Why does this game trigger so many losers?
Why does this game trigger so many losers?
What are you talking about? Overwatch is a great party game.
Voice chat.
Overwatch triggers TF2 babies and League triggers dotards, all because those games are much popular and mainstream while the ones they play are dying and getting jewed to the maximum by Valve.
Overwatch is the Super Smash Bros of shooters. Its fine to play and have fun with your friends, but you need to stop getting so upset when people don't think its deep
>Be high-elo
>Some Mercy faggot white male on voice chat
>"Like, SERIOUSLY gonna be SOO done like if we lose???"
I could seriously hear his hand limp. I wanted to just punch his face.
No idea, it's fun. Had me a pretty good kill last night.
>aim at general direction of enemy
>press Q
Wow what a skilled play
What happened to the word skillshots? That was perfectly calculated. A lot of newbs misuse a lot of ability based attacks. There was no auto-aiming or insta kills. Their opponents were fucking retarded not knowing her ult was ready.
The timing was good. Their only shield was Orisa who just dropped it, they were clustered in a spot with few hiding options, and it was thrown from far enough back that they would have less time to react.
It's not some ungodly show of skill but it shows enough calculation to be a smart play.
>pressing Q while aiming in a general direction is skill now in the year 2018
I want to cum inside D.Va
Any play that isn't utterly retarded passes as skilled in the Overwatch community
Sometimes i just hate this game.
>Implying throwing a grenade isn't the same
So WoW is not skill based
Dota 2 is not skill based
For simply pressing a button
You guys are fucking retarded.
>Overwatch players don't know the difference between throwing a grenade and using an ult
Really makes you think
Because Sup Forums likes twitch shooters that are 100% reflex based like Quake and Tribes. Overwatch is less about your mechanical skills and more about decision making and planning. Zoning people off an area you want, forcing people to use ults before they were ready, stuff like that.
One you press Q and the other you press G. I know the difference.
>Every single play of the game is either D.Va just running at the point and pressing Q, Junkrat killing two people with a rip-tire, or some half-baked thing where Bastion mows down a few people without using his ult
Wow the skill
>Because Sup Forums likes twitch shooters that are 100% reflex based like Quake and Tribes.
I don't believe this meme. 90% of Sup Forums are Contrarians and only praise these games because they're classics. And they're off to play some shit Destiny 2 game or something. They never play it. They just say shit like, "Oh man I wish we had these classic games!" And never play it.
It is true that it is hard to separate what Sup Forums actually likes and "Sup Forums The Character" who mostly shitposts.
The simple answer is Overwatch is popular so that is why "Sup Forums" says they don't like it.
Sup Forums likes plenty of popular things. You're just trying to deflect the genuine criticisms of the game
Because you will always be nothing but a total faggot with no taste or self respect.
popularity, just like always
Because it's a team based game and most people here are anti-social jerks.
Because it's a game for losers
Don't you ever fucking imply I would play junkshitter again.
>casual game
>Sup Forums is too casual to even understand why that play was good
>makes fun of it
My main gripe with ow is the lack of content outside playing against others. Fun with friends after taking breaks once in a while, but I could never play it everyday.
Well there's only so much content you can have in an FPS. The arcade adds some fun rotating modes and you can make custom games with different rules so that helps a bit.
That's the only real point of an FPS though unless you want a horde mode or something.
Boring. Maybe Reddit will be impressed.