Warcraft 3 is the best game ever made by blizzard, and I don't care what you faggots think.
Classic Warcraft
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He's right.
Reminder warcraft 3 revolutionized the fantasy genre by humanizing orcs in a way no one else had ever done before. Especially not that racist hack Tolkien.
Admit it, you all felt more for Thrall than say, Arthas.
>Admit it, you all felt more for Thrall than say, Arthas.
While I agree, I wish they didn't.
I hate the "noble warrior" of modern day """orcs"""
But then Grom exists?
Thrall is one of the only orcs in Warcraft that isn't a retarded savage and as soon as he left the plot the orcs started rampaging again until a soulless zombie elf took over.
I wonder how Blizz is going to ruin Grom in the next few expansions.
What about Cairn? and also Rexxar?
Cairn is kill and the writers forgot his son, Rexxar fucked off to Outland to find his people and then went camping.
>raised by humans
>is the only orc not a savage
>Admit it, you all felt more for Thrall than say, Arthas.
found the fag
Well well
Warcraft 3 was a great game but it was mostly carried by it's awesome custom game selection. But then again, a lot of games from that period had great modding scenes, like quake and half-life.
The campaigns were really good. People still argue over whether or not culling Stratholme was right.
There were also some really good custom campaigns. The Map Editor was just so good.
>tfw it'll never be finished
It was entirely necessary, the only thing Arthas fucked up on that front was not being able to persuade Uther/Jaina to join him.
The whole point of it was to kinda remove the humanity of Arthas, sure objectively it might have been right, but it shows his mental downfall.
I thought that was just a meme. Of course it wasn't right. Was killing Muradin right?
He explained exactly what was going on but Uther thinks his seniority makes him right even though he never had experience dealing with that kind of thing.
>Was killing Muradin right?
muradin didn't die tho
>He explained exactly what was going on
Which didn't convince Uther or Jaina. He didn't argue a very strong case and then immediately tried to pull rank on Uther which backfired pretty harshly. He just told them they had to destroy an entire city and murder every last inhabitant because they were infected.
Sacrificing Muradin was arguably justifiable because Frostmourne's power allowed Arthas to turn the tide in battle, saving the rest of the otherwise doomed expedition, not that it did them much good in the end. Stratholme was entirely necessary (and therefore right) though, they purged one city to save the continent.
>everything about this post
Uther couldn't even consider killing his own people as a solution and Jaina wasn't as dehumanized as Arthas so she wouldn't do it either.
>Uther couldn't even consider killing his own people as a solution and Jaina wasn't as dehumanized as Arthas so she wouldn't do it either.
It's hard to know because their conversation is pretty brief. Arthas fails to convey how dire the situation is; if Stratholme isn't purged then the Undead numbers will swell so much they'll overrun the entire continent, but he doesn't phrase it that way. He needed to make them understand that it HAS to be done or EVERYONE else is also going to die. Uther knows he's young and hotheaded, purging a city sounds like the decision someone like that would make.
Arthas has first-hand experience with the undead and bluntly says this is what they need to do expecting everyone else to go along with it. Uther is older and more experienced but it's all from a different era where something like that wasn't ever considered, at worst in his day they would have to put down open rebellions.
bait. but the old Ultima games did this before that and I won't claim they were first. Lord British deserves more credit than he gets for some of the things that he came up with.
the expedition wouldn't be doomed at all if arthas hadnt burned the ships
They made it back eventually, he just needed more time.
This game was goat. Didn't realize blizzard was a dev
When will we get Blackthorne and Rock & Racing in Heroes of the Storm?
Once they're done porting over all the Overwatch characters first.