ITT: Vidya Cancer
ITT: Vidya Cancer
Other urls found in this thread:
that's not cancer. well done you killed him in game.
>only playing dark souls on steam
>meme spewing retardation isn't cancer
>not recognizing a boss area
Did you get owned by memedad in 2018? Holy shit how mad are you
>caring at all about any of that
time to grow up
>get proven wrong
>g-g-grow up
no I summoned him for an easy boss and he died
>you will never be as mad as OP.
>Borderland 2
It figures.
stop samefagging
>last played on 16 Jan
>only 3 years
>meme spewer
this has to be bait
nope, just telling you to stop spewing shit
Gosh you'r right user. He died in a game and uses memes. By golly this sure is the worst human being in existence. What a cancerous stain on society. Surely he should be executed.
lighten up a bit, user. why do you hate fun?
It's Kellog's area, I don't understand the point of your post.
Obviously the guy he summoned died as the boss did.
>people actually defending this faggotry
truly the most toxic fanbase in existence
>excited about a franchise he likes
>reeee cancer
oh, Sup Forums
OP is that you
More like
ITT: Underage OPs
I fucking hate OnlyAfro.
Holy shit, you ARE mad.
>inb4 p-photoshop
Literall posting from my ipad right now
There is so much about this profile to hate.
Man this post just made me realise how bitter you all are ... I'm going back in time and start posting XDs and meme faces unironically in my replies from now on.
took you that long to edit this in paint?
Dude how fucking autistic are you?
lol really? are you actually this butthurt about people calling OP a faggot?
imagine making a thread about a dude who kicked your ass in a video game
>steam family sharing
I wonder how old this kid is
>kicked your ass in a video game
Javk pls
you died to the easiest boss in the game
>summon memer
>he died immediately
I don't know what lese you expected..
he was alright until he went full reddit
kys, or atleast get a job or something so you stop wasting peoples' time on 4chin
>35 posts and 15 posters
All he did was make a vid that he found funny. Retards turned it into a meme
he also started cross-dessing like a faggot
1 faggot OP trying to defend himself swimming around
lol how the fuck do you die to quelaag
what is OP trying to defend himself about exactly?
all he did was post a cancerous newfag meme spewer who died to an easy as fuck boss
how is it cancerous though? he's summoned a phantom, they've died, he's found the steam profile and gone hey so cancerous lmao. The cancer is OP, as well as everyone in this thread, including me, for even bothering to care about this.
If that profile isn't cancerous to you, then you're part of the toxicity of this shitty community.
>all these triggered memers
this fanbase is beyond redemption
Anyone defending that profile should neck themselves.
>this thread
jesus christ
>summoning for quelagg
I'm not sure which one of you is worse
>that's not cancer
part of the toxicity for literally not caring? ok lol
add me up losers
You never summon out of fun? I've got over 2 thousand hours in this game, I've got nothing to prove.
Its 2018. Nobody cares about your epeen anymore.
This dude has over thirty pages of comments written by himself. It's like if the anti-hero of Hatred made a Steam profile.
it doesn't fucking end
there's not a single comment from another person
I don't know which is worse, the meme-spouting DkS retards or the fact that the person behind all those memes is a crossdressing faggot.
What's wrong with this?
>not summoning for fun
>all that HP
>heavy armor
>summoning for bosses
the cancer is you.
>"Why not invite someone to be your Friend?" steam asks.
"Because there isn't a someone left on earth to invite." say I.
How do you even get your own head this far up your ass? Its just 40 pages of braindead ranting with bouts of "waah im ronery" inbetween
Holy fucking shit this is the highest state of someone going "holier than thou." I can't tell if I should laugh or be disgusted.