Is this true?

Is this true?

Depends on you define "gamer" and "teenage"

Yeah, if you count farmville and other braindead shit.


How any times must they use that study that includes mobile phone games into the mix? My sister is NOT going to play Call of Duty if you cater to her just because she plays Candy Crush.

For a market analysis standpoint, Facebook and mobile games are considered vidya. It's why investment bankers bought up nearly half of EA over the years and were probably the real reason EA started forcing mobile-inspired microtransactions into every title they could.

When will we get a study that excludes phones?

Has anybody EVER published a research study on these percentages when they exclude mobile?


>than teenage boys
well if you count every single woman gamer, then I suppose

That, and there WILL be girls who will NOT play games that boys play, and it has NOTHING to do with the content. (eg. FPS and driving games gave my sister a headache and that's from just WATCHING my brother in law play them)

Yes, believe everything the news tells you.

actual studies were done and it seems like less than 18% are female. i think 18% is pretty high and women -- or the people who are into this -- should be happy with this number

Fuck I hate these people will they take away everything we have??? My Sister does not play video games. Neither do any girls I know. It's anecdotal evidence but still, these people are fucking delusional if they think women make up more than a small minority on any video game. An app is not a video game.

99% of EVE online players are men.
90% of League of Legends players are men.

What do you think?

>*women ages 0-99
>**men ages 12-13
>Don't be so misogynistic!!!

>Depends on you define "gamer"

It means you have bejeweled on your phone

>and "teenage"

I'm beginning to think news like the OP were designed to keep the Harpies from screaming about gaming not having women in it.

>play popular game online
>let's just say csgo
>half of the lobby aren't female
>MAYBE one real female out of five casual games
like, it just doesn't add up

Now here's an important statistic.
Which gender pays more for videogames?
I'd bet even if you counted moms young men would still smash that number because of whales.

>more women are gamers
>shows a picture with more men than women
Boy, they sure showed me.

We'll make a new hobby before women ruin it

Coding. Higher skill barrier than gaming

>he doesn't know about the women in tech movement

Maybe, but do they spend more money than teenage boys on games? Otherwise that information is useless.

>the entire female gender plays more games than a section of the male gender

even if you do include stuff like candy crush that's still not really something to brag about

>Farmville is considered "Vidya" in these studies
>Kim Kardashian's game is considered "Vidya" in these studies
>All "Mobile" vidya is counted in these studies

In reality the difference is probably more around 35%/75% in terms of Women/Men for ACTUAL video games. IE, something that needs to be played on a console/PC.


Is the same study where they defined any female with a console/pc in their house as a "gamer:?

PC gaming accounts for less than a third of the entire video games market.

>even if you do include stuff like candy crush

Why the fuck wouldn't you?

Attempting to arbitrarily define what a video game is just so you can avoid the fact that more women play video games than males is really pathetic.


>mobile phone apps
if marxists cant win, they just change the definition of words instead

No, this one in specific is designed to make it seem like horny teenagers are not the biggest demographic now and devs should stop catering to them and instead focus on women.

In reality, if women were really the biggest demographic now, then that means they are fine with the state of the medium, or they simply wouldn't bother buying or playing these games.

>They're more females of all ages who play video-games then males between the ages of 13-17 (assuming we're going by American standards)

kek european education

PC has more players than all three current-gen consoles combined. consoles are really just a 1st world thing

Unless this is a random/blind survey with more than 1,500 participants, it tells you nothing outside of the very narrow pool of people they directly asked and you are taking their word for it.

If phone games were the only "video games" available would you still have the same hobby?

>americans don't consider eighTEEN or nine Teen year old TEENs
pls be bait

Are you including mobile in that cumulative video game market, or just consoles?

To be fair, I'll play FPS and driving games but depending on how tired I am or how hectic the game is, watching someone else play a game sometimes gives me headaches while playing it myself never does. It's the anticipation of knowing which way the screen will turn vice not knowing when watching someone else play.

all women need to be locked up and re-educated

I guarantee you that mobile trash accounts for at least half of the video game market. Consoles and PC are both scrambling for scraps.

Wow is that "GAMER GIRLLLLL" playing the famous "Need for Speed" game at the "EA" booth?


so every woman who played a game vs men aged 13-19.

sounds right, but its just a stupid point to make

>all woman of every age
>man only from 12 to 16

so judging on the title I'm guessing it's saying that the there are less teenage boy gamers than the entire women gamers demographic

If you interpret playing bejeweled on your smart phone as being a "gamer" than yes.

If you're talking about consoles or PC games then, no, its laughably false.

So your argument is it's only a video game when males play it a sufficient amount? Fuck off. Video games is not your "NO GIRLS ALLOWED" secret club. Get the fuck over it.

whats their definition of gamer? Am I a gamer because I play casino games on my phone while I shit?

They've been at it for years and I think there are actually less women relative to men than there were in the 80s. There are more women, yes, but that's not accounting for the inflation of the market I think.

