Why haven't you gotten your dream job in the video game industry Sup Forums? Do you not want to be happy?

Why haven't you gotten your dream job in the video game industry Sup Forums? Do you not want to be happy?

Fear of the unknown.

my dream job is teaching though, and thats what i do

Less of an industry, more like a meat grinder.

Really my only asset is my voice but I'm not a trained voice actor.

Because I don't want to work in the videogame industry OP.

I was terrible at math and sciences in hs/college so I became an accountant

zenimax is hiring for AP/AR to in their Maryland Rockville office. Should I apply?

I do not want to work in the video game industry. I can't code nor do I have any creative talent.


build a career elsewhere and transfer to a senior role or don't bother

even if you're one of those masochists who ends up enjoying the meat grinder, the job instability will eventually eat you

My major is accounting too. Do you plan on becoming a CPA?

I’m already a CPA, not gonna lie the exams were brutal

I work for an engineering consulting firm in a senior accounting position, so I feel now is a good time to pivot my career into a different industry

>I can't code nor do I have any creative talent.
you can always learn user. apply to full sail university or digipen

I'm only working on my undergrad right now. Any tips? There's so many options in accounting. Tax seems like safest, but the most boring. I'd like to get into some sort of analyst role, eventually.

I got my dream job, being alandlord and collecting rents
And I still want to kill myself

I have no ambition and have a very low tier STEM job, which is good enough for me. I see no reason to start on another education.

tax is safest but it's also the most tedious bullshit imaginable. Do you want to do personal tax or corporate tax? Both are absolute misery imo, you literally have to pour over tax literature and code until you know that shit like the back of your hand. Also with the tax reform coming up, I'm not sure whatever undergrad tax classes you took/take will be helpful (it'll still be required tho, fuck degrees man)

my best advice for you is get yourself a junior accounting position as soon as you graduate. Specializing is fine but it doesn't mean anything unless you actually know what you wanna specialize in. Going into the trenches and doing bullshit AP/AR/coding/tax filings/year end reports/grunt work is the best thing you could do as someone starting their career. You want to have a broad overview and understanding of attestation services and stuff.

Seriously if you're still in college, work on getting internship experience over the summer/school year. That's the other big thing that will help you tremendously. I didn't get any internships done cuz I was lazy and it hurt me a lot when I was looking for my first job

in a high school?

>working in the video game industry
I only seem to hear complaints about it

Because I was not accepted in Animation 2D/3D in Quebec or Montreal city when I was in HS in 2009 and then later in 2012 and I lost interest or any kind of dreams since then.

Thanks for the help. I appreciate it.

>dream job in the video game industry Sup Forums?
my dream job is in the culinary industry

>Thought I got my dream job out of uni as an analyst with a decent career path ahead of me
>Fucked it all up
>Quit after a month

Pass me a helium tank lads its my only option now

A dream job is to be not working. Con other people into making video games for you.

>friend has a masters
>his only option was to work minimum wage as an analyst because no corporation hires anybody for a decent wage anymore

Sounds like you're not missing out much

How did all those years of studying the shit not give you a clue that you didn't like it?

what kind of analyst
>quit after a month
you quit uni? autism, lazy fuck or what?

I already have. I'm a game designer in a big studio. I do popups and shit.

Why don't you simply analyze your situation and find a better alternative

I don't think working in the modern video game industry would make me happy with all of those SWJs around. Besides the only place to work for vidya in Quebec province its either for Ubishit or Bioware.

We can't all be Kojima.

I knew I wanted to have nothing to do with the game industry yers back when I started uni, and I still don't. Doing my master's now, in information security.

Because gaming is oversaturated and too risky, even wagecucking is less stressful

Making games is not my dream job. Being a psychologist is. But I'll never get to be one because its too hard to get a decent job. So instead I just work in Software dev and stay depressed.

>full time job

we get more and more fucked each year

Cause I discovered board games allow for more flexibility, feedback, and personal joy. So I built a board game cafe and live the dream of drinking coffee and playing games all day

I'm currently working in Pharma industry as a Microbiology analyst. Thinking about going back to college for Accounting. Bad or good idea?

because i don't want to live in canada

I'm currently a programmer in the vidya industry though. But my dream job is more about game design, I just took the easy way in, since computer science and engineering in general employs way more.
Slowly getting more GD tasks, but I'm ok with my current job anyway.

