifts back into the fun.

ARMS is like field phase, but all the time, so it's objectively worse.

Name 1 (one) better shooter from last year

Rainbow Six Siege got good last year.


ARMS is nothing like Pokken field phase, they only thing those 2 share is the non-existentes combos, and even then you can make something of a combo in Arms since you can stun, freeze or paralyze your opponent with one punch and Hurt with a heavyhitter arm or Fire/Explosion elemental with the second punch. Not mentioning that ARMS has more approach options than the phase field of Pokken.

>last year

Learn 2 field phase combo

>non-existentes combos
Please educate yourself

I dont get why people do this. Like you complain about how retarded nintendo fans are and then your argument is to post something completely retarded like two games that didnt even come out last year. I get it if youre pretending to be retarded just to troll nintendo fans but really objecively looking at this you essentially argue all your points by basically saying "nintendo fans are retarded because Im retarded".

>Does a single non Nintendo fan care about a Nintendo exclusive????
You're retarded.

Sorry user, I dropped Pokken when it came out on Wii U and I didn't remember this stuff, which makes me feel even more like shit since I was really good at combos with Chandelure now that I think about it.