Ryzen appreciation thread. Say something nice about Ryzen. If it wasn’t for amd I’d be gaming on a console

Ryzen appreciation thread. Say something nice about Ryzen. If it wasn’t for amd I’d be gaming on a console.

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I have a question:

Is Ryzen's integrated graphics any good? I'm scared that my current GPU my crap out and I can't afford anything new because of the cryptoniggers.

I'm excited for my first gaming PC. Ryzen 5 1400 and rx 580. No idea what I can play but I'm happy

Ryzen is shit for gaming, outta here shill
It doesn't have one
My condolences

I have an i7 but I'm glad that AMD is making decent CPUs again. When I replace Skylake I'll probably get an 8 core Ryzen.

Also thank god for Ryzen because it means the PS5 and Xbox Two actually have a chance of being good upgrades.

>great cpus are cheaper than ever thanks to ryzen
>RAM and GPU prices are literally cancer


I have fx-8120
its fucking horrible

I'm guessing you bought that $600 HP desktop? That shit is a ridiculous deal considering the price of a 580 right now.

Not getting a patch that makes your CPU slower is pretty nice.

>new intel chips are being compromised and have shittier performance now
>old intel chips are being downgraded by up to 30%
>at the same time you can't get a new AMD chip because RAM prices are being artificially inflated
what a coincidence.

>No idea what I can play but I'm happy
honestly most games at 1080p/60 on the max or near max settings

No, I wish though, that is certainly a good deal.
Oh wow, that's better than I was expecting. Thanks!

It's cheaper than a real furnace.

the "let my PC pay for itself" game

Get a job.

Its working really well, staying cool under load and I have an upgrade path. Very happy with my first amd component

Your memes are out of date. Intel CPUs are the less efficient ones with heat issues.


Might as well be gaming on a console.

epin >:^)

doesn't even bottleneck a 1080ti at 1440p

Any updates on Ryzen2?


There's new Ryzen chips that have integrated graphics. They're only in laptops so far, but they're coming for system builders sometime in the not too distant future. Highest end one we know about right now is 10CUs and clocked such that its about equal to a PS4. The 8CU one is a bit under the Xbox One.

The downsides to the chips with built in graphics is that they're limited to 4 core / 8 thread configurations, and a cheap RX 560 (16CU) paired with a low end chip is still faster. AMD badly need to bring out cards with 27/24 configurations. The gap between the 560 and the 570 is too big.

i gayme at 4k and my ryzen doesnt bottleneck shit this cpu is fucking fast

Yeah because you're GPU bound at that point, retard.

Literally my point you utter spastic cpu doesn't matter for shit past mid tier

Ryzen APUs come out February 12th.

>high end hardware
>game at low resolutions

No shit you're GPU bound,
Enjoy your lower FPS and shitty drivers.

enjoy having to circumscize your CPU and void the warranty to bring the temps down by 20C

Lol I'm not poor or tech illiterate so it's fine. How's your Sandy Bridge IPC?

i have a ryzen 5 and its great for me so i dont care what you internet geeks say

>10CUs and clocked such that its about equal to a PS4. The 8CU one is a bit under the Xbox One.
in raw TFLOPs, yes, but they don't have the fast memory of the consoles. Real life game performance is going to be below consoles.
Still pretty good for laptop integrated graphics.

So what if there not as good intel it’s still better than being on a console. If it wasn’t for amd many folks would have to pick between intel and amd.

what are you using i want to test that out

It's Broadwell IPC. That's 2 gens above sandybridge retard.

youtube.com/watch?v=zsekOW0nPpA lmao you're fucking retarded.

How's that 30% meltdown performance degradation intel cuck

>R3 vs I5

Just a reminder that Meltdown also affects AMD
So much for a fucking brand war when both sides are screwed.
Hell, Meltdown even affects motherfucking ARM

>4 core CPUs without hyperthreading
The absolute state of AMDrones.
Nothing, because that only affects shitty pre-Haswell CPUs. Even with a 30% loss it's still 100% faster than poozen.

Meltdown does not affect AMD, only spectre.

Its really unfortunate that AMD won't bring out an uncrippled SOC chip on the general market for system builders.
That or a Ryzen + Vega + 4GB HBM part like the one they partnered with Intel for would be great for them.

