How many monsters in this Game?
How many monsters in this Game?
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Just you
tahts teh same as tri :(
There's still the possibility of dlc.
The real monsters are the monster hunters
no, tri had less large monsters
Bad distribution
Tri had 18. But here's the (you) that you clearly wanted.
We've seen footage of Odogaron in Coral Highlands.
this is wrong, half of the ones listed on the ravine are in the volcano/crystal map, which is not the same map you fight zorah on
A lot of the Rathian footage was from the desert's watery area.
like 30 or so, already confirmed monthly dlc's for the next 2 years
I expect a season pass for extra shilling.
Also betting PC version will be something stupid like Monster hunter world ultimate and have G rank.
A world full
Yes, even the website lists Rathian as residing in the Wildspire Wastes.
Zola is both a monster and a map.
It is not wrong.
I hope they add him and he can do some crazy shit in the new enviroment.
there is so much shit wrong with this i dont even know where to start
>kirin in coral highland when the only footage we have of it is in volcano
it is wrong, retard, watch the latest trailer and you will see the volcano/crystal map
zorah is a small arena where you fight nergi at some point
Hes so cute
There's footage of Kirin? Where?
in elder god's trailer
the new TV commercials CapcomJP released
>Rathians and Rathlos have never EVER been seen on any other maps than the one you first see them
looks Coral Highlands to me
Did they up the size of kirin? Just when i thought they couldnt make the fight anymore tedious.
its the upper level of the volcano which is crystalline/frozen
I think they enlarged all Elder Dragons
Elder dragons that dont require an arena or just sit on top of the tower are very rarely only on one map. Thats kinda apart of their deal.
looks the same size as Oroshi Kirin
im not saying it can't be in coral highland, i'm saying we havent seen it there yet
Why did they make a bara demon?
I dont think kush pr teo look much larger. Could just be me though.
No way man, that world kirin looks bigger then that.
Actually 21
It has 18 boss monsters bud.
Cmon guys,
we got a runner :)
>expecting Grank in the first iteration of a new generation
people like you need to fuck off
>starting a new gen with g rank.
God i hate new fags.
It's horn literally spics that fuses together.
How big is Negro Gigante compared to other monsters?
>Being okay with Capcom re-releasing World with G-rank added and making the fan base pay for it full price instead of just adding it on as DLC or having in the base game on release in the first place
Let me guess, you actually like Gen. 7 of Pokemon?
if they do it wont be the first time it happened it would be the fifth time
Its an elder dragon so its bigger then everything you will fight before. From the trailer its teostras size.
I got the impression both of them looked larger than what I remember on the last trailer, but I skipped Gen, and the last mh I played was 4u, around q1 2016.
You know they have rehasged games since the beginning right?
Besides uragaan
Again i could just be flat out wrong. I dropped x as soon as i beat the final boss so the last game i put any time into a mh game was 4u too.
That doesn't make it acceptable at all.
>restarting 4U to mitigate the 10 month wait
G-rank better be bundled for free on PC to make up for the wait
Getting mad about it now is just retarded though, youre talking in a thread of people who do not care.
Do you HONESTLY think the game will have G-Rank by then?
you are free to fuck off and not buy it then
Considering the PC port can potentially be released up to a year from now, yes I do
How many monsters are on average added from a normal version to the version with Grank?
If its not it would be extremely close to coming out.
why do people keep saying this , is confirmed for fall 2018
Iits going to be less then the 3ds games because they have to update the models. Tri to 3u added a fuck ton
G Rank will probably come out mid-early 2019, I don't think they'll make a decent number of monster additions otherwise
the wait is gonna be long user, you might want to consider Frontier after you burn out on 4U.
Any chance of getting at least 10 more monsters when World G hits?
desu I just want Narga and tigrex, maybe Qurupeco since picklesaurus is coming
you mean tri to p3rd
3u actually added almost nothing but water garbage.
Obviously more then 10, we will also have whatever they add dlc wise at launch fpr the g rank version.
They specifically said they're AIMING for fall, a delay is still entirely possible
No my memory severly failed me. I thought they added more.
