Darkest Dungeon thread.
Darkest Dungeon thread
man at arms is overrated
The Blood! I must have the blood!
Dare I take on Champion Fanatic? He's right in front of the last empty room. Anti and Abom are resolve 4, PD and MAA are resolve 5. Anti is Paranoid, PD is Irrational, MAA is Abusive.
Might as well since your game is modded it won't be hard to recover anything you lose.
>XCOM for brainlets
how are you that shit at inventory management?
>be me
>fighting swine prince
>MaA in position one
>use retribution
>wilbur marks party
>MaA one shots wilbur on riposte
>RIP party
>having riposte on Swine Prince fight at all
I mean what did you expect to happen
Honestly I've been on an XCOM kick lately and it's just not as good as DD
Only Anti survived, had to run. Abom went Courageous but then Fanatic put him on the stake instantly, and I couldn't attack him at all because lol3turns. I still have to get the "get an Abom and Anti to resolve 6" goals, but they're so fucking bad.
If that is your first time fighting the Swine Prince, then well at least you learned what not to do. You have no excuses if it isn't.
what class would they be, incidentally?
No, Houndmaster is overrated.
Stereotypical, cartoon Italian plumbers don't really match up well to any classes in the game.
very first time
is swine king and god basically the same?
Maybe that is just yours. Remove bad diseases and negative quirks.
Almost, but Wilbur has two actions instead of one.
bounty hunter, leper
He didn't have any quirks that affected acc. I don't know but i lost like 4 HM and the last one missed everything! Let me check all of them
Nice joke.
>Curious is the trap maker's art. His advocacy witnessed by his own eyes.
efficacy not advocacy you deaf brainlet
>very impressed by the narration
>look up Wayne June
>he narrates Lovecraft audiobooks
This is going be good
S-shut up.
Slumped shoulders, wild eyes, and a stumbling gait; this one is no more good to us.
So, how bout dem class mods?
I'm definitely liking Lamia a lot
>Battle in champ Warrens
>Swine Skiver
>Occultist uses Eldritch Pull
>Cripple Them!
I can't into class mods
if it isn't 1:1 of the artstyle it would just ruin the entire game
>made my own class
>can't into art so it'll never be release
Feels bad.
considering I saw a nigger in here call bellow bad I deeply suspect you don’t know how to use him.
I assume you're referring to art style and narration because strategically Darkest Dungeon is rather shallow.
Slowly, gently - this is how a thread 404s.
why are modfags always so terrible?
the game is hardly difficult to begin with.
>modding the inventory this badly
You might as fucking well, you'll probably save scum it anyway.
>the game is hardly difficult to begin with.
Spoken like a guide shitter
Not him, but I enjoy Darkest Dungeon's escalating danger more than XCOM's system where rookies are incredibly easy to lose but higher level units are relatively safe once you get them or at least much safer than the rookies ever will be.
I didn't even look at a guide until finishing the game.
there is no escalating danger in darkest dungeon
the game is really pretty easy baring some bad luck here and there that puts you in the red
>highr level dungeons are harder than lower level ones
>not escalating danger
are you retarded?
There is. Even when appropriately leveled and fully equipped, heroes in champion level dungeons are much more likely to die than level zero recruits in apprentice ones.
higher level quests being gradually made available is not escalating danger. Escalating danger refers to the entire game getting gradually harder like in Xcom or Invisible Inc. If anything there is a decreasing danger in darkest dungeon, as the game gets progressively easier as you unlock town upgrades and you're free to god back to low level quests to raise a new generation with absolutely no tradeoff or risk of losing.
Darkest dungeon is a very bad game.
Your heroes are higher level, too. Maybe you should explain your point another way.
Dis game is shite m8s
Honestly, this should all probably get moved to /vg/ again. We've been having near constant threads lately.
>Your heroes are higher level, too
you try doing a long champion dungeon and then a long novice dungeon and tell me which one is easier
>it's not escalating danger if I say so
>tfw no Grave Robber gf
Do you refer to jrpgs as having escalating danger too because you eventually get in a new zone with tougher ennemies ?
