Marle, Lucca, or Ayla?
Marle, Lucca, or Ayla?
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Well when you use an image like that, the answer is kind of obvious. She also has the most hits on gelbooru.
> Ah Frog, could you hand me that tool?
How did I do lads.
Crono, Robo, Ayla
Ayla when I want rough, animalistic savage sex. Lucca any other time. Marle can fuck off.
Frog, Robo and Chrono.
Any other team is wrong.
Lucca. It always pissed me off how the game forced Marle.
that's gay and sexist
Marle, I have a weakness for tube tops and white pants.
Ayla is for impregnation
Thanks for posting that image user, I've got a new artist to check out.
More like Lucca Asstear.
No problem comrade, sometimes you just have to ride out a ban.
Lucca all day erryday.
I'll take superior genius-genes over little-princess or brute-strength ones.
Superior cuteness genes too.
Girls wearing Spats > *
Lucca's mom is a cripple
>he didn't save her
You're no better than one of Magus' fiends.
tfw no good lucca porn
I was not pleased with how they murdered the entire cast of Trigger in Cross.
The cute dork obivously
To be fair, Cross never killed Frog, Ayla or Magus and Final Fantasy Chronicles murdered the 3 main characters already, though it's still BS.
Hard to murder people that are already dead from old age.
Ayla > Lucca > Marle
The point is they got to live out their lives, not get murdered before they were 20.
happy birthday
Ayla, for that primal cavegirl sex.
This so much.
No, you're wrong. Frog is a shit.
Ayla, Marle, Queen Leene
Yes, all of them
Ayla strongest there is
never forget ayla vs. terra
>No, you're wrong. Frog is a shit.
the fuck you just say nigga?
完璧だった, you weeabo fuck.
Frog. Is. A. Shit. Most mediocre character in the game.
>would normally post tons of Flea
>hhd error when making it an internal from external
>currently running recovery on it
Thanks for these, I barely had any Lucca at all.
I'll be honest, I was always a Marlefag when I played CT in the past, but this thread has helped me realize what a good girl Lucca is and that I should give it a replay.
Welcome to Club Lucca. There is no escape, but none is needed.
She was always my pick.
Once my hhd is recovered, I'm gonna go fullforce on sfw images of shit I like, was avoiding it for this soul reason, lost a 2TB drive a few years go that was full of shit that I wasn't able to recover.
This is best trio
Fight me
Another character with very, very little work.
Ayla my man. Gotta love a girl who fucks as hard as she fights.
I've never understood the appeal of Schala. Her sprite is basically a blob of robes and a head and her personality is turbo dull. Then again I used to think Magus was 4w3s0m3 2 da max, so what do I know.
They're not actually dead. They are the ghosts of an alternate reality Trigger main cast.
Robo maybe. Lucca ... unknown.
Lucca wearing panties instead of spats. Yes/No?
lucca lucca lucca
lucca is one of the greatest vidya girls of all time. perfect childhood friend.
what I still dont get is how did they got killed in the first place and by who, I mean by the end of the game chrono and co bested a planet eating parasyte capable of destroying the world
Tell them to all fuck off. Give me Harle instead. Best girl, best dragon
Except that planet eating parasite merged a shard of itself with Schala, creating a temporal schism which broke down the barrier between worlds and time, leading to the events in Cross
>chrono trigger remaster when
still doesnt explain how did chrono got killed in an invasion from fucking porre
Robo never existed after they defeated Lavos. But CT was never good with sorting out its various paradoxes when it comes to time travel.
Well, they dont say he's actually dead do they, just that Guardia was invaded. And Doan still exists in Cross
They show his ghost along with lucca and marle
Marle for Crono
Lucca for me_____
The ghosts were illusions from FATE and Belthazar
Ah. Well i never played the game so you're probably right.
Marle without a doubt. She was my first videogame fap. Tomboy princesses have always been my biggest weakness.