>Obviously more then 10
I wouldn't know, I 100% always ignore the normal version until G rank hits
Good thing Generations is a bit shit or else I'd be pretty sad
>Give Halk the ability to throw feathers at me to knock me out of stun/sleep/snowman as an emergency method to get out of Zenith-grade Sleep
>Get sleeped
>Halk swoops in to save the day
>Watch the feathers fly directly over me and do nothing
If ypu ever had the urge to play XX, monster hubter is brain dead to play in another language so it doesnt matter. (I hate the x series too)
>everyone i talk to is like "dont bother with halks they're shit"
>bother with the halk just because its cool
>XXX hours in it knocks a HC dora out of the air and kills it
worth it
Sorry guy. I am wrong.
I feel bad for the poor cucks that importated the monster hunter ps4, they were paying almost a $300 upcharge.
no worries guy, "retard" was just the jaded old man speaking.
Halks are pretty minor overall, but getting them a good selections of skills is really nice. I never expect them to do much more than save my ass with emergency heals or wake-ups though.
Seeing all 4 halks from my group chase a Fatalis into the sky that was changing sides of Castle Schrade and then moments later the Fatalis slammed into the ground was entirely worth it however.
I'm pretty upset about no Bracchydios, I know Teostra is in, but I feel like Bracchy is The monster for slime/blast
>Not even a single 4th Gen monster or even one of the monster types
Not even one of the amphibians is some fucking bullshit.
>no insects
the worst part about MHW's roster is the lack of diversity not the small size
we haven't seen 3 of the new monsters
given the hints, its likely that at least one of them is going to be... quite different.
Is it just me or does the rathlos armor look fucked up in world? I hope the elder dragons keep their armor designs.
>no Crabs
>thought that hunt would be a pain in the ass because 2 monsters 1 hunt
>actually turns out to be one of my favorite monsters to hunt
Isn't it just the classic design?
Looks like LR Rathalos to me
リオレイア Rathian
リオレイア亜種 Pink Rathian
リオレウス Rathalos
リオレウス亜種 Azure Rathalos
ディアブロス Diablos
ディアブロス亜種 Black Diablos
キリン Kirin
キリン亜種 Oroshi Kirin
クシャルダオラ Kushala Daora
ナナ・テスカトリ Lunastra
テオ・テスカトル Teostra
ヴォルガノス Lavasioth
イビルジョー Deviljho
ボルボロス Barroth
ウラガンキン Uragaan
アルバトリオン Alatreon
アンジャナフ Anjanath
ドスジャグラス Great Jagras
プケプケ Pukei-Pukei
ネルギガンテ Nergigante
ゼノ・ジーヴァ Xeno'jiiva
ゾラ・マグダラオス Zorah Magdaros
クルルヤック Kulu-Ya-Ku
ジュラトドス Jyuratodus
トビカガチ Tobi-Kadachi
パオウルム Paolumu
レイギエナ Legiana
ドスギルオス Great Girros
オドガロン Odogaron
ラドバルキン Radobaan
ヴァルハザク Vaal Hazak
ドドガマル Dodogama
財宝ドラゴン Treasure Dragon
バゼルギウス Bazelgeuse
ツィツィヤック Tzitzi-Ya-Ku
8 subspecies though
its great, subspecies have proven to be better than every other terrible attempt they have made at making different versions
Ah i didnt see that pic but i saw the one in the forge with him just standing. Maybe it just doesnt look like poo now. Or does the world one have more metal?
and Deviljho is being held back as post-launch DLC, I wonder if anything else on the list is going to be that way as well
HC versions are a much better system than subspecies in terms of content and difficulty, as are deviants, subspecies only change the color and element, and very rarely add new moves or behaviors, they're just the monsters slapped in a different environment with a new coat of paint
HR* I mean.
I'm retarded.
subspecies change color, element and moveset at their best, which in turn results in vastly different equipment.
deviants add one or two new moves, are fought in the same areas, remove the monster's music, add a couple of streaks to the gear.
HC versions are good, but i'd rather have subspecies again because if im going to fight the same monster, i want it to be vastly different
I have this pre-ordered for ps4 but i think im gonna cancel it. The beta was really not that fun
name a SINGLE bad HC monster