Are you really going to buy this game again just because you can play it on a bus now, Sup Forums?

are you really going to buy this game again just because you can play it on a bus now, Sup Forums?

>implying I bought a Wii U

I'm looking forward to buying and owning it for the first time. I played it briefly at a bro's house. Seems pretty good

Are you really gonna sit at home and wonder what other people buy, autist?

yeah, i'm gonna play it on the train and make a bunch of monkey noises the whole time, and every time i get 100 bananas i'm gonna go "oooo...banana" like in DK64

Never 100% it despite really loving the game.
I hope they actually let you customize your controls and decrease loading times. The control scheme isn’t bad at all, but the more customization, the better.





any graphical updates?


Do people really give a enough of
shit about Funky to buy?

It's 1080p, I believe

Funky seems like he's easy mode. He might be fun to use after you already beat the game, but I wouldn't use him on a first playthrough

>There are people on this board that openly admit they bought the Pee U

never bought it in the first place.
looks like my waiting has paid off.

you say that like it's not a selling point

>everyone says the Wii U is shit
>everyone's going to buy the Wii U ports

>The Pee U having a name that confused normies and no advertisement means the games were shit

I'm only buying it again because I REALLY wanna fuck Funky Kong.

I would buy it again if it had Returns HD and the Rare trilogy.

No but I hope it gets the sales it deserves this time.


>Some black guy thinks you're mocking him
>Beats your soy ass and takes your Switch

It doesn't even really need the Rare trilogy but the least they could have done is include Returns HD.

[ASMR Roleplay]: Kind and Sympathetic Funky Kong Carries You Through Stress-Free Playthrough of Tropical Freeze


are you going to make this thread every day?

>Buying a DK game that's the same shit over and over in the first place
LMFAO, I'm not that desperate for games. Got DQ Builders, Bayo combo (a better port I haven't played) and eventually Hyrule Warriors.Another better port.

God where are the new fucking games i'm not paying $60 for Kirby when that should be $40.

The Wii U, as a console and piece of hardware, is shit.

Even the worst consoles, however, usually end up with at least a handful of games that are worth playing, and with Nintendo consoles you can at least count on the few first party titles to be solid. This may not have been enough for some people to buy a Wii U, but that doesn't automatically mean that these people aren't missing out on games that they want to play; it just means that for whatever reason it wasn't worth the console purchase. For these people, re-releases are great. Now I get to play the few good Wii U games without having to buy a WIi U

What happen if i use CemU?

i want dat AA

probably not but Im glad people have another chance to play this great game. Cranky is the best Kong all others need not apply

I'm buying cause I'm bad at games and it has an easy mode now.

>western made
>another 2d platformer
>implying I bought it in the first place

No one who buys all these ports for the Switch ever had a Wii U.

>Doesn't include Returns

Meh not worth it. If it included Returns along with TF in a compilation, it would be worth it.

Only hopping for a Dixie amiibo so I can cum on it every hour, every day.

I fell for the Wii U meme and I'm also getting the Switch port so I can replay an amazing game without ever needing my Wii U again

reminder that you have no right to bitch that a series dies if you dont support it

I hope this means Funky for 5mash. Sakurai literally has no excuse now.

Im buying it because I want Funky to fuck my ass

>funky 438
Drop that folder now

>Not wanting K. Rool.

>200% it on wiiu
>gonna buy it again anyway
I hope we can fix the awful controls this time but I doubt it

for years nintendo fanboys said "the Wii U is the only console worth buying" now they blame people who bought one

no enguarde no buy

>I hope we can fix the awful controls
What was wrong with the controls?

Never finished it on Wii U but I find it easier to finish games when I can play them while pushing diamonds out of my ass.

He'll find one
>6 Fire Emblem characters
>still only 2 Kongs

Why do people do this? Why not just shit and get off the pot?


Having 2 separate buttons for rolling and grabbing mainly, was no need for that
also having to manually grab vines
Really I'd like an option to just make it control 1:1 to the original games

Constipation my dude.
I almost enjoy it.

Daily reminder that it isn’t even a good game

the government will kill me

I lol'd


I won't buy it again because it was trash the first time I bought it.

It's a risk im willing to take

>Buying it again

Why are so many Dk threads lately?
Not complaining I enjoy it, Im finally happy my boy is getting the Recognition he deserves.

