Just got a switch and need games
How is it?
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if you aint got anywhere else to play it, it's about as good as you think it would be.
Switch port is ugly as fuck. I was gifted it and I regret even wanting it in the first place. Stick to another console for that amazing game.
i have it for ps4 and it kinda sucks honestly. I don't like the style at all, seems really cartoony and busy, almost like overwatch or something. Doom 3 was better desu.
Op here any other games to get
If you played it on any console you are below scum. If you enjoyed it on a console you should be put to death
What games do you have so far? And what other gaming platforms?
Don't listen to all these absolute retards, it's one of the best first person shooters ever. The Switch port is flawed but really impressive if you're a handheld gamer, 3DS games that people praised have performed much worse than this.
Don't get Doom on Switch. Don't get Doom on console at all. Don't even get it on PC, it's just shit. If you didn't waste your money on a WiiU, get those ports and grab Sonic Mania off the eshop.
If you want Doom with slower FPS, but you can play it in bed, go for it
If you want better visuals btu stationary, use another platform.
Bruh, I knew Sup Forums had bad taste but lmao
Not bad rock solid 8/10 on Switch
Play the original Doom from 1993. The 2016 Doom is for low functioning overwatch babies.
>t. someone who wants it to be horror when it is an action shoot'em up
BotW and Mario, duh
It's decent, but if you can get it on another console then definitely do so.
This is a completely reasonable opinion.
If you're a "portable" kind of player then it's great. Playing it docked is plain retarded
Nostalgia babbies and people who don't play games as usual
The game was made for consoles.
I'm having a blast playing Doom on the Swtich, but if you are a graphics/frameratefag then get it on a different console.
It's ugly and runs like shit. If you look at the praise this port gets it's solely just that this port even exists rather than it actually playing well.
played on pc and got bored as fuck. I wonder how worse can it get on consoles
this, but it's still a good port.
And Splatoon 2
I can't speak performance wise for the Switch version, but I own this game on PC and Bone - played it through Nightmare on both and loved it. It encourages you to be aggressive, not behind cover like most shooters.
You're gonna want to pick up Odyssey and BotW as well if you haven't played them. Snipperclips is great fun if you have someone to play with.
Here is the official stats
PC 10/10 Experience
PS4/XBONE 6/10 Experience
Switch 3/10 Experience
>Here is the official stats
what? according to who/what.
Switch port is fine.
>He's not in the know of where the official stats come from
>Switch port is fine.
>everything looks like cheap plastic
10 nintendo coins have been deposited in your account
I thought it was fantastic. If you're a graphicsfag then you won't want it. Otherwise, it's a hell of a replayable action-packed thrill ride. Fast-paced gunplay between deceptively explorable levels with an online mode that's both fun and free to access. At least for now.
Dumping some screenies so you can decide on the graphics yourself, it looks much better handheld than docked
Also the multiplayer actually has a player base if that's any value.
This is as ugly as it gets though, this poor fucking forklift.
Jesus Christ what have they done to that game
It's Doom but slightly worse looking and the classic major FPS downside of no mouse.
If you use Switch's portability all the time then it's a good choice. If not and you have another console/good PC there's no reason to choose it especially over PC.
All in all it's a perfectly fine port that is drastically determined by preference.
I also noticed that one odd forklift, even waited for it to render because I thought it was pop-in. weird, since there are others that look fine..
Fire Emblem Warriors and Puyo Puyo Tetris
Put it on a handheld.
Looks good if it were an OG Xbox game
Digital Foundry goes in depth:
Basically only get it if you have no other system or you're never home like me
Basically, it comes down to this
Do you want
Whatever you prioritize will govern your decision
>Fire Emblem Warriors
is this game any good?
is it true that it builds on more than just being a mosuo game? Is Zelda warriors better or worse.
FE warrios looks better crafted than the zelda one, at least at first glance.
Fucken phenomenal on PC. Switch port might be bad if the framerate is low, it's a twitch shooter so you need those frames
>wii u waste of money
>buy the wii u ports
>Switch port might be bad if the framerate is low, it's a twitch shooter so you need those frames
It's 30, which is obviously not 60. But the game feels smooth, not completely butchered.
