Good artist

>good artist
>can't get good at programming
>will never get to make my game

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draw comics bruh

You can learn enough to make the game you want. It'll just require a lot of time and energy, but it's certainly doable.

There's more resources available now than ever.

I'm too dumb, it makes no sense no matter how long I try.

how long have you tried?

>being a little bitch that can't understand if statements

Eight months.

Just draw degenerate furry porn and rake in the Paytreon bucks you dumb fuck.

>claims to be good artist
>posts frog instead of concept art

I'm not buying it


Its not that hard op

Mindset is the first thing to tackle, if you're giving up on yourself already. Stop whatever it is you're doing and make some changes in your life.

Set up a patreon account and draw furry porn
You will drown in cash

How much time should I waste until I accept I can't do it?

You're a bad artist get real.

There are plenty of people who are good at programming that would give an arm to have a good artist.
Don't waste time trying to learn to program, use it to search for a project you can collaborate with.

Get someone else to program it. Be an "ideas guy" a.k.a a producer.

How did this picture become a meme

What's the best engine/language for beginners?


thanks user

is that eight months of applied effort or eight months of giving up before you've even started?

why not team up with someone who can program or pay for a programmer? I'm a programmer using unity and plan on just commissioning art that I can't do myself.

How can you be bad at programming? Most of it's just having basic math skill.

no it's not

Learning to draw is harder than learning to program. Also, shitty art is a lot more noticeable than shitty programming.

Programming is easier to pick up than the artistic side of things, consider yourself lucky.

Get some money and hire a programmer, you will have to hire someone at least to compose a soundtrack anyway, just get more money to afford hiring one more person. Also, can you write decently? Sure, there are kinds of games where story isn't much important but most of the time it is for a game, specially nowadays.

make an rpg maker game or a visual novel, these requires very little coding

>know how to program
>try to make art and music for my small practice game projects
>it all sucks
anyone know a good free way to learn music theory?

learning to do music yourself is a waste of time, there's a million musicians who would work for free just to get their name out there

at this point if i were to make an actual game, yeah i would absolutely go the route of enlisting a musician, but i'm only working on small projects to get better at programming. so if i'm practicing programming with them, i figure i may as well practice art and music with them too.

that doesn't even make sense, why spread yourself thin learning a skill you dont even need

for fun
i just like learning

I wonder how much creative return you can expect out of game and whether it is worth it in proportion to the ungodly amount of work and man hour you need to put into it

I would rather make a fucking movie

you have a much higher chance earning something decent from an indie game than an indie movie

Fucking this. It feels like programming talent and artistic talent are too different and you can't have both.

Programming is logical and art is expressive. When you exercise one you're moving away from the other.

OP you're a faggot.

It's really easy for an artist to get a job in this industry.
Don't bother learning programming.
You can find a student to program for you cheaply and you can try to make a short game.

Syntax is easy, actually building a game with code isn't. I can never find an online tutorial that actually covers step by step code building of a game with multiple stages, cinematics, how transitions are even handled, efficient trash disposal techniques, etc. It's always just steps to install a template and then figure out the structure from there.

I have both, but I'm better at programming than art

that sounds easy yet unfulfilling

those are the things you have to figure out for yourself
that's what seperates a programmer from a code monkey, your problem solving ability

This is the main thing holding back vidya as a medium compared to books and film. Anyone with a basic education can write or point a camera and shoot, the barrier of entry is so high for vidya that most never have a chance to try it.

>the barrier of entry is so high for vidya that most never have a chance to try it.
have you looked at the steam store any time in the last 5 years?

the concept of a save file hurts my brain

not that guy, but i honestly can reverse-engineer most of the stuff i see in games into code structure in my mind, i just have no idea if it's the most efficient way to do those things.

honestly, if i ever get into game development, the first thing i want to do is look at source codes of other games and see how they do them

The two aren't mutually exclusive, and there's no reason one can't be used to benefit the other. Architecture, for example, has a very necessary logical side to it, but that doesn't mean you can't be expressive in a building's design.

Why not become an concept artist for gaming studio?

problems like level transitions and cinematics don't have a single solution, that's why there's no tutorial, it's an open ended problem and the best answer is going to be context specific for your game

Drawing is best skill because programming a fucking easy skill to learn, this isn't even considering most engines almaoe the process even easier. Count yourself thankful you stupid frogposter

Don't worry, you're probably a shit artist anyway.

>there's a million musicians who would work for free just to get their name out there
Shit musicians. Every decent freelance artist knows that "I'll pay you in exposure/experience/not in money" is a huge red flag.

>decent artist and good programmer
>solely get vidya inspiration from good music
>can’t make music worth a shit, too overwhelmed with copyright shit, royalty free music is garbage


I've made several games using only the labour of free musicians, and they weren't even shit, but if you're an amateur gamedev it's not like you have room to be picky

>be really talented except at music
>have a game coming out in the next 3 months
>already 800 wishlist entries on Steam

feels good brahs, good practicing

he's just funny lookin', you know?

>Bad artist
>Good at programming
>Making my own game

Post some more art OP.
What kind of game do you want to make?

>another degenerate no-effort porn game
just delete your post

No I really don't know

I want to make a renpy VN based on fem tf2 characters but I dont know how to program and my arts in pic related.

Still better than pixel art.

Pretty sure software to make VNs exist and doesn't require any knowledge of programming... unless you want to make one of those VNs that also has gameplay in it in addition to the VN part.

I thought you said game

Where to find them if I am socially retarded ?

any gamedev site
realistically your chances of finding someone to pair who will work for free are quite low though


How hard can it be to program a VN? All you're doing is displaying images, printing dialog, and maybe... *MAYBE* tracking a few variables.

>that left hand
>that gun
Needs some work bruh

>my game
There is your problem.
P.s. it is the same problem programmers have.

the square head mostly

I'm not able to problem solve. I just like memorising things. I hate when things deviate from what I've memorised.

congrats on the autism then

Any of your excited for Dreams?

That's why I went back to college this year to study Medical Biology. All I have to do is memorise lots of things. I never actually need to understand anything like I did when I was doing Programming.

Alright I'll take that

Well that makes me worried. You sound like the type who will stick to their mistakes rather than looking to correct themselves.

he probably won't be much worse than all the chinese or indian doctors who went to medical school because their parents made them

I just like to follow steps and guidelines. So I like the labs we do because everything is in the lab book. Step 1 do this, step 2 do that and so on. I never really need to think. I just follow the steps and protocols.

I'll say, being an artist is already dumb choice. artfag himself.