Be family friendly video game company

>be family friendly video game company
>hypersexualize one of your most original 8-bit era characters turning a beloved character (and strong feminist icon no doubt) in a slutty shell of her former self

what did nintendo mean by this?

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Samus is hot and I glad they did this. Also Ive never played a metroid game.

Stop being such a faggot.

She was literally always hot. But I agree

How bored are you. Jusf look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself "what am i doing?" . Just have some self awareness for a minute. Go start reading a book instead, so you can tell yourself you did something worth being proud today when you go to bed tonight while clasping your smarthpone.

relatively speaking
not really when comparing to her SSBB incarnation

Any motherfucka that uses this word to complain about a girl’s body in a game is automatically rendered a faggot. Pack your shit up OP you fucking retard, and get the fuck up out of here.

sex always sells

>another shitty waifu thread that doesn't even attempt to hide what it is

Report and hide. Jerk off before posting on Sup Forums.

>thong between toes
>obviously not toe socks
I fucking hate anime artists they are so fucking bad every fucking time there is some retarded shit going on because they just trace other bad art holy shit nothing pisses me off more

tell me more about how she wasn't "sexualized" from the get go, as if that was even a bad thing

Hot, post more

I heard they wanted Samus to be nude in the first Metroid


>>hypersexualize one of your most original 8-bit era characters

what did the actual retard mean by this

>men make up 90% of nintendo customers
It's the logical thing to do.

>hyper sexualize
The problem is they made her into a pure blonde instead of dirty blonde, or brunette as she once was.

When she takes off her helmet at the end of the first Prime game that is the perfect look for her

Is it true that Samus is a tranny? I have a hard time believing Nintendo would come up with that canon.

Post moar of the Aryan Goddess that is Zero Suit Samus

Whats the difference between sexualized and HYPERSEXUALIZED?

It's true because a tranny changed the Wikipedia page to say that their head canon was true,

Who is this dumb bitch blonde D.Va rip off?

lol feminist icon.

nice thread you fuck.


sauce plz

>what did nintendo mean by this?
Metroid games don't sell well, so they need Samus to get naked.

If she's so "hypersexualized", then why did they give her a fat, sagging ass?

because you're a soy boy with an extremely limited taste in women

>straight Tekuho


Worse than shadshit

>bitching about sex appeal instead of Other-M making her a pussy
You defeated yourself.




>and strong feminist icon no doubt

What the fuck are you even talking about? Did we all collectively hallucinate the best ending to Metroid? And Metroid 2? And Super Metroid? Metroid Fusion? The only reason the Zero Suit exists is because they wanted to depower Samus for Zero Mission and you can't have her running around in her black thong for the last quarter of the game. Samus being strikingly beautiful and sexy has never been up for debate in spite of her badass nature. Fuck off.


Samus should have been a POC
No excuse. She's not from Earth or anything and isn't bound by our racial bounds

>if she's so hypersexualized
>why did they give her a fat ass
I sincerely wish the potato famine had been more effective.


Is this the same guy that does the Skullgirl stuff? Fuck I love this art style, very sexy.

If she's not "bound by our racial bounds" (learn English) than nothing is stopping her from being white.

In case you hadn't noticed, the Japanese love making white characters because they recognize that whites are the most attractive race on earth. It's only in the west where subhumans cry and moan about representation in industries that they're too stupid to take part in that we have to deal with shitskin characters.

Yeah, this just invalidated your whole post


Really, that's hypersexualized to you? As for feminist icon, they're all about Aloy now.

No. Caffeccino isn't the artist behind Skullgirls.

there is nothing inherently slutty about samus

>Endgame reward that lasts one screen while 99% of the game is a protag in power armor curbstomping aliens
>Samus constantly being paraded around in her shitty modern ZSS barbie design and being more synonymous with sex and porn than being a bounty hunter
At this point more people consider her role in the games to be a quirky backstory to shitty r34 instead of her actual character, like it should be. Fanservice isn't a problem on its own, it becomes a problem when it ensnares and engulfs a character that was previously a respected icon. And she was supposed to be sexy in the way that Ripley from the Alien films was sexy, not in the way your braindead hentai fuckdolls are.

Careful, user
I got banned for 24 hours for saying sage
Technically you can get banned for saying report too

It doesn't impact the actual games, though (aside from Other M, where that was the least of the game's issues). I don't think the Zero Suit appeared at all in Samus Returns. It's just a marketing gimmick/an excuse to add another character to the Smash roster.

Why is the go to reasoning always "Go read a book"?

