I have $10.69 in my Steam Wallet. What should I get?

I have $10.69 in my Steam Wallet. What should I get?

what kind of games do you like

I'm open for just about anything.

a steam bf :3

Payday 2

Already own it.


A job.

Already got one.

American Truck simulator is on sale right now if you're into that.

Hotline Miami and Undertale

Got Hotline and Undertale already. I already own Elite: Dangerous. Isn't truck simulator basically the same thing?

Then why are you making a thread about a few bucks like it was a life decision?

4 TF2 keys

Because I'm curious what others can recommend vs what I can find. Hidden gems and whatnot.

I have $30 in my wallet. Recommend me something I can play with a controller please.

Shower with your dad simulator 2015

LISA rge painful

And you think Sup Forums is the right place to go for



I have been wanting to play Uno for some reason lately...

Papers, please

Here you go

Already own both.

Binding of Isaac: Rebirth with Afterbirth AND Afterbirth +. You have to buy them separately for some reason, fuck off mcmillen

This is a good answer

OP here. You could try Rocket League.

Papers please

a job.

Get fucked, retard.

That'll be 10 bucks


I have no mouth and I shall scream
SystemShock 2