Underrated masterpiece or heaping pile of shit?

Underrated masterpiece or heaping pile of shit?

Dark souls 2 was by far my favorite souls game

Overrated heaping pile of mastercrafted shit.

second one

heaping pile of shit that still manages to be a masterpiece

dark souls 2 is the worst good game


it's a bad videogame.

Pile of shit when it comes to PvE, but a masterpiece at PvP and co-op

>dark souls 2 is the worst good game
Not when Deadly Premonition and Dragon's Dogma exists.

It's okay not a masterpiece nor a heaping pile of shit. It's high points are build variety and pvp for those who enjoy that otherwise it's out shadowed by the rest of the soulsborne games.

Good game that needed another six months in development and more competent management

>Best armor
>Best build variety
>Pure magic is actually viable
>Incredibly varied levels, such as a lava dominion at the top of a windmill
>Best PVP
>Goddamn hexes, such a beauty
>bonefist, yes this deserves its own spot


Fucking soul memory, and durability is such a hassle in this game. But durability is a joke in every other game so I don't know where this point goes desu. But I still hate it.

Its experimental and I appreciate it for that, some things work and some don't. At least its not DS3.

>masterpiece for co-op
I mean I look at passwording, name engraved ring and I agree with you...
>Soul memory
and then that thing pops up

I get wrapped up in the world and surviving and end up overlooking lesser stats and mechanics, at least on my first playthrough.

Dark Souls for me is all about fumbling my way through and just focusing on beating the bosses with no summons.

I will say this though, DS2 on launch is a VERY difference experience than DS2:SOFS, and DS2 had the best DLC experience I've played in a long time.

Did you play Old Hunters or Old World Blues?

B-Team memery aside, I think DS2 feels like a game made by Souls fans rather than actual competent designers and developers. It's like they spent a lot of time thinking about all the cool shit they could do with PvP, character builds, etc. and then realized that they had to make a single-player world to support it and couldn't really figure it out.

In terms of fun aspect, it's my favorite, gamewise its pretty bad. But desu i would rather enjoy a game than care about muh level design and muh repeating textures like all people on this board talk about

slightly underrated, its the worst in the series but still a decent game with a bunch of interesting things going for it even if the quality isn't there

the real problem is that the game gets so much shit from people that a bunch of vocal contrarians keep saying its the best game in the series when it clearly isn't

I like it but the world design is so inconsistent and it feels like most of the areas don't fit the game.I'm guessing the new designers had to make sense of Miyazaki's clusterfuck of assets and didn't have time to make new ones. So you end up with dumb shit like Earthen Peak > Bowser Castle.

Two things that really pissed me off while playing DS2 were enemy tracking and the surprise ganking.

Enemies who have jumped to attack will literally change their path mid air to home in on you. It's also stupid how they can turn without moving their feet.
The game also relies way too much on surprise attacks. You can't walk 20 steps without grunts dropping from above/climbing from below and ganking you.

It feels like From was hell bent on making this game more difficult than 1, no matter how stupid that is.

It's a pretty alright game, and doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as it gets.


Overhyped heaping pile of shit. A "so so" game otherwise.

The game was just so fucking floaty.

Its shit.

I don't think think it's irredeemable shit, but it was definitely a huge disappointment.

Sadly that happened because Namco's "prepare to die lol so hard" marketing campaign succeeded and then got forced into the game itself.

Huge disappointment
>soul memory
>i-frames tied to a stat
>no full orbs
>boring bosses
>level design is incredibly boring
>world design makes actually no sense
>worst weapon imbue system
The only thing it did well was powerstancing
It's still a decent game, but compared to the first, and even the third, it's incredibly mediocre

It's hilarious how the zones themselves are so full of complete bullshit and ganksquads, yet the bosses across the board are the easiest in any soulslike game ever

I pre-order this thing on steam, played it for an hour and havent touched it since. I mean, pre set fucking controls on PC???

>no full orbs
MOST egregious

the movement feels all wrong
all you need for a game to be considered bad

I don't remember anything from this game except this part.

*teleports behind you*

How about you fuck off with you infinite stamina and no poise bullshit big boi
eat my dick lightning

The pvp was good tho

Both. It was a heaping pile of shit until you realized it had the best pvp of all the souls games, then you didn't care so much about the shitty level design.

It's not shit. It's still a far better game than Witcher 3, Fallout 4 etc. but it's nowhere near as good as any of the other Souls games. It's really disappointing.

You'd be harder pressed to name a game that isn't better than Fallout 4, user.

Now this, this is autism.

>have to play stupid arena to farm orbs
>arena can pair you up against people way higher or lower leveled than you making it very unfun
>you get souls while doing this
>you can get pushed out of your bracket and closer to the mundane everything meta
Dark Souls 2 on release was so shit for me, I just wanted to make gimmick builds and invade people in specific areas

It someone manages to be both

fuck off

yeah fuck that shit I did it honestly for about 30 or so and then just CE swapped a fuckton iirc

Overrated, heavily flawed with a few good ideas and cool bosses here and there.
Overall a big disappoinment and had a big damaging effect on the fan's trust of Fromsoft. It completely changed the context of this series and made us realise that there is always the chance that these games might turn out awful.

What? Dark Souls 2 is one of the most shat on games in the history of games.

Looks and feels like a cheap chinese knockoff of dark souls, not an actual souls game. There's some cool stuff in it like powerstancing and more magic options than other games, but it's heavily outweighed by the ps2 graphics, shitty mechanics like soul memory, and gameplay that feels absolutely awful.

As it is, heaping pile of shit/10. Needs a remake to ds3 levels of refinement for me to ever consider playing again.

There are tons of people who, bizarrely, love the game. Particularly on Sup Forums. It's highly overrated.
They're the same kind of people who say DS3 and BB are absolute trash.

>particularly on Sup Forums
so nothing?
look at the definition of overrated, user

>the fucking forest with the invisible enemies
they couldn't even bother to make enemy models so they just threw this in to fuck with you

It has its dogged defenders, and too often they lie their asses off (whether by omission or fabrication) about the game to defend it, while accurate statements about the game read like a complaint about a game. That's as reasonable a metric for calling something overrated as I can think of.

The number of people who think it's the best in the franchise is anomalous.

It's slightly above average. Still better than a lot of current shit, but no real "wow" moments. No guttertrash but no golden goose.

Nah, there's a ring you can get in Eleum Loyce and it exposes all of the invisible enemies in the forest. It might not be in the original Ivory King release, I'd have to look it up and honestly I don't care enough about DaS II to bother.

>Underrated masterpiece or heaping pile of shit?

Mediocre sequel that played like crap and has unnecessary changes (ADP)

That wasnt hard, but it was still so incredibly gay.

It's not a ring, it's a key item. Once you get it all invisible enemies become visible, doesn't take up a ring slot. Just FYI

Neither. It's good. That's it. Why does everything have to be either extremes with this shithole of a board?

>Why does everything have to be either extremes with this shithole of a board?

My mistake. It's been a dog's age since I played it.

Compared to the first Dark Souls, it's totally understandable why anyone would think it's a pile of shit. As its "own title", it's a good game and fun for the most part... remainnig lackluster in art and world building design

tl;dr it's mediocre