Except that isn't the responsibility of the games. Well except for Other M but no one likes Other M except for Sakamoto and MovieBob. The only instance of sexy Samus being present outside of the ending is Zero Mission and as it was said earlier in the thread that was only because you needed to make Samus weaker to justify the stealth gameplay without having her dungeon crawling in her panties. If a bunch of neckbeards want to make artwork of her to make fap threads then Nintendo isn't liable for that since that can apply to damn near anything.

then remake the thread with
>BOO fucking HOO, non-Power Suit Samus has been getting too much screen time lately!
to which nobody will give a fuck, I like both designs and I don't see an issue with using both what was complete shit was Samus' characterization in Other M


>slut shaming


wow she has a nice body and wears a skin tight combat suit. kids literally can't see this. you ever watch any super hero movies/shows as a kid? totally spies? you ever watch that shit?

He meant to say she's wearing too much clothing in modern games. We need to take it back to when she was basically naked.

>a sci-fi character wearing a bodysuit is somehow outrageous


God, you're worse than an SJW.

They designed her to be unrealistically proportioned to appease 12 year old boys (and manchildren)

What? They're a sexy, athletic woman. There are tons of those running around.

She's not unrealistic though?

She doesn't have to be THAT sexy
It's objectifying and sends the wrong message to girls

>muh unrealistic proportions
t.fat fuck land whale

She's already half bird you imbecile

>women aren't family friendly
Sounds pretty accurate.

>panty's clip through sock
>Too incompetent to draw proper indentation of fabric

I bet you complain about classic Lara Croft too because she's hot.

Yes. Inappropriate level of clothing for the stuff she's doing

why do we torture ourselves with female perfection? It is impossible to acquire so it only leads to our misery.

>It's objectifying and sends the wrong message to girls
What the fuck does this even mean? Samus is one of the most badass videogame characters in history with a death resume that includes entire planets and also has a mark of being one of if not the first female playable characters in history. Samus's reputation is so strong that there was an outcry against Other M for her characterization even though she hadn't spoken a word prior. Samus is exactly the right character because despite her looking sexy, sexy isn't 100% what Samus is about. Which is why if you weren't able to clear the game quickly you wouldn't know. Samus is as objectified as Kratos. Hell less objectified than Kratos because if we use your argument then men should be crying out that men are being presented as having voodoo penises that can give 10 fucking girls mindshattering orgasms at once.

i love video game characters that are positive feminine role models!

resetera faggots will never give up with their horseshit

elphelt is also a great example :)

You've just showed you have no idea what you're talking about. Don't reply to me again, snowflake

stop being a downer just because guys wanna fuck fit girls with nice tits & ass and not you.

mai is also a role model for trans girls :)

Nothing about her is undermined by her sexiness.

I'm a man

That wasn't the implication but if that word presents that implication then replace it with "along with." Samus being attractive is not a detriment to her. I don't know why anyone would think it ever was. I can't think of a sane human who hears the word "pretty" and gets offended. It's not like Samus finishes up a mission and then takes off her armor and pole dances for the player inside her ship. She just drops her armor and relaxes after a difficult day of mass genocide.

As a Metroid fan, I want Samus to please my dick even more and continue to be sexy.

>I- I'm a man

>I'm a manchild nu-male

Try havnig respect women... Might get you somewhere...

We usually grow up with barbies and shit too you know. Its not like samus is the only source of ideal body. There's always going to be insecure people in whichever timeline.

how much do you respekt whamen?

>calling others snowflakes

Why are lefties unable to create anything of their own? They can only steal from the right.

Do you think her combat suit is slippery?


Both are empty political buzzwords with no definable meaning meant to be used in lieu of an objective argument by feminists looking to censor art and restrict creative freedom of artists.

the difference is HYPER


Not even a leftie, snowflake. The real world is more nuanced than that.

Why is Super Metroid so fucking perfect?
>That fucking title music holy shit
>Insanely good 2d art
>First time Landing on Zebes, rain, ambient, everything perfect
>When you first go underground Samus visor blinks yellow ominously as if she's scanning and remembering the area and colors are modulated to match indoor shading
>That fucking eye scanning your shit when you grab the first upgrade and then pirates ambush you.
10/10 a literally perfect cinematic (kino) action platforming experience the likes of which has never been seen again.

Reverse image search has failed me and I NEED this picture

>labeling yourself as a right winger
embarrassing and edgy

>thick thighs

>strong feminist icon
hope you get cancer

Primarily the intensity of it. Putting a character in a bikini is sexualized. Having the same character shaking her ass while screaming "fuck me" is hypersexualized.

You clearly didn't try very hard