No, I'm going to buy it again because I didn't finish it on Wii U and it's a really fun game I'd like to play again.

Pirated it on wiiu, no need

Maybe if they make a sequel and the switch has no piracy then I'll buy it used

Amazing game btw

This, I'm happy for ports because I had no wii u

Because new game (Well shit Switch port of old game)


people are finally realizing that this series full of rich characterization, deep lore, and heartwrenching development is worth their time and praise
time to get funky, dudes

I'm gonna buy it again, and every friend and family member I know with a Switch is getting it for Christmas or a birthday from me if they don't buy it themselves.

The game is so good. It's like it came from some alternate dimension where 2D platformers were still the AAA genre of choice.

>Funkys bio in DKC1 states he hates adventuring
>playable character

Right. Fuck the lore, Nintendo.

Nigga what else can you do when so viking take over your country and kick you out while making it a snow world? Funky and Cranky don't have a choice.

buy it for me then

>Manky Kongs were rebellious kongs
>never brought up again until Lanky became a part of the DK Crew which goes against the lore Rare set up

Right. Fuck the lore, Nintendo.

DK64 was made by Rare dumbass

Tropical Freeze is made by Retro, your point?

it's one of those games that is so fun you don't mind buying and replaying it again

I'm going to buy all the good Wii U ports, because I didn't buy a Wii U. My only regret was that I couldn't play Treasure Tracker, but thankfully it runs well on Cemu.

no, i had a U, i just didn't buy DKTF

I'll buy it again because I want to play it again and I think the Switch is such a great platform to pick up and play games like this on.

i'm bothered that base Funky is stronger than DK. This isn't like Luigi where he had slippery controls and is a gigantic wuss, he's legit Giod mode DK.

The older brother usually is.

Funky is the main monkey

this. I've never double-dipped on a game before, but I'll snap this up day one.

I might buy it again to show Nintendo I want more.

i might pirate it a second time to play on my new computer

>add Funky
>it's just a fucking easy mode
What the F*CK is their problem?

Anyway, I was hoping for a Returns/TF bundle. Would've bought it in a heart beat if it was. Not sure now.

Hell yeah, this game was actually a masterpiece. I hope people who didn't have a wii u get to play it now. The only thing that needed to be fixed was the loading screens.

Nope. I already beat the non-casualized version.

The games being shit are why the Wii U didn't sell.

Can WiiU apologists stop using this argument?

Yes the WiiU had a few good games-so does nearly every console. That doesn't mean its library as a whole wasn't lacking. That is why people are buying Switches, because it is getting more games due to increased support from both Nintendo and third parties,

Funky is smarter then DK. Makes sense he can manage his power better. Funky could probably solve all the games' problems himself.

I'm gonna buy it since I have owned a Nintendo Console since the gamecube. I'm 100% okay with all these ports of wii u games since I never got to the play them.

My gf sucks are at video games. But now we can play together. It's not a bad thing, user.

There is not enough Funky x DK lewds

>another 2D platformer
>implying there's an oversaturation of them
Nobody makes 2D platforms anymore, dude. Especially ones of TF's quality.

>Funky is so pissed his island is taken over he is finally going to adventure
>He breaks the game and stomps everyone easily
Was he hiding his powerlevel all these years?

Yes. I'm going to buy Hyrule Warriors too for the 3rd time because it's that fucking fun to me.

>Pee U
Grow the fuck up.

>got 200%
>still gonna get this game
I have a fever, and the only prescription is to get funky.

That funky better have some cowbell.

If it weren't so good, I wouldn't bother. But it deserves another shot at life and my support. DKC returns 3 please.

It kind of sucks for a gf though. I played through 3d world with my gf and she loved it. Got frozen dong hoping to repeat but it's too fucking hard for her. Honestly, it's too hard for a co op mode even if you both are good. I mean this in a good way because the game is amazing

I’m buying it again because Tropical Freeze is easily the best modern 2D Platformers for the last decade alongside Rayman Legends and I refuse to let it be forgotten because of the Fucking Wii U’s garbage sales

Also I’m curious how Gamespot is gonna approach this game given that fuck head gave it a 6

This should have been bundled with Returns


The over 100% shit in DK games is retarded. At least give the option to do hard mode in two player and not cut half the functionality out of it