He finally made float.jpg

He finally made float.jpg

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is flaot guy still around?

hahaha fuck notch

It's flaot you retard

This nerd makes me mad. How can you have all that money and still be miserable.

Because money doesn't buy happiness. Money buys financial security which can LEAD to happiness, but if you give a guy who just lost his arms a billion dollars, he's still not gonna be too happy.

How do you fuck that up though? I manage to be fairly happy with little money, give me his sort of money and I'd die of dopamine overload.

You have to really fucking suck at life to be rich and unhappy.

because he also has fame, and fame is a horrible thing to have

Just look at any rock-bottom hollywood actor, ie. brandon frasier, and you can see what it's like to be famous. Only in certain circumstances can the perks make up for it.

he killed himself when Jeb! was showing off screenshots of the new world generation that looked like flaot

>I manage to be fairly happy with little money
That's the thing though, people with less money make the most of what they have.

False, he just stated that he no longer had to post FLAOT

I remember, it was 18 months that he claimed to have spent posting FLAOT in every thread

The guy chose to move to LA and buy a big mansion for no fucking reason. He's not a baller he's not gonna fit in there. He did it because he felt like he was supposed to. Dumb as fuck.

But I would make the moster or maybe even mostest of it with big money.

>be armless
>some fag gives me a billion dollars
>buy advanced prosthetic arms
>still have a shitload of money left over
>life is great

It wasn't just him doing it, you're a moron if you think it was one person

A lot of people started copying him

Notch and everyone's favorite meme porn artist, minus8, have one thing in common. They are miserable because they are celebrities. They have no true friends, the only people who care about them only want something in return. If notch was "privately" rich, he'd be much happier as no one would be sucking up to him for nothing but money.

whats with all the mineraft nostalgia and flaot posting on Sup Forums all of a sudden?

>you outlived the flaot.png guy

I think the trick is to start poor as shit but also happy, and then get rich, as opposed to start out poor as shit but also miserable and then get rich

Mo Money Mo Problems user...

I'd cut both my own arms off with a dull spoon for a billion dollars, though the second one would really present a challenge.

I don't buy it. I'd be the happiest man on the planet with big money.
I think if you're that bad at being happy you just suck at living

Having a shitload of money will inevitably lead to you doubting all your relationships. Do they really like you? Or do they just like your money?

I mean everyone wants you for something. Girls like me for my height, should I fucking cry myself to sleep or enjoy what I've got.

true, but there is only one original and he is us


But that's a reason to be happy outside of the money, while it got you the Prosthetic it's the ability to manipulate your environment and functionally live again that makes you happy.

Big difference with something they can take from you.

Large jackpot winners face double digit multiples of probability versus the general population to be the victim of:

Homicide (something like 20x more likely)

Drug overdose

Bankruptcy (how's that for irony?)


And triple digit multiples of probability versus the general population rate to be:

Convicted of drunk driving

The victim of Homicide (at the hands of a family member) 120x more likely in this case, ain't love grand?

A defendant in a civil lawsuit

A defendant in felony criminal proceedings

Most of those are self inflicted. Just don't be stupid, stupid.
I guess so. Just don't be dumb.


>Receipt for Your Payment to Mojang Specifications
>9.95 EUR
>Jul 20, 2010
who /alpha/ here?

Why is he using a picture of himself when he still had hair nowadays?

fuck this brings back memories

Take your time to read this >Reddit post even if it's the only post you'll ever read


The vast majority of people aren't ready for sudden financial windfalls.

rich people with depression are just retarded, with money you can go anywhere, meet different people in different cultures, practice your favorite hobbies with no restrictions, hire therapists if you have mental problems, etc while you don't have a job leeching your time and energy
but depressed people just buy something they don't even want like a lamborghini and cry because it didn't magically cure their stupidity

buying more stuff doesn't make you happy. you just end up with more stuff.

Still not the right filename though

Where's this at?

For some people it's FLAOT. For me, it's Superior Limb Based Combat guy. I haven't seen a thread in ages about OP's friend in Digipen who's trying to make a new shitty kind of fighting game, and it makes me sad.

>You have to really fucking suck at life to be rich and unhappy.
This. Money can’t buy happiness outright but it can sure as shit take care of a lot of daily headaches that most people go through. You’d have to be a little beta faggot to be as wealthy as Notch and still bitch and moan as much as he does.

I mean I get it, I just don't think it would happen to me. Just change your name and move or something.
Not even stuff, but experiences. Instead of busting your hump 8 hours a day you could travel, see any concert you wanted, game with a godlike setup, do whatever.

Unironically linking to reddit, and not just that, but mobile

Like holy fuck dude, fuck off

>d-do I fit in yet to the Sup Forums vip club?

I wonder this myself. It's usually the people who can't handle it that wind up with fuckloads of money. People say "money can't buy happiness" but I can tell you with 100% certainty I'd be happy as a clam. All I want is to be able to do whatever I want and not worry about paying for shit, to travel, and for people to leave me alone. Money solves all of that.

invoice email

That's really sad actually.

