Question for non native English speakers

Do you prefer the English version over the version in your language yes or number?

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I almost always play games in English. I know Japanese and play some games in that, especially VNs. For gameplay focused games (ie. little story/text) I often just go with an English interface / Japanese voices version, because I can read English faster and it doesn't slow down the gameplay that much.

The only game I played in my native language, Hungarian, was The Witcher 1. I actually preferred the dubs to the original, I could compare them when playing TW2 in English. Most people around here suck at English so every single movie is dubbed and thus we have a lot of talented voice actors doing dubs. Few games are dubbed, but sometimes you can find a gem like with Wither that's dubbed by talented people and ends up being a great localization.

I used to play them on my native language, but over the last 10 years the latinamerican dubs (and subs) have become shittier and shittier

I always play the original like the developers intended. Knowing English and Japanese is enough to enjoy virtually all videogames worth a shit.

Italian here. Personally, it ultimately depends on the games themselves and the franchises they're tied to.
Some games here get localization only in text, others even with the voice acting; some of them i prefer with the full localization, like Dante's Inferno, Vanquish or inFamous, others i prefer using the english language, like the Prince of Persia titles.
It's a judgment i give from game to game, ultimately. It's a shame not everything gets at least the text translation like the first NieR or the majority of the Star Ocean games, but i understand that localization costs can be annoying, and knowing english i can live with that.

Btw, loved how Bamco treated Claudio in Tekken 7, it's the first time an italian character is portrayed in a fighting game without relying on stereotypes, and the voice fits just right.

Number desu

I can play games in English without problems.
But if a game has been translated in my language, those are big bonus points for me.
If the game is even dubbed in language, it's a must buy for me.

Wat de kanker is nou weer "NR"?

>yes or number

Negro, our localizations (both audio and text) are atrocious.

Depends on the game.

Nintendo stuf like Zelda BOTW for example and also titles like Layton, basically most games that Nintendo of Europe has a hand in for the localization have a pretty great German dub and translation that I always prefer.

When it comes to non Nintendo stuff, not so much. Sometimes even absolutely abysmal. And even if the dub/translation is better, I often play it in english just so I dont have to figure out what items/missions/etc are in english before posting about it on Sup Forums. But as said, when it comes to stuff that NoE is doing, I mostly prefer their take.

Fuck you

I speak English natively and always prefer to hear the English version you roodypoo

Usually I prefer original language. With subs if it isn't english.
Some time ago we got quite a few quality voice acting in italian, but nobody does those anymore, so it's not like I have a choice.

No vertaald naar nr i.p.v. nee.

If it exists, i like to use it just for fun, but of course there are some cases that make me question the entire translation.

>playing bloodborne
>checking emotes
>they translated "wave" like it's some kind of ocean wave.

Still, would pay out of the ass to get PT-PT dub dlc for FighterZ:

English, usually.

Ja dat snap ik maar hoe komen ze bij nr? Dacht google translate dat No Number betekent en dat ie dat Nr als in Nummer heeft gemaakt?

user, maybe your don't understand Dutch so let me explain. The screenshot in the op is supposed to have 2 options, yes and no, but no got mistranslated to nr (as in short for number), so I made a joke about it.

>tfw the subhumans in my country prefer English over our native language
>no one even bothered translating video games aside from some autists making unofficial translations only 5 people use
I prefer playing in my native language over English but what can I possibly do? I just have to settle with it.

As someone who's first language is Japanese. Yes I do normally prefer to play in English. It is why I'm always confused when people say the Japanese dubbing of a game is better then English, when I almost always prefer English. Most of the time they seem to have more realistic emotions than the Japanese counterpart.
Sometimes it isn't better at all, but sometimes it is so much it really amazes me.

Italian here.
I play games in English because all guides and communities use English names for items, weapons, skills and everything that has a name.

