Would it have been amazing?
Would it have been amazing?
Honestly, I prefer the story we got. The original concept was basically Lonesome Road 2.0 and felt like a hackneyed way to keep the narrative stagnated with its apocalyptic setting.
I'd rather see the Fallout world evolve and advance then it just cycling through the same shit.
If Van Buren was anything like the first two games I doubt it would've been interactive enough to be a compelling role-playing experience. In those two games the agency is laughable and the combat is so mundane. Though obviously preferable to the Gamebryo games, ultimately I would likely not care for it.
alright guys besides underrail, arcanum, is there any other isometric turn based game that plays like fallout?
Honestly no. The first two games were good, but lest we forget those same geniuses also made Tactics (which was mediocre as fuck) and signed off on BoS (which was complete shit). 3 would have probably been some mix of the last two without less charm than 1 or 2 to make it tolerable.
Wasteland 2
Gorky 17
>the game purposely shows off the title of the game and the moniker in game
>Wasteland 2
Don't forget the original wasteland that inspired the fallout series to begin with
played both, both are trash.
>ghouls birthing ghouls
Why isn't there a spinoff series with gameplay more like the original? Or better yet a modern Fallout Tactics, X-Com showed that it could be critically and financially successful, but I guess Bethesda are just gonna sit on the Fallout IP.
Honestly, probably not considering the state of the developer at the game of development.
Wow, wish people could say the same about TLJ!
wasteland 2
wasteland has the dumbest AI of all time, the combat is tedious as fuck, and there is a lot of it. Fuck that game.
>Why isn't there a spinoff series with gameplay more like the original?
>Or better yet a modern Fallout Tactics, X-Com showed that it could be critically and financially successful
Because Bethesda don't want a game like that, they like the direction they have going and want to perfect it.
>But I guess Bethesda are just gonna sit on the Fallout IP.
Complete opposite actually, the next Fallout is a long time away only because Bethesda doesn't shit out ga,es on a yearly baisis.
>because Bethesda doesn't shit out games on a yearly basis.
yeah right, no way Fallout 4 took them seven years to make.
Sounds exactly like Fallout 1 and 2.
t. didn't play them
The only good fallout is an isometric fallout.
Well there's the obvious Pre-Production that happened in-between Fallout 3 and Fallout 4, and production probably really started once the team created the Creation Engine/Creation Kit.
Overall it most likely did take them seven years to properly make. Fallout 5 or whatever the next Fallout title will come, it's probably in pre-production right now as we speak, but for now it's waiting on the release of the eventual next Elder Scrolls game, which I'm sure has been in Pre-production since Elder Scrolls Skyrim released.
Just because it's not what you wanted doesn't mean it didn't take a lot of time to make.
sadly it applies only to your tard companions once you give them burst weapons.
Probably not.
>studio and publisher running out of money quickly
>original developers of the first two games jumping ship and being replaced with the developers of Tactics
>real time combat system
>ugly early 3D graphics instead of the beautiful sprite art of the originals
It had some interesting ideas, such as splitting up the speech skill into “persuade” and “deceive”, but overall it would probably have been pretty bad. I’m glad some of the story ideas got used in New Vegas, though.
>"I prefer the story we got!"
>Fallout 3's story involves flagrantly ignoring the canon of the first two games so Todd Howard's feelings don't get hurt when he gets told his OC can't do something
>Fallout 3's story resulted in No Mutants Allowed getting a cease and desist for hosting the original Fallout Bible and not Bethesda's haphazardly censored version
Lmao shut the fuck up.
he's probably referring to New Vegas as being "the story we got"
>a cease and desist for hosting the original Fallout Bible and not Bethesda's haphazardly censored version
That would explain why my free copies of Fallout 1 and 2 and Tactics I think, all have the bible and the new listing on GoG don't. Fuck Todd.
Where can I get a copy of the non-Bethesda Fallout Bible?