>Ryzen + Vega + 4GB HBM part
That shit wouldn't fit in the AM4 bracket

>shill youtube channel
>slowest possible DDR4 RAM on Ryzen
>fastest possible DDR3 RAM on Sandy Bridge
>still shows ~13% higher IPC

>AMD doesn't have a larger socket that can accommodate a multi-chip package
Except of course that they do.

>April release

>hurr Poozen is gewd but u have to overpay fer fast ram XDDD
>same fucking speed across both CPUs
>tiny IPC boost
>barely beats a nearly decade old midrange CPU

It could fit in the threadripper socket but why would you want to buy a $300 motherboard for a shitty combination like that when you can just buy a separate graphics card

>buying an rx580
>not getting 1600

i sometimes forget how retarded Sup Forums is

Win7 + Ryzen is literally the epitome of desktop computing in the current year

It will never get any better than this, prove me wrong lads

Also i will never switch from win 7

Windows 7 uses almost half a gigabyte more of RAM.

>not using Windows 10 post Meltdown
Kill yourself fampai

Windows 7 doesn't really support Ryzen like other more modern OSes do.

The epitome of computing right now is Ryzen GNU/Linux host OS + guest OSes for games with a Vega GPU dedicated to them.
Though straight Ryzen GNU/Linux with a recent Vega GPU is excellent too thanks to the far superior third-party drivers available.

>hurr ryzen is bad and has only sandy bridge ipc but only if you ignore the 13% lead it has over sandy bridge and only if you put the worst possible ram in ryzen and the best in sandy bridge and only if you buy the absolute lowest sku possible

this pic always makes me laugh

So fucking what. Some of us have more than 2gb in our systems. Stop being poor.

>uses poozen
>calling others poor
>hurr poozen can barely beat a decade old CPU WE WIN BOYZZ

you're the same type of donut that uses XP with a 64-bit CPU


>uses Jewtel with embedded dick-in-the-ass minix
>calling others anything negative at all



So i'm looking at getting the intel i3-8350k for 150 but conflicted on getting a ryzen since i hear there's new shit soon, what do?

wait for the new shit.
don't buy a quadcore CPU in the year of the lord 2018 unless it's in a laptop or phone.

>Wanting every single aspect of what he does updated to Windows via telemetry
Why do you just go jerk off outside user?

Some games already need 8-12 threads

games will be using more cores and threads really soon laddo.

>don't buy a quadcore CPU in the year of the lord 2018
Name a single game that needs more than quad cores

buying a quad core in 2018 is like buying a dual core in 2011.

Every game released these days benefits from moar cores and it really doesn't hurt to have spare performance for future games or background tasks.

Especially a i3-8350k is daft because it costs almost as much as a 6 core.

I love Ryzen!

I'm a stupid idiot and I don't know how buying a new motherboard works. My current one I THINK works alright, but my CPU is currently on the fritz, constantly shooting up to 100% usage with graphics-heavy games (Note: I've tried literally everything under the sun to figure out this CPU problem and posted about it several times here doing every antivirus and startup and registry check in the book, no dice). I want to replace my CPU with an i7 7700k but I apparently also need a new motherboard for that. Then I need to unplug and replug everything in my case (which isn't going to be a lot of fun), and apparently your Windows installation is tethered to your motherboard.

tl;dr my CPU's on the fritz, want to buy new one such as i7 7700k. If I do this I need a new motherboard because my current one doesn't support it. Do I also need new RAM, as my current RAM is DDR3?

Look I appreciate what AMD has done by making Intel hurry the fuck up with their new shit...

...but with that said. I regreted buying my R5 1600 when it couldnt even maintain 60 fps on a bunch of games on HIGH. So I went ahead and gave my r5 away, and bought an 8600k. Not one stutter. Not one frame below 60 fps on EVERY SINGLE GAME on very high settings. Gaming heaven. Gaming bliss. Nothing like it. I will stick with intel until the end of time. AMD is fantastic for multi tasking, maybe streaming, and in general everything EXCEPT GAMING. When it comes to DAT IPC, that sweet sweet single core AND multi core performance in games, Intel is second to NONE. Especially if you are someone who enjoys older Direct x9 games, simulations, online games, intel will ALWAYS perform better.

Sorry AMD, but its true.

over here an intel/nvidia build costs pretty much 1.5 times as much as an amd one for the same performance
it was time for me to upgrade from a phenom II 965 and got a ryzen 1700, feels so gud
>inb4 u don't need that many cores
for my programming needs yeah

nice shitpost my r5 1600 never dips below 60 on my 1060

Had to check if this was pasta, it wasn't. Good post.