This board is an absolute dump, where can I go to talk about video games and not milkies, homosexuality, and soy?

This board is an absolute dump, where can I go to talk about video games and not milkies, homosexuality, and soy?

None of my video game threads ever get any replies.

Unironically Resetera. I make a video game thread there and actually get replies, you just have to avoid the SJW generals that get hundreds of posts.

I've been coming to Sup Forums since 2006 and I only shitpost now.

But I want to discuss anonymously so I can talk about loli games.

>there memes making fun of pcfags, sonyfags and xboxfags, they all deal with the banter
>when a meme about nintenbros appear they start crying like little bitches they are, saying they can't take it anymore and wanna die

My avatar on there is a loli, no one gives a shit unless you actively go to the SJW threads.

>he does not know.

Can I talk about how much I want to sniff their panties?

if you make a thread specifically for the game, yes

You can go to eight chan.

t. soyboy

LUL I would rather die than to go to a SJW infested shithole.

You mean dead chan?

>Unironically Resetera. I make a video game thread there and actually get replies, you just have to avoid the SJW generals that get hundreds of posts.

You also have to make sure your game and the thread don't have even a whisper or namedrop of something on the Wrong Side of History* or people dogpile the thread to grandstand and generally go "heh, gamers"

*You generally won't know what is considered to be on the Wrong Side of History until a forum member tells you after the fact


The people on resetERA actually play games. Lots of oldfags too. Go to a OT thread of your game of choice and you'll have intelligent debate.

I'm getting SICK of eceleb drama or politics.

FUCK the mods


I thought you wanted to talk about videogames

Threads derailing into shit the moment politics are mentioned?
Holy shit that never happens anywhere

as of late that place seems more active than here believe it or not. Also the conversation is more focused on gaming rather than 99% shitposting like here.

I do, but that's a measure of SJW tolerance

"It happens elsewhere so that makes it OK" isn't a great rebuttal particularly given the pedigree of ResetEra

I'm sorry user but it's part of the process of making this place better. Sup Forums will become so bad that no one will come here. Then we can start again.

resetera and /vg/ are 1000x better.


/vg/ I suppose

Where can i talk about videogames without fucking animeposters everywhere

make better threads. literally just use cute girls in the op

8 chan dot net

>google it
>see a Disgaea thread
>'s probably de-
>was posted today, 42 posts, last post wasn't even 2 hours ago
>try to join
>both Gmail and Ymail are banned from making an account
What even email am I supposed to use?
I don't think you need to be an SJW to get annoyed my horny loliposters in there where you're actually trying to discuss vidya.

it happens, HERE. in fact it happens incessantly, here. that was the point being made

Reddit, where you belong.

>I'm getting SICK of eceleb drama or politics.
You think Cuckera is different? They are the polar opposite of Sup Forums.