Living the dream user, board games are hella cool!

I tried to do concept design for 8 years, even went to Art Center College of Design (easily the best school in the U.S. for concept work) and still failed. Several of my colleagues went to Blizzard/Pixar/Dreamworks/Arena Net/Riot. I feel like killing myself. I couldn't even make it into a Barbie game studio and had 100+ rejections.

What subject are you teaching? I'm working on my credential right now.

Bad idea. If you do ever go get your MBA, it should be concentrated on Finance.


>Still thinks it's 2017

I wanted to be a lawyer putting criminals away in prison but too hard to get a proper law job these days so just went into software dev despite the fact I hate this shit.

I'm a writer. I have no idea how these people get hired onto teams, but I'm pretty sure the corporate environment is largely inbred, so I have no real hope of entering such a competitive position.

The master has failed more times than the novice has attempted.

Same. elementary tho

Really? I always thought Finance was like a degree for people too dumb to do accounting or something? (I come from a science background so I'm probably wrong)

Maybe it's just me, but Accounting is overall piss easy.
Avoid personal tax because it's useless, as you will learn it through corporate tax anyway. You can actually master it in a few days, the rest is just going over examples and referencing law. Either way you'll be spending most of your time solving examples, which can be quite tedious due to the handwritten requirement. I skipped most of the classes and at the end I graduated with only like 120 hours. It was such a breeze.

I get it, but there were students way worse than me that surpassed in 3 years what I did in 8. I worked 8-12 hours a day too, pretty relentlessly. Talent + hardwork ALWAYS beats out hardwork, there's not enough room in the entertainment industry for hardwork alone. There's like 3-4 concept jobs posted in the entire country a week and several thousands applying per job.

Plus each job wants a specific style in a portfolio so chances go even further down....

Art is a really competitive scene, work on your portfolio all the time and try any opportunity you get until you're satisfied I suppose, sorry user...

From what I know, most writers in the industry are freelancers who work for multiple companies until they get enough popularity to get a full time job, not an easy task I suppose.

working in the video game industry is probably awful
not that I know what I want to do anyway
>friends are all in majors or graduating and you flunked out

I heard the professional exams are super difficult though? Like the college work is easy but the exams you have to do after are really hard?

Only shitty programmers work on video games. The good ones join proper companies.

Born in the wrong state, and I keep hearing that it's a bad work environment. Unstable hours with big crunch times and no job security. They get away with treating their employees like shit because they're just happy to be making videogames. Maybe we need a union like the film industry has.

>start CS degree to develop Vidya
>end up in web and mobile software Development

How do i even get into Vidya dev?


I honestly don't get why people pursue teaching as a career
It seems like such a shitty deal
In America at least

Good holidays?

Because making games is actual torture unless you're autistic and capable enough to work on a game by yourself in your free time.

is that dolphin fucking dead wtf is it staring like that for jesus

>dream job

>no money
>fired at the end of making a game you have no input in, designed by committee for casuals and retards

hahaha, fuck off, that shit is a meme.

Work in education instead.

>easy as fuck
>get paid as much or more than most game devs
>summers, most of december is paid vacation
>respected by society
>almost impossible to get fired unless you break the rules or the law
>benefits like health care, retirement, ect- paid for by the government.

>yet another wasted year
you don't have to be mean

Was being paid an alright wage since I only came out as an undergrad. Getting a masters seemed like a waste without any experience to back it up.

I enjoyed it but the people there are awful. I cannot stand them and I got isolated really quickly. The writing was on the wall and my manager wanted me out for someone experienced.

Research analyst for a fintech company. Gathered customer data and made presentations / reports for others to present to banks. I quit because I couldn't deal with my managers shit. I rather be unemployed and happy then earning some dosh and wanting to kill myself when dealing with her shit.

Bless you user I needed a laugh.

Summer and winters off but it seems like such a stressful job with really shit pay
Not to mention having to pay for shit out of your own pocket

Dunno how it is on the US but in my shithole hueland schools have tons of offdays alongside the already abismal amount of national holidays (something like 20 days a year) PLUS School break which happens in July-august and december-february.

But salaries are shit, generally. Being a University professor tho is probably one of the easiest high-paying jobs.

Also you can't go unemployed as a teacher. There's always some shitty School looking for one.

