Xenoblade 2 has a pretty great dub. Not sure why XC1 dub was praised, but today the new one gets smashed. More elitists around these days?
Xenoblade 2 has a pretty great dub. Not sure why XC1 dub was praised, but today the new one gets smashed...
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How much bush do you think Nia has?
>you can't use nia as a driver in her blade outfit
it isn't FAIR bros, I run a full ether cannon build on her (post chap 7 so i could take byakko off) and she pumps out so much damage. If I could run around as her in the blade outfit it'd be perfect
I do think 2's dub is a bit rougher around the edges in places, but generally i agree that they're both good
Because while i do not hate X2s dub, it is inferior to the firsts, and if that was just barley good to you, X2 is shit, and thus must get shitposts daily.
nia fags need to be gassed
Xenoblade only started showing the awful anime cliches 30-40 hours into the game at Makna forest, Xenoblade 2 couldn't last 2 minutes before the unfettered cringe piles on and on
You don't need to bait if you want a XB2 thread, OP
She even uses Dromarch in her blade form during cutscenes
The disconnect between the cutscenes and gameplay in this game is some of the worst I can remember
The dub was a bit rough, especially Rex's lines. The lip-sych really needs to be fixed.
Hikari > Homura
If you didn't choose her, you are wrong.
I switched to jap after the chapter 3 ending, it got way too bad there.
The problem is the voice direction. Most of the time the cast seems clueless as to what emotion they should be conveying. When they nail it such as during Nia's big scene the dub is great. The only exception is Rex who can't act for shit.
only 5 hours in but the only way I can stomach the shitty dialogue is through the various UK accents.
I did but then felt bad when Rex was actually screaming Mythra in agony at the end. It seemed out of character
English dub tailor made for brainlets
>Xenoblade 2 couldn't last 2 minutes before the unfettered cringe piles on and on
Name one part of the first cutscene that's cringy faggot
Personally, I enjoyed the insanity that is boarding the titan battleship early on in the game, like chapter 2? You get to that big room with 20 guys in it and they all slowly start getting aggroed as the fight drags on.
It was the stupidest fucking thing. I love it. Normally I get mildly annoyed when enemies keep getting aggroed into fights, but the chaos was amazing this time around.
Is Aoi Yuuki in the dub? No? It's shit in comparison.
>Zeke joins party
>throw him 2 cores to to get some extra field abilities
>he snipes two rare blade rolls in a row
whats wrong with that, he's good
More surprised than anything else. Had to go through anywhere from 5-20 cores between each rare blade, tossing the the trash ones obv, and in comes the fucking Zekenator to get 2 of them like it's fucking nothing.
They were a Tank and Healer blade respectively though. Haven't messed with Zeke much yet.
God I wish that were me
Is there a bait image for xc2 yet
someone post the video of her saying shut up
it's hilariously bad
Nah, it's primarily some rough delivery that sounds and has weird intonation.
The other big thing is that the star performances of XB1 included its protagonist, whereas Rex is one of the weakest performances among the main cast in XB2
Shut up!
I actually like a lot of the dub voices, for example Nia and Morag, but Rex is so bad.
Nia's voice choice makes no fucking sense in the dub
Yeah, shouldn't she have an American accent since she's a blade?
But I guess that'd make it too obvious huh
She's a flesh eater, born Gormotti
aren't flesh eaters blades that just got human cells, so she was a blade first
jin still has an american accent
The main thing is Rex's yells either need to be redone to be shorter or re-recorded with better pitch and strain as the yell goes on.
XC1 got lucky with Shulk, Reyn and Dunban, particularly for those emotional scenes in the early game that were meant to motivate you
Figure I'll ask here. Is Nia blade worth using and losing out on a char full of field skills? Or does blade nia suck outside of healing which is kinda pointless once you can critheal.
>great dub
When will dubfags die?
IMO, Pneuma is more Pyra than she is Mythra. Both by looks and personality.
Pyra is best grill.
XBC2 dub is so cringy,Even XBC1 dub which is shitty too is better than XBC2,Anyways If I played Japanese games in dub I would kill myself
I like both girls.
Still I choose Mythra name because I like her a little more (mostly because I just use her in battle).
This game really makes me cringe.
What do you guys like about it?
If I had to make a comparison, most JRPG have a goofy nature to them. Sorta like Sonic the Hedgehog. Xenoblade Warriors 2 seems like it's seen the goofy nature of Sonic the Hedgehog and only focused on the Tails eating Creams shit and ass comic.
Finish the game first, or watch someone else finish if thats more your speed. By your description, it doesnt sound like you've seen anything past chapter 4.
The point being I don't want to buy it due to the Tails eating the shit from Creams ass side of things. You could have the best gameplay ever, but it's still got that layer on top. It's putting me off buying it.
Well the question was "what do you guys like about it", so yes.
>Well the question was "what do you guys like about it", so yes.
>What do you guys like about it?
>Um, you've not played past chapter 4 so...
I prefer Mythra but Rex is not a self insert MC in the slightest, so when that choice came up I chose Pyra.
Japanese performances > English performances
English voices > Japanese voices
pic related it's playing the game in any language