Now that another game perfect for the Switch has arrived on it, what are other games perfect for the Switch?

Now that another game perfect for the Switch has arrived on it, what are other games perfect for the Switch?


Playing it on anything other then PC is giving yourself a worse experience but playing HLM on a mobile console and giving it the same level creator could be a neat thing to see.

eating your own shit

Hey so Crypt of the Necrodancer is confirmed for February 1st in Japan, but there's been no word on an English release as far as I can tell. You think it'll come out here?


ugh the game

video game would be perfect for the switch because you play video game on switch


Darkest Dungeon is perfect for the Switch. The only thing that has stopped me from playing that more on my PC is because I want to be able to play at work for short bursts during downtime AND play at home for long periods of time. This was inconvenient as someone who has both a Laptop and a Desktop, but seeing as how the Switch is made to be able to do exactly that, I can't see a downside.

Doesn't the game have cloud saving?

I dunno man.

He's not saying the game is perfect but that it would be perfect to play on the switch

Can somebody give me an actual description of this game without using any buzzwords or memes

Dark souls

Very contemporary "waste time in a small town" simulator where the story is very touching and somewhat relatable but the actual gameplay is some loose platforming with no fail state, and you'll spend most of your time reading conversations.

Honestly that sounds pretty comfy

NITW has fairly robust mini games (the dungeon crawler, the mini-bass rhythm game) that satisfy most of the gameplay stuff.

It's basically a western visual novel with light adventure game elements.

A game heavy on soy that appeals to numale bugmen cucks.

you just sold me on it, thanks bro

Nice, but you can get more buzzwords in there.

not him but
>soyboy numale game where you play as a furry snowflake in a david cage cutscene non-game with a libcuck socialist propoganda narrative

Proud of you


Walking simulator (is this a buzzword? anyway it's true) with a nice aesthetic, a promising start, good music, good dialogue (fight me), and what seem to be good characters at first.
The thing is, Sup Forums is too fucking retarded to know how to criticize something, or to know what they don't like about something. The problem with the game is not "le dialogue" "le millenials" or "le socialism". The problem is that the writers had no fucking idea what they were doing and the story completely falls apart a couple of hours in, character development goes from bad (bea), to awful (gregg) to actually nonexistant (mae) and the story goes nowhere. The devs saw that the setting was cool and it worked but they wrote that godawful thriller of a story with the "ghost" and the SPOILERS [spoilers]cultists[/spoiler] that honestly must be one of THE worst works of fiction I have ever seen, and THAT'S why the game is bad.

This game just reaffirmed my belief that video games are pretty much the worst medium for storytelling.

Like, how many times do you read a piece of dialogue that's either irrelevant or just repeated information? You can tell that the writers consistently would look at a situation, think they should write something for it but not have any ideas, and so they just repeat info we've already heard. It's so amateurish it hurts.