new DBFZ thread! let's goooo!
Dragon Ball FighterZ DBFZ
How does this play on pad?
this shit belongs on /vg/ now
v-jump fucking when? I can't take the wait.
decided to throw the button layouts together for fun discussion and what not :^)
how are my arcade stick fags gonna play?
better than stick.
Post Rank and teams
I'm having a ton of fun with this team
>Literally can Masenko before you block at the beginning of the match earning a free hit
Nerf Gohan holy shit
kid bu's combo has a sweep mid combo, fucking crouch block it people
How many hours before the beta ends? it just finished downloading.
sounds like nonsense to me. movement on a stick is so much better than pad, imo. I've heard this game feels and plays great on stick too.
don't forget this is still an ArcSys game despite not having an arcade release. It's gonna play great on stick like every other fighter.
>press square
There’s no way that’s true you moron. Just hold back before the match starts.
Thanks, Doc.
7-ish I think
I regret not giving it a try during the weekend.
What im trying to imply is blocking has an input delay, Masenko doesnt
>he's still losing to autocombos
just block them nigga lol
Were getting an extra day user, since no one could get on in the last 2 days.
nappa/vegeta/kid buu
Will probably change kid buu for frieza but I’m absolutely loving nappa and vegeta so far
This is a great infographic, but it needs to be changed so that Sparing Blast isn't labelled as a Burst. It can't break out of combos, all it does is have a hitbox when activated that done mid-combo gives you a juggle state. It heals your blue life, gives you extra damage, and IIRC gives you a bonus air action or something to that effect.
as soon as I see any dragon balls popping up on screen, im rage quitting. im not dealing with your scrub ass auto combo bullshit.
Is there a way to fight specific people in the lobby? I can't talk to anyone's avatar.
Wow this is just disrespectful. Fuck whoever made this webm.
That makes no sense lmao
Tatsu uses Cell/Vegeta/Nappa though and he's mostly trashed the other top 10/Grand Kai players I've seen
Cell is miraculously more busted than Gohan (right now***)
>kill your teammate
shitty teammates
Bamco said there wouldn't be beta extensions.
Maybe it doesn't to a brainlet, im sorry
I'm actually really torn on what button layout to use. The 'Marvel Layout' is more along the lines of what I'm used to and what I was planning on using, but that Dragon Rush input is rough.
I think I'll have to go Rainbow.
It's xfactor with a knockback
Rainbow obvi
universal bnbs:
5L, 5M, 2M, 2H, super dash, j. L, .j. M .j. H, land, ground super
If your character has a jump cancel-able 5M, do 5L, 2M, 5M, j. L, j. M, dj. L, dj. M, j. 2H, super dash, dj. L, dj. M, dj. H, land, ground super.
If you vanish during an air combo, you get a wall bounce and get another 5M jump cancel.
If your character has a beam, you can hit confirm into vanish from fullscreen and run up 5M > jump cancel
I'm not the one getting hit by round start masenkos
If I eventually get a stick I would just use marvel but put the extra button as a super dash button next to heavy.
Frieza Clan, Cell/Vegeta/Gohan
I was thinking about switching out Vegeta for Goku but Vegeta is so fucking good, my team is just OP all around. Was also considering picking up Frieza
hmm, I can see how that would be misleading. I didn't make the images themselves, I just tossed them together.
edited out.
leak never
Soon, brother.
>movement on a stick is better than pad
man stickfags are delusional. IAD's and dashes are so much easier on pad it's not even funny. stick's only real advantage is better finger placement for buttons.
Winning, you mean. 9 wins, 2 losses. Dat square button is my reliable damage dealer.
Why is Buu always red on my team? Is their color based on their placement order?
And wow this game is frustrating, I won like half-of my matches but some people get you stuck in a combo and switch out then use their stupid frieza bomb and kill me. You need to be all over the controller to do good, and why do you need to press three buttons at a specific time to use a single move?
Cell, Beerus, Goku
M 125, W 83, L 42
I'm done with the beta now, too tired to continue.
Cant wait for the full game though
The dragon dash is the most cancerous shit
>under 15 games played
Get into Saiyan rank and try that against anyone that has played a fighting game
lol what the fuck are you talking about bro?
I use
L M A1
S H A2
It feels natural coming from my layout on Xrd
2H, you will stop having problems normie scrub
Block into heavy seems to be a reliable way to deal with it at least with people who overrely on it.
>11 games
>still in the kiddy pool
good luck lol
Hopefully tomorrow morning
that's just my personal experience, which is why I made a point of saying 'imo'. I have much better control of my character on stick compared to pad.
and yes, having all of your buttons laid out in that manner is definitely one of the big benefits, but I find the control a stick gives to be a great one as well.
it's just more fun too.