>inb4 just translate to Italian
Most of the times names have similar meaning but different words, making it harder to search what I needed if I were playing Italian.
i.e. Ghost Factory in XCX is called Illusione Spettrale(Spectral Illusion), so I wouldn't find anything searching for what's between parenthesis.


I always play in english because some people still think south american spanish is the same as the european version.

Nobody ever preferred Dutch.

>google thranslate
No, this is the demo of mighty gunvolt burst on the switch, this is an official translation. For those who ant to try, the game has a separate option for langue so you don't have to change the system langue.

Come ho detto, dipende. Per cose come Bloodborne (in cui il doppiaggio non è necessario) o Salt and Sanctuary (dove il testo è stato tradotto con Google Translate) posso anche capire, ma essere così radicali sul comparto di localizzazione mi sembra esagerato.
Solo perché abbiamo avuto cose come Gabriel Garko in Spirito Guerriero non significa che i doppiaggi siano di merda automaticamente. Io i titoli di Batman non riuscirei mai a giocarli in inglese, ad esempio. Poi per carità, i primi titoli per PlayStation come Metal Gear Solid o le serie di Crash e Spyro erano anche atroci da ascoltare, ma col tempo la qualità è migliorata; ho già menzionato Dante's Inferno, in cui i versi della Divina Commedia funzionano meglio in lingua italiana.
Sul lato del testo abbiamo cose come svariati titoli di Final Fantasy in cui la localizzazione italiana corregge le svarionate fatte dagli americani sulle traduzioni (il nome di Artemisia, diversi nomi di equipaggiamento e mostri come il Dahaka di FFIX). Ultimamente hanno pisciato fuori dalla tazza traducendo la Buster Sword di Cloud e le sue tecniche con nomi orribili, ma per una buona percentuale le traduzioni hanno avuto cura.

I'm amerimutt and even I know that South American English is called Portuguese and it's slightly different.

...that's not what he was talking about

And this is why all my electronic devices are on English.

So are mine, but for some reason my Netflix keeps defaulting to German. I do not live in Germany. I have never been to Germany. I am a burger, though my last name is German. Why the fuck German?

I would fucking hope the Italian localization of Dante's Inferno would be top-notch

Im dutch and Ive consumed so much american media reading dutch in fiction is immersion breaking

Was assassins creed 2 in italian? And was it good?

Dutch translations have often the same problem, officially there's only one Dutch, but in practice there's Netherlands Dutch and Belgian Dutch (aka Flemish). And a lot of Dutch translations have words only used in the Netherlands. By playing the mighty gunvolt burst demo I noticed the word "gozer" which is never used in Flanders (and also sound cringy to me. Other words Dutch translates seem to forget is only used in the Netherlands are "asjemenouw" and "jeetje".

Fun fact: some movies even get a seperate Dutch and Flemish dubs, despite our country being very small.

It's rare enough to have the option that if it's possible, I'll use my native language.
It's an interesting experience to play something like Far Cry 4 with finnish subtitles when most games don't let me do that. Quite like it though.

They don't make dubs in the language I was brought up with. Not that anyone speaks it anyways.

I play every game on english because A. Most games don't have a translation to my natlang and B. If they do happen to have a translation, it's cringy and dumb as fuck
t. fingol

Spanish here. Usually, if the game is guide-heavy, like monster hunter, I play in English, I want to know what monster part I want and all that.
But I have been playing in English everything these last months, because I'm not that fluent at writing and speaking it yet.

I play them in English or Japanese. My Japanese is still very rusty, but I'm getting somewhere.

All the Assassin's Creed games have recieved full localization, but i've never personally tried them, only saw some cutscenes here and there occasionally. From what i've seen it's decent, they used some local accents for the specific cities present in II and Brotherhood.

English voice works tend to be incredibly lame, forced-sounding and overall inappropiate. I place half of the blame on the simplicity and dullness of the English language and the other half on poor voice actors and directors. There are exceptions, of course, like TF2, which has superb voice acting with memorable characters, but cases like this are extremely rare.