Work in advertising as /3/
Half the skill
Half the work
Twice the pay

It's a lonely existence but I earn pretty much double the amount as someone in the games industry and overtime is not a thing.

Then make a little game demo or something, and send it along with your application. I know that at least Riot wants well-rounded people who can actually create things that aren't necessarily within their speciality, and won't even consider applicants unless they can prove they're good at more than one thing.

i should've been born as a philosopher in ancient greece

t. dumbass nodev

The only domains that have better programmers at the top level than video games is space industry shit and HFT. Everything else is Java poo in loo shit or worse. The level of skill required to make a game engine that outputs what current generation engines are doing with the weak ass hardware in the PS4 is beyond anything a programmer in just about any other domain will ever encounter.

>m-muh embedded, MISRA compliant car shit


I teach and I'm learning coding in my spare time. Making games seems like fun if you're one of the top guys and hell if you're anything else.

The biggest problem I had in exams was the drawing / handwriting aspect. If a mark or line is too long or too short, then you're going to get fucked over, eventhough it wouldn't be a problem to anyone else. I'm a naturally sloppy person, but I got better off than expected. I have no idea if they still require everything to be done by hand in exams, but my professor did a fairly good job of preparing everyone.

Because i kinda suck at everything related to programming even though i graduated in system analysis and development. I am just able to talk my way out of situations and miraculously work some stuff out with the very little i know.

I'm honestly not even sure how i got this far in life.


Java is only used in third-world countries

Only an idiot would think this is s dream job. Unfortunately, most parents are incompetent and don't prepare their children for adult life.

Be a woman and apply for a position in a Canadian company.

You're either in college or even younger than that if you think so. Everyone in college thought real life would be like their dumb hackernews/reddit where people use haskell or whatever the fuck. When you get into the real world there are exactly four languages: Java, C#, C and C++, and that goes for the entire world.

the kind of game i wanna make doesn't fit in any company nowadays (non-casual cash grab) i would still be unhappy working for any company

has anyone here went to this school for game design?

would it be enough if i say that i feel like a woman trapped in a man's body, that actually wants to be a man?

Would you say its a bad idea to get into that line of work just for the money? The stuff I like doesn't really lead to a profitable job/career so I was thinking about studying software dev just for the high paying job.

Because I like probability theory and stochastic calculus.

Help me I don't have a dream job. I still work in retail and hate it. But I don't know anything else. Never been to college but I don't even have anything I'd want to study.

Same as this guy. Tell me what to do so I can have a good job. I don't really have any interests or talents or passions.

If you aren't """passionate""" about programming it's unlikely you'll be very good at it and you'll need to be lucky to get a good job. Otherwise you will end up at a miserable job with a bunch of cowboy coders and want to kill yourself within ~3 months.

How did you guys figure out what you wanted to study in college?
I am absolutely lost at the moment

>muh measure theory
useless shit for edgy naive faggots

I don't know. Go for it, see if it works.

why waste your life doing something you don't like

Make friends in the industry. You get work through referrals which is really fucking hard to do when you don't know anybody. You should be going to events and getting drunk with as many people as you can in the industry. Keep writing until your work is okay. The rest is networking. I'm not kidding. One more tip. You can't ever stop networking or going to events.

Nigga if you aren't really into statistics and math analyst is terrible. It sound way cooler than it really is.
It's a bit cooler if you go into social or media research. Def. more fun.

fuck i meant seal

it's called research brah

if you don't have any passions you'll never have a dream job

Because I have no interest. I've got an Environmental Science degree and would rather do compliance and site assessment.

Speaking of schools about game design. I talked to someone who took an, I shit you not, "video game developer" education which pretty much amounted to fooling around in Unity and delivering half assed projects for exams. What a fucking joke.

I took the subject that I thought I would hate and be the worst in.

It then clicked for me and I figured out that it was actually hella awesome and fun.

>Get hobby
>"I enjoy this"
>Find job that allows you to do something similar
>Take necessary and realistic steps to reach that job


For the money?

That sucks. Anything I'm interested in pays like shit. I'm really bad at technical things like math and science. I want to study something mental health related but none of those jobs pay well.

See, that's the problem. I'm cripplingly antisocial, and that's probably why I'll never end up in such a position. The only possibility I see is that I might publish a book somewhere down the line, and if it makes a little money, my resume will be a little more worthwhile.

Hamburger Hepler did just that.