Would you guys put Broly on your team even if he was shit tier?
of course the GG layout
the blazblue default layout actually has D (i.e. S in this case) in the L position in that image
so LMS is on the top row
Cell/Beerus/Kid Buu
It's fun, but I feel like I'm falling into too many bad habits by fighting randos
having a lot of fun making faggots rage quit with krillin
I've gotten to sayian and modified square is winning me a bunch. I end it differently for more damage but still. I need practice before I can practice bnb combos anyhow.
It all comes down to personal preference really
Okey so, I never touched a pad in 10 years after buying an arcade stick.
I hate playing fighting games with a pad but I have no choice for DBF since there is no legacy driver to play with my PS360 stick.
I was really surprised because I can do everything, they have put a lot of work into it, for example it's hard for me to do a lot of airdash in Xrd but I have no difficulty to do it in FighterZ.
Will definetly lab Beerus. If he doesn't work despite my efforts, I'll switch him for Hit.
I only use Cell Gohan and Kid Buu because they're my favorite characters on the roster so far. I don't even care if they're good or not, I am still able to win matches anyways. If I lose Cell and Gohan then I just spam with Kid Buu and I 1 v 3'd somebody and made the comeback with that beast.
>mfw Bamco actually plays 10s by Pantera in his reveal trailer
It's a beta. The entire pool is kiddie.
Possibly. The only character I'm planning on using no matter what is Bardock.
I wanna swap him for Ginyu
For example, I play on stick because I have shitty hands that explode if I try to play a fighting game on a pad for more than like 30m. Hitbox is best for shitty exploding hands if it's REALLY bad.
No. Broly's a stupid villain and I'll never understand why he's popular. I wouldn't put a Saiyan on my team under any circumstances.
I like the beta but there's no way I'm paying 60 dollars for a game that's worth 29 at most.
>different clothes goku
Frieza Clan
I'll probably switch out gohan once we get the whole roster
What went wrong?
Will this game have an English dub? I hate having to listen to moonspeak.
I'm pretty sure Broly fans are basically just tier whores if you boil it down.
When does V jump usually leak?
***except Nappa, the best boy.
Beta sealed the deal. Not buying.
Raditz > Nappa
Tuesday or Wednesday
He breaks from the typical formula of dragon ball and he's unique. He's pretty well-written and there isn't much bs in his movies except for when he dies.
Everything stays consistent and makes sense with his story except for when they beat him twice by literally cheating.
The dash spamming alone is going to make me cancel my pre-order, I don't enjoy doing it and I don't enjoy dealing with it.
52 games
28 wins
>been playing fine all day
>all of a sudden disconnect everytime I finally get a match
fuck this
interesting. one thing I don't like about layouts like that, in the context of DBFZ, is having to press 4 buttons like pic related to input Sparking Blast.
I absolutely hate having to input those 4 buttons at once, even if you aren't doing it relatively often.
what makes this game worth $29?
Why doesn't it just say win-loss? Who ever says "games-to-win ratio"? What's the point of that?
>He breaks from the typical formula of dragon ball and he's unique. He's pretty well-writte
I'm about to buy a Rap4 for this game, 360 pad messes up my inputs and keyboard doesn't allow movements like 360s and it's keys are too small for fadc for example
Are you kidding? He's a giant super saiyan. He's the absolute embodiment of all the most boring aspects of DBZ.
Start off strong with Vegeta. Putting up pressure and taking out as many of my opponents fighters as I can. Goku as a second because I love his assists and he also applies great pressure. Frieza as my final because I just think hes great. I can zone people out or get in quick with some dirty combos.
Also just found out (ps4 player) that R1 is basically a grab move. I love punishing rush spammers who instantly block after I stop them in their tracks.
fun fact though: Bardock would currently be the only one with that Goku hairstyle in game, so his inclusion isn't even redundant in an aesthetic sense.
he's his own character either way. I don't get why people just call him a Goku clone when he's clearly not.
It's just an arcade game so it's worth less than 30 dollars. A full game like xenoverse should be worth more. At least, that's how it usually is.
>he's unique
I use my first to finger and just push them flat to hit all four buttons, it's pretty easy
Xenoverse isn't worth 10 bucks.
I think it is because showing losses is scientifically proven to discourage players. Source: internet probably
>He's the absolute embodiment of all the most boring aspects of DBZ
Which is why his movie is one of the most entertaining things in dragon ball.
It comes with a story mode and other modes