I consume more than enough English entertainment, so on the rare occasions the opportunity arises, I play the Finnish translation. Very few games are translated though: some Ubisoft games, Rollercoaster Tycoon 3, Valve games and, oddly enough, The Long Dark.

I love wrong translations. Do you have any more examples?

As a Frenchfag, i prefers to play my games in English. The only time I'll play vidya in French is if the game was made in French first.

Sorry, no. I just tried this demo today and made a screenshot.

Just like movies, I prefer them in their original language.
Still haven't had the guts to learn nip though

Do you play Japanese games in English or your native langue?

yes, because its easier to find guides for everything in English, I'm not just talking about games but for example software on PC as well, I have everything in English, makes troubleshooting stuff lots easier as there are usually tons of guides forums etc

This is true. Makes me wonder why they put in the effort to translate everything to dutch more and more. Not just vidya but cartoons and shit as well. It's pure cancer.

Hoe bad could it b-

Texts: English
Voices: From the country they came (eg. Bioshock English and Persona Jap)

Also as a fun fact, my native is Spanish and I don't understand shit about Pokémon in Spanish.

I just go with english because it's easier to find information for items and shit online

Sometimes when a game's English dubbing is bad enough (desu the only example of this I can plainly think of is Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon), I just switch it to its original language and it usually improves on quality. I'd do this with Metro if I knew Russian but my compulsive eavesdropping can't stand the fact I can't understand what those side conversations in Russian are even talking about -- they're usually not subtitled.

I didn't know there was a dubbing industry in Hungarian much. I guess it declined in recent years. What other games have good Hungarian dubbing?

I can't speak for a lot of people but the anime English dubbing industry is complete shite and it seems to carry over in a lot of games with anime themes and shit. Though I mean Zelda and MGS both have good English dubbing.

Someone is hacking into your account

I remember trying Dishonored in its French dub and it was terrible.

What language, specifically?

English. It got to a point where I can barely take my own language seriously.

>Translation of something
Always a bad idea
>Japanese game
>Translation of a translation
Also shitty dub
Games in French never again

this,i've been writing and reading shit in english for 90% of my life by now

Atleast you get cool Pokémon names

Poor souls.

I fortunately don't need subs for anime/TLs for games anymore, but I preferred English subs over subs in my language.

The foreign language makes it more difficult to fully realize what kind of nonsense is regularly said. Reading that shit in your native tongue makes you feel bad.

I always switch to English unless I'm playing a game that I played when I was a kid and I'm trying to recapture the nostalgia.

I prefer playing Dragon Ball games in English instead of Japanese.


I did kinda like the Avatar cartoon in Dutch. I mean I can get a Dutch dub for kids television. But video games for teenagers and adults? Teens and adults in Netherlands can read subs or even full on English.

I respect Masako Nozawa's work, she's a great actress and has a peculiar voice, but hearing the 40-year-old Goku with the same voice he had as a child is irritating.

Sean Schemmel doesn't sound bad.
Christopher Sabat is good, too.

what the fuck is a Amp Ass Ningen

English everytime, unless the game was written in my native language which rarely happens.

I try to play all games in their native language, but when that is not possible I choose English since that usually has the best translation.

passen is dutch for fitting (clothes). Aan=on. So its something like "fitting onto (something)".

>mishearing an "n" for an "m"

Those characters are like one of the few phonetic constants in European languages.

On the topic of localisation, nothing is more annoying than talking to someone about a game you both played in different languages. Whether it is playing a game in your native language and trying to understand what people online are talking about, or playing the game in English and having a friend referring to things by the localised name and having everything sound wrong and stupid.

I usually prefer to play games in my own language (German).
If the voiceacting is not good or the game is not available in german, I don't mind playing the english version.

Always the original voices, text original if I can understand it.
I'm Polish, so I play our games in Polish, but all other vidya with English text and English/Japanese/Russian/etc voices, depending on what's considered the original.

