Women's armor done right.
Women's armor done right
Halo 4 concept art with Blue Team.
But you can't even see her cleavage or mid riff
Shouldn't they have shaved heads?
Unironically yes, unless it fits the theme of the game (it usually doesn't) bikini armour/slutwear just looks dumb and is a massive turnoff, who wants to fuck skanks anyways
I don't understand how is that supposed to protect against stains, grease, grime or mildew?
Kellys is better.
Only the UNSC would spend gorillions of dollars in creating genetically augmented super-maids.
fag, get outta here
Yes, they should also be pale as fuck since they never get any sunlight
Every last one of you is a double nigger for fucking up. There is one answer and one answer only.
You're all fucking expelled, go home.
Not with that forehead.
while i'm not complaining too much in the end, isn't it said that you shouldn't be able to tell a female spartan from a male spartan when they're decked out in their entire suits?
Why have a character be female in the first place if she's gonna look and act like a man?
She doesn't look like a man.
But I'm already home.
Kelly and Linda are so hot.
That was the case with the old Mjolnirs but the newer suits are a lot more form fitting.
does anybody have that mkIII pic?
the correct answer is none because women shouldn't be in combat
Captain king looks like a mixture of Bruce willis and Clint eastwood in my head
>People are still defending the nuhalo artstyle
how come there's no gay spartan porn?
How many fuckin lenses does 1 person need? Including the rifle, I count 8 god damn lenses. It's like a military version of beltznzippers.
I want that Spartan ass on my face
Reach had best aesthetics next to Halo 3