The Switch is getting the best of both worlds: first party Nintendo titles and third party multiplat titles

>The Switch is getting the best of both worlds: first party Nintendo titles and third party multiplat titles
>WiiU fags are mad as shit, attacking the Switch viciously

>They're literally getting mad at having games

Those guys are some of the biggest cocksuckers in the world. Why is that? inb4 that photo of a WiiU collection full of nothing but Mario variants and Bayonetta 2.

>third party multiplat titles

They probably didn't want to have to buy a second console in the same generation.

Wolfenstein 2
LA Noire
Sonic Mania
Stardew Valley
Disaega 5
Valkyrie Chronicles 4
Blazblue Crosstag
SF 30th Anniversary Collection
Mega Man 11

And there are bound to be others yet to be announced. Switch won't receive EVERYTHING, but the third-party support has been pretty good so far.

Switch owners have gotten mad at
>Not having Samus returns, a fucking 3DS game, they're mad about the 3DS
>Only getting wii u ports
>The switch emulator

Switchfags are the most asspained motherfuckers in the world right now. And they still can't play smash.

I dont think any WiiU owners are getting mad or attacking the Switch. I think if you bought one you know what youre getting youself into. Op is a retard.

>>The switch emulator
The one that doesn't run any games?

That's barely scratching the list of good indieshit on the console too. So long as Nintendo does a better job of quality control than Sony or Valve have been, the Switch is going to be a good machine for those sorts of games.

I still have to see someone mad at the shit you posted, sweetie.
Meanwhile I can browse the catalog at any time and find one (or all) of the following:

Oh there's at least one, look up "switcheater" in the archive to see how buttmad one is getting.

>Switch emulator
Knowing the people behind it, they've started development now so it'll be playable when the Switch is retired.

Just a few years ago Nintendo fanboys on Sup Forums said "wii U was the only console worth owning" now they blame you if you own one

>PS4 owners never shit on PS3/PS2/PS1
>Xbone owners never shit on OG Xbox/360
>Nintendofags are so divided they shit on each other constantly

To be honest yeah, I'm pretty fucking mad that there's so many good games on the 3ds held hostage by the 240p screen that was outdated at the turn of the millennium

Talk me into getting a switch, I have a pc atm

I hacked the fuck out of my WiiU and can play every GC, Wii, and Wii U game--not to mention all of the VC and injectable titles. I got my money's worth. If other Wii U owners were to dumb to do the same, that's their fault.

don't do it, mine got a stuck pixel and nintendo won't cover it in their warranty

I'm mad as fuck at Nintendo atm.

Keep in mind, happy as fuck Switch owners get some good games, but Nintendo essentially told anyone who supported them during the Wii U era to go fuck themselves by porting damn near everything worth owning the console for over to the Switch only a few years later.

Wii U owners are fucking delusional for being mad at Switch owners
I got a Wii U then when the switch came out I sold it since I wasn't braindead and knew Nintendo would port 90% of the exclusives. Just don't be a disgusting poorfag.

i have a wii u and love both my wii u and switch
i just hate the switch fanbase. they are ultra-casuals.

I'm especially excited for Ys VIII. I played the demo on PS4 and I found that I don't actually like playing party system Ys on a TV with a controller - I played Seven and MoC on their native hardware and it felt more at home as a handheld game to me. At the same time, Vita has less content than the PS4 version, and there's also the translation snafu (though that seems to be in the process of being ironed out). If the Switch version can basically be a portable take on the PS4 version then I might just be in.

this, except unironically.

WiiU was the only console "worth owning" in its lifespan because 2013-16 was genuinely, unironically that pathetic. Probably the worst string of years for vidya in decades.

>Xbox owners never shit on 360
They probably should have done. What was the failure rate again? 70%?

Take it to the store you bought it from, show them it's damaged. Even Amerifats have basic returns policies, right?

It's more like a Vita than a Wii U. Except it's better in every single way, and has developer support outside weebshit.

Thank God Switch is shaping up to be Vita 2.0. Fucking love that little guy.