>sexy female woman talking german

>female woman

well if it has a dick and speaks german its allright

Halo 4 actually had Finnish subtitles for the campaign. As the only game in the series. Ends up being kind of amusing when you're used to everything being i English.

I allow go English, it bothers me when I need to change INI files to do it.

>I'd do this with Metro if I knew Russian but my compulsive eavesdropping can't stand the fact I can't understand what those side conversations in Russian are even talking about -- they're usually not subtitled.
The way I did it was I played the level first in Russian, without understanding everything, and then I'd play it in English to hear the side dialogue. But they really should subtitle that shit.

Listening to a game on your own language can be so bizzare, and you can never be certain that's how the devs meant it.
Also back in the old days, no matter what stupid or embarassing shit they said in the game, I never had to worry about it being awkward to my parents since it was in english

My nigga
Witcher 1 was a good exemption for being polish originally, so might as well enjoy it in your native language unless you know polish

playing witcher in polish must be neat. even though CDPR put a lot of work into the English dub.

And by "allow", I mean "always"

English to avoid tl mistakes (if it's an US game ofc). Also gives a sens of cultural distance to make stuff less cringeworthy.

On a related note, once you start playing or watching something in one language, you can never ever go back. It will forever sound wrong in every other language. I tried to watch old dragonball episodes in English recently and it was an awful experience.

French here. I actually learned english because I couldn't stand french dubs anymore. Most french actors sound deadpan and I don't like the tone french language brings with it. My biggest french pet peeve is with "tu" (singular you) used as a pronoun, they never use it in a wrong way but there's something about it that irks me when hearing it in dubbed media, it sound off and like they should use something else that doesn't exist in french. I have other things about french dubs that bothers me but this one just pisses me off.

BR here. A few games have been poppimg up with dubs over here, most notably the AAA casual magnets like fifa, but I noticed that even bloodborne was getting dubbed. Thing is: our country’s dubs are almost always bloody awful with the dubbing team barely ever giving a rat’s ass about a character or how they originally sounded like, instead just using their regular speaking voice and tone for everything. It’s infuriating

French here. I always play the french version when there is one. Otherwise, english. If there is dubs, I generally try to select the original one, whatever it is. If the french dubs are really cool, I'll go with it though.

My last big experience was BotW where some characters have great french voices (Urbosa, Daruk), whereas others have one so bad it's literally laughable. I swear I couldn't bear Revali's one.

>I remember trying Dishonored in its French dub and it was terrible.
I was dubbed in english first, then in French after. Ubisoft does this too on big international productions like the Assassin Creed games

Always English
I spent so much time writing and reading shit in English on the internetz that my own language sounds silly when I read it, be it on the web or vidya

I prefer English. Just looks odd, otherwise.


Games rarely get translated to Danish. And if they do the game is rubbish and so is the translation.

Russian here, only games I play in Russian are Witcher, Metro and Stalker
It's rare to find a good russian dub desu

Het probleem met Nederlands is dat het Hollands is. Klinkt gewoon niet juist als Vlaming.

I never play games in french. French sounds terrible.

Gaeilge. Munster dialect. Grew up in Baile Mhic Íre.

Japanese dub with english subs for weeb games.
English dub with english subs when there is no better option. Latin dubs are god tier for anime and movies but for vidya are usually bad or decent at best. There are some god tier vidya latin dubs like Gears of War or BotW but those are mostly an exception.

Indo here, game devs dont care enough about us to actually dub games in our language

Don't you guys have like ten languages, anyway? No wonder they don't want to bother.

I use my country language if the devs are from my country. But most games from France are shit anyway.
Norwegian if it's a game made in Norway
I play the rest in English
For the dub I only use the original dub

Carrément faux, c'est super beau le français

Dependsof the quality of the localisation

Je suis juste trop habitué à l'anglais, le français sa sonne juste pas correct.