It is misleading.
>City X has the more readers than City Y in the country, next time you think of a reader it statistically might not be the person you're thinking of
>Lets include reading pamphlets and street flyers as how is it really any different from reading a novel?
>it's all just arbitrary definitions of how much time and effort someone is willing to put into a hobby/task


>Source: My ass
PCs are actually more of the luxury in nations outside of the US. Most PC gamers outside of US have to go to an internet cafe to play their games. Everyone else buys consoles because they are cheaper and the non-English-speaking world makes less money than the English speaking first-world ones do.

No, that's why it's not peer reviewed

>only including teenage boys

couldn't imagine being this myopic

No 3rd worlders just get toasters which are extremely cheap, much more so than consoles.

I wouldn't define my co-worker that occasionally plays pokemon go as a gamer any more than I'd define myself that just occasionally torrents old godzilla flicks as a moviegoer

And he's right.

How bad is it when even a redditor is right?

Statistically, yes. There are more female gamers than there are male gamers; but that's a non-contextual generalization.

There are overwhelmingly more hardcore male gamers than there are female gamers. Of course marketing departments will never explicitly admit that nor implicitly acknowledge it and will always generalize the statistic in order to appeal to the maximum market without incurring negative PR.

They literally don't. That was my entire point.

Well shit I guess if common knowledge gets posted on reddit it's reddit exclusive
I hear someone from reddit eats food over there too

The reddit user is right though

>any point is wrong if made by a redditor
No women are gamers. I'd say less than 2% of people who own a console or any PC game are women

>Source: My ass
>call out a guy for not giving a source
>proceed to not give a source on an equally debatable position

o i am laffin

>PCs a luxury in Europe
Are they poor or something?

My gf plays garbage like Overwatch, LoL and shitty mmos. Absolute shit tier taste.

didn't nintendo put out some market results showing that only 15% of the people that use eshop are female or something?

>>Lets include reading pamphlets and street flyers as how is it really any different from reading a novel?

If someone read pamphlets and street flyers AS A HOBBY, then yeah, they do read as a hobby. They don't read the same things, just like males and females don't tend to play the same games, but it's still counts. Tough shit.

Playing games on a mobile phone is like showing up to a dirtbike rally on a pushbike.
I mean, technically it's the same thing. But it shouldn't come as a surprise when the people who are actually into the hobby start laughing at you.

She must love eating your ass then

Only if you count mobile game players as gamers. Otherwise no; that Nintendo Switch demographic image's far more accurate.

Have you not seen the average PC stats according to Steam?
Most people barely have a PC more powerful than an xbone and yet these are the same third worlder retards who meme about master race.


they include browser and phone games (shit like vegas slots) in that

the mobile gaming market is different than the core gaming market
guess what, anyone with a PC has solitaire, which is a game, which means theyre "gamers" now

>cherry-picking the most grammatically incorrect post from a literally who redditor
And he's not even wrong.

You post yours first then, since yours was the first claim out there.


Okay but what games do they buy? This is important because you could say that there are more women gamers than men but their purchasing habits is what is important.

>50% of the population are female
>15%-10% of the population is teenaged thus 7.5%-5% of the population is teenage boys
>a study found that there are more women who play video games than a narrow demographic

Where's my Nobel peace prize?

>over 3000000 more women than men in the US as of 2017
>more girls can't possibly be playing video games than men, could they guys

A broken clock is still right twice a day.

When 65% of your check goes to the government, you don't have much else to spend on personal items.

More like depends on what you define as "women".

So Sup Forums is filled with women who hates other women for shitting up their hobby?

not that guy you were arguing about with sources, i just think you're a retard lol

Phone games to actual games is like tricycles to off-road motorcycles
Like a child's picture book to a university history textbook
Like lifting tissues to lifting weights
Like modern art to renaissance art

Of course it's true.

I play PUBG, Overwatch, and CS to meet women. They're on all the time. After all, they're the majority of gamers.


It's funny how much you guys complain about mobile games when in actually that's the only market where game developers are innovating.

Every console game is some sequel to some dated old genre with bloated graphics and voice work to make up for the lack of gameplay while mobile games are pushing the boundrys of creativity and creating brand new ideas in the field.

If anything it's the mobile gamers who should be shaking their heads at the 'hardcore' gamers lol.

>mobile games

The only innovation mobile games have is finding new ways to maximize their cashflow.

Reread what you've just said until you realize how retarded you sound. Common sense shouldn't be discarded so easily.

On top of everything else, this right here

>but their purchasing habits is what is important

Only to people who sell video games. A video game is not defined as a thing which has made at least X amount of money from sales.

Yep, click bait stuff.

based on what statistics?

Putting Mobile gamers on the same level as normal gamers is the equivalent of saying someone who plays a golf video game a golfer.

Sure, but how many of your "games" don't have in-app purchases?
>inb4 muh loot boxes

Xd lmao.