Is this really what we've come to now?

Is this really what we've come to now?

That shits back?
Also I'm really surprised Valve got no shit for inventing that system

What game?

it's more a pr move to get people involved

it's probably also rigged and it'll reach the tier 3 rewards no matter what

It's okay when Valve does it.


what game is trying this again?

New SAO game I think

It's not Valve, it's the dev you fucking retards

What are the rewards?

Didn't Deus Ex do this a few years back?

Costumes and a Weapon.

This was the sort of marketing shit that turned even normalfaggots against Dude Sex: Mankind Divided.

Dangling a bonus but only if you convince your mom and grandma to pre-order a copy too will even antagonize the fratbro console audience who enabled this shitty whole gamestop preorder DLC culture to spring up with Halo. You better believe it'll piss off the weeb audience who'll buy isekai shit like SOA (Accel World was better, but the MC being a fat little manlet hit too close to home so japan HATED it)

Valve created this pre-order system
Yeah, funny when Valve did it years ago

Yeah and it's a major reason it sold like shit on release day. People flipped out at the "augment your preorder" bullshit.

holy shit i haven't seen this since, fuck what was the last game to use this, THI4F?

I think they're giving away Hollow Fragment as well for the last reward

>early access
>now this slowly becoming a thing
Why do you keep supporting these practices?

>actually holding content hostage
>not learning from previous mistakes

This fucking industry. Makes me glad that I barely bother with modern vidya now.

Such insidious shit. The only way I could see it ever being helpful would be to use it for a game that's 100% reliant on multiplayer. Of course then they wouldn't use this because they need to trick people into buying dead games.

PC gamers enabled microtransactions first
Consoles just followed suit that fucking valve set with dota, TF2, CS:GO and so on

never seen this shit

i dont pre purchase

Tales of Zestiria's PC port also pulled this crowd pre-ordering bullshit

>pre-order exlcusives except you only get them if enough people preorder

Yeah but the thread isn't about microtransactions user.

I think a tales of game did this a couple years ago

what game?

Didn't Squeenix get hated for doing this with Deus ex?

Do you guys remember when Mankind Divided did this, and it got so much backlash they had to pull it entirely?

>Pre-ordered Zestiria to get Symphonia for free.
>Got a terrible game and a terrible port.

Learn from my mistake.

Difference is that Mankind Divided was a game people wanted. This is an SAO game that will be bought by weebs with zero shame regardless of shitty practices.

2K does this shit all the time. They did it for Bioshock Infinite, XCOM the Bureau, Civilization V. I THINK they did it for XCOM 2 and Civ VI too but I haven’t used Steam much the last couple of years.

Reminder this already happened.

I don't remember anything like this for XCOM 2 or Civ VI. What were the preorder shit being dangled for unlocks for the other games? I can't imagine what would be unlocked for Bioshock Infinite since that game barely has anything to customise or even unlock.

>Mankind divided came out in 2016

The Valve version happened before SE's. Heck, I remember DoA5:LR Steam being one of the first.

Alright Sup Forums, you've just been asked to invent a new system/provide incentives for people to pre-order your company's next game.
What do you do?

bioshock infinite and tr13 did it even before that. also resident evil revelations.

The game itself only comes out if it has a certain number of preorders.

The game remains unannounced until a minimum preorder number. After it's announced, the game's release date will be made sooner the more preorders are bought.

Make a good game

Guys hurry up and pre-purchase.
Hurry up and pre-purchase.