What's the most cohesive video game that you can think of?

what's the most cohesive video game that you can think of?

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Dream Daddy is VERY good. It's also very cohesive.

Neir Autotomate is sexist af tho


I dunno, but I think Cuphead should be higher.

Did you play cuphead? It has good music, very good music, and it is not racist.

Fucking hell shes so Jew it hurts


lost it.

Thank you for this

I know this is Sup Forums and being mean is expected, but holy shit fucking dream daddy? What the fuck are you even saying?
Giantbomb is unlistenable already but this nonsense just kicks its dick in the dirt.

so I'm about a month behind on podcasts and I'm only just now listening to GB GOTY deliberations

im not gonna lie, i thought you guys were playing up how obnoxious she was, but now that I'm listening to it, i was wrong

I don't get it

What does cohesive actually mean in the context of video games? It's such a bullshit non descriptor... It's the same meaningless rhetoric all critics resort to when they can't come up with meaningful commentary on something, but in video games it's particularly confusing. How does this bitch have a job?

I liked Abby on the Giant Beastcast initially, but there is just something about the GotY podcasts that brought out the absolute worst in her. I don't know how the rest of the cast kept their shit together. She finally stopped when Alex said "Yes, Abby, we know you think it should be higher". It was far more polite than she deserved considering how obnoxious it got.

i cant tell if thats a girl or not

During the GB GotY podcast, particularly during the actual Game of the Year award discussions, Abby constantly stated "I think Cuphead should be higher". Talking about the pros and Cons of Nier? Cuphead should be higher. How does the open world of Zelda compare to that of Assassin's Creed? Cuphead should be higher. Is PUBG too janky to be deserving of GotY? Doesn't matter, because Cuphead should be higher.

user, it's okay for women to play and like games

You know how the first half of Dark Souls is a 11/10 glorious masterpiece? And the second half of Dark Souls takes a huge dip in quality? That is incohesion.

Cuphead is a cohesive game, because it remains the same level of quality throughout, and doesn't have any drastic changes in gameplay or pacing. It has tightly defined rules and sticks to them.

Chrono Trigger is an example of a cohesive game.

I think it was her arguing that the stylistic elements (music, art, sound effects) of Cuphead all mesh together very well, but you can only run that argument into the ground for so long before it loses all meaning.

She'll probably be even worse next year

I feel like if you're beta enough to open a