That's what happens when you grow up with nobody to call a real friend.
The only one he could trust was his wife and even she left him when he got too big.

>still having emails that are eight years old

No he's right, fucking kill yourself and stop coming here.

it's not real depression unless a rich person is depressed. otherwise it's just sadness brought on by being poor and/or bad with money


I know at this point you're desperate for a single place where you don't feel shunned, but trying this hard won't help

To this day I never understood why people were like omg flaot! There's just no way to make something like that fun without an insane overhaul of the whole game. You fall down and can't get back up, you mine a tiny bit and barely have enough to make anything cool, there's just so many problems.


t. twelve year old or just barely triple digit IQ or both

Nah, you just suck at being happy.

>My life is soooo hard! I'm a fucking billionaire, I'm depressed :(

The shit that comes out of notch's mouth

Nigga your emails are older than some of the people that poster here...

that was a terrifying read. I don't know if I could handle winning the lottery, sounds like a living hell.

who the fuck is this guy and how he ended a billionaire?

he's not miserable, shitposting is what he finds fun in life
once a nerd Sup Forumsirgin, always a nerd Sup Forumsirgin

Nah he whines about being a sadboy.

Is this bait? Floating maps were in the game before infinite map gayness came in and it was plenty of fun.

He's an internet troll

Life is fucking boring.

sounds like you're a boring person.

Sounds like you're just terribly naive.

sounds like you're terribly upset.

kys mate

>Because money doesn't buy happiness.

Makes it a fuckload easier to be happy, though

naive is the biggest buzzword ever invented, you're literally gaslighting

Tell me what's good about life then
Neck yourself idfc

ITT: The working class

Good quote.

I don't really care...?

notch is 38 years old and he's living with 2 billion dollars in a big house lonely, and already accomplished more than 95% of the planet has accomplished, and there isn't much more for him to meaningfully accomplish in his life because he can't top the success of minecraft, once you get to the top theres only one place to go and that's downhill

Boring people are more likely to find the mundaneness of life fun.
It's the people who find "normal" boring and opt to be NEETs who are the interesting ones.
They've failed, but at least they recognize that normal is just the starting line.

I dislike reddit too user, but it is good for some stuff.

No, that's fucking dumb. Enjoy the money. Money is a means to an end not an end.
If you're bored then you're boring. People who can't entertain themselves are brutal.

Eating is good.
Seeing a family member or friend you haven't seen in a longtime.
playing video games with friends.
Learning something new
Listening to your favorite song.
Sleeping in on really cold days.
riding a bicycle
Falling in love.
watching a spooky movie
taking naps
going home after a long days work
Laughing at something funny on the internet
winning something.
taking a hot shower
trying something new
doing something dangerous
having sex
watching porn
talking to strangers on your favorite north korean waterboarding site.
I could go on.
thats an interesting distinction

The only autist that wasn't insufferable.

Made Minecraft then sold it to Microsoft for 2 bill.

>If you're bored then you're boring. People who can't entertain themselves are brutal.
Normalfag self delusion.
Someone who finds things like golf or sports interesting is boring.
Someone who would rather escape to a more interesting world filled with things that simply aren't possible is not.
They've got imagination, but they don't have willpower.

Successful people have both, normal people have neither.

Money isn't a chemical in your brain.

there are things to aspire other than wealth you fucking brainlet. I suppose its impossible to explain to a poorfag

nice opinions faggot

I'm aware. But money enables all those things. I love working out, but being able to work out and not worry about working all day would be way easier. Name a passion that doesn't get easier with access to vast sums of money. You can't.
So entertain yourself with whatever you're passionate about. If you can't do that then you're boring.

>didn't mention exercise

on a serious note regular exercise can improve your mood significantly.

I'm glad you think so too

what is float? Google comes up with nothing

All he accomplished was to make a shitty lego clone for autists that somehow managed to make him rich. He's still a fat NEET with no real friends or family just like he was while working on Minecraft.

>tranny detected

Nah, he made a bunch of friends who later turned out to be brownosing lying talentless cunts and learned the value of NEEThood.

>colossal retards don't know what to do with money
Color me surprised. Maybe it's because I'm not a normie, but I could see myself living quite comfortably after winning the lottery.
>nice place to myself
>give some lump sums to my relatives, friends, and family who I like
>that's that
Seriously, that's all there is to it. The people who win and destroy themselves were just wretched people in the first place.

Where did I ask for handouts? I just shit talked him for not enjoying his wealth.

>insulting someone as a tactic to get them to give you money
Advanced shit right there, wow trannies really are ascended

this. thread summed up

Dude super easy fix. Buy a shittier house and car for dates with whoever you are trying to get with.

I have emails in my gmail going back to 2005 or 2006. I have a six-character google account name.

this almost makes me like notch