That's acceptable if it's actually a consistent 30
It's not really butchered but I'd say get it on PC if possible.
It's nice to play when you're not home or in bed though.
You're either blind or retarded, probably both.
>if it's actually a consistent 30
Which it isnt since it's tends to drop below that
I consider Fire Emblem Warriors better than Hyrule Warriors. You can set it to 720p to target 60FPS while docked, does a better job at making the game look like Fire Emblem more than it did for HW. I haven't played too many musous, but FW just feels like a musou done well. You won't get anything really different with it
>That's acceptable if it's actually a consistent 30
It is consistent, the only time it isn't is in MP, but especially on the snowy map.
Single Player is consistent though.
Honest user here, there was 2 parts in the game when it dipped heavily enough and long enough for me to notice.
Right before you get teleported to Hell the first time and 2 story some circular room arena
>Just got a switch
Not a great port but if you want it for the utility (i.e. pick-up-and-play, portability) then it's alright. I'd wait for a price drop though. If you haven't played the game already, get it on PC first.
I think Particle effects are what hit it hardest. The part before you go to Hell and the Argent Tower blows is one of those moments where you dip.
What the fuck are you talking about, all of these look great.
It's a shit game period.
It's a bit too easy compared to HW
As much worse as you'd expect.
Alright, that's what I was thinking might be the case. It definetly looks like more thought was put into it compared the zelda one. Especially with the map functions and familiar FE functions.
Can you set it to hard? or are there any difficulty settings at all?
Is the game MP/Coop at all?
It's good. Some slowdown on Ultra Violence in the more hectic battles but nothing too horrible.
>all of these look great.
If you're blind maybe
The meat stone looks very pretty
other user here who was hyped for the port, had already played on pc, and bought on launch day. performance is smooth for like 95% of the game, the parts where framerate gets noticeably bad are few and far between but they can really slow down the game when they do and it's super jarring. if you have a decent gaming pc or other current gen console you really should buy it there. the switch version will do if it's really your only option, but i'd really recommend it elsewhere
Not him, but there's at least two player co-op. I don't remember if you lose any other control options besides free rotation of your camera. I think you can only card to snap the camera to where you are facing
I think you're right, the foundry was when the dynamic resolution was at it's lowest for me
Oh ok, so that would be splits-screen? what about online?
Wii U was a waste
>Playing a shooter with a controller
>Playing it at 30 fps
Just play it on PC like its meant to be and get exclusives for the Switch or games that work better.
Yep, it's splitscreen only
almost as if
the console itself was horribly designed!
>amazing game
>Hurr durr I am physically incapable of playing a shooter with anything other than KBM but YOU'RE the plen
PCFats were a mistake
I never said anything like that. Shooters control much better with a KBM. It's why players with KBM dominate controller players even if they're not that much better. He's better off playing games of other genres on it that work better with its control scheme.
Not him, but I got spoiled by M+KB. I grew up playing halo and other FPS with controllers, but it's hard for me to re-adjust fps on controller. Not saying is bad, but M+KB is better.
Splatoon 2 with Gyro is the next best thing, honestly don't know how they even thought of how to do that but they pulled it off so well. I wish DOOM had gyro.
It's a single player game, my man. What does that have to do with anything?
He's talking about controls and he's right
Switch has other good games to choose from. Shooters like DOOM control better with M+KB
It highlights how easier it is to play with KBM. The only thing that comes close is gyro.
That doesn't make it better though
t. proud member of r/pcmasterrace
It's not hard to understand.
WiiU=Just WiiU games
Switch=WiiU games+new games.
I don't get it
It's a good game but obviously meant to be played on PC. If you don't have a decent gaming PC, Switch port is acceptable.
Since when does better control not make a game better?
I fucking love this game. Every weapon or mod has a great use except maybe the regular shotgun triple shot (just use the double shotgun).
I use the heavy assault rifle's scoped mode with headshots a fuckton and switch to the plasma heat blast and shotgun/shotgun grenade and it just never gets old.
>That doesn't make it better though
But it does.