I don't play jrpgs but sure
Guys Darkest Dungeon is literally a brain dead game that a trained monkey could beat. I wish someone else would make a hard game with a lot of strategery so I could finally stop playing Xcom after 24 years. Literally nothing else has passed the test.
Well there are ones with battle rank.
If you are such a good strategist how come you aren't a 4 Star general?
Try Fire Emblem Awakening, play it on casual easy at first.
it's not hard at all if you give it a bit of attention, but god damn the presentation is so well done.
well then congratulation you have sucked any meaning out of the actual term and it now means absolutely nothing
my bad for assuming you used it correctly, I'll stop engaging you now
Well yes SaGa games actually have escalating threat, but they're exceptions to the general design of jrpgs.
>game requires you to learn a lot of stuff the hard way
>it isn't hard
>Inventory modding
Why not use infinite health and no stress mods too you fucking shitter.
>well then congratulation you have sucked any meaning out of the actual term
there was no meaning in the term to begin with, all it means is the sum of its parts. "escalating danger". danger escalates in the game.
stop being autistic
oh boy I sure do love the cove, way better than that shitty weald with it's long winding linear paths!
Woolie, is that you?
I only really use the Cataphract. The arstyle fits pretty well and it's the most fun one.
>Rank 2 Hellion
Should I start a new game? I scummed in my last one and lost interest after killing Baron (used a pretty sweet tactic with two grave robbers and two Death Door talismans on them)
I keep forgetting bleed out is rank one only
I'm not sure how faithful I could be to the style, but why not post it and I'll see if I can do something?
If I finish it, it would end up in the general. If not, you have nothing to lose but a few minutes of typing up some details.
>bleed out in the cove
don't worry, I've made that mistake as well.
works fine if you've got bleed trinkets
but I forgot to bring those anyway ;_;
Iron Swan that hits rank 4 only works in rank 1.
hmm I should try that then.
bleed always failed me horribly there when I'd get a good trinket reward, but have the worst available heroes for the job.
I was thinking about getting this for the Switch, but it's only 10 burgers on humble. What do?
Here's an old infograph of the class. Some of it is outdated now, just haven't updated the image in months.
As for his appearance I always imagined an older, disheveled man with a scraggly beard and wearing rags and whatnot; the kind of guy who's been living in a sewer all his life. He'd have multiple rats accompanying him at all times: holding one, on his head, on his shoulder, a few scurrying around his feet, etc.
I get a big smile everytime I hear "soothed, sedated" from the narrator
praise RNGesus, they were all on one side
now I can go back and get the loot I missed
I like it actually. first one I've seen that was pretty good. I want a heavy debuff class that isn't useless.
um, no sweetie
It's not really hard if I tell you to guess a number between 1-100, then tell you it's 67 when you guess it wrong and tell you to guess again. That's not difficulty.
>Darkest dungeon is a very bad game
why are you are you even here then you gigantic retard?
Get into Dominions if you don't mind multiplayer lad. As far as single player goes you'll be shit outta luck.
>just pick a giant nationor ulm
really makes you think
>"Muh rat"
How quickly the YIPPEE! turns.
It's more like choose a number 1 through 100, if you get it wrong then start over, and a new number 1 through 100 is picked and choose again.
Success, so clearly wahoo. Or is it just a bing of the light?
So he pretty much pic related
No it's not because it's the same thing that happens. Like when you fight the Swine Prince, you quickly learn what's a bad idea to do but there's no real ingame way of knowing that until you do it but once you do it you'll ALWAYS know it.
this is actually the first time that has made me laugh.
no, are you retarded?
What stats should I attempt the shambler? I'm scared. lvl 4 wep lvl 3 armor lvl 4 skills
it scales depending on the dungeon lvl so it doesn't really matter. just bring a decent team; obviously being more strict the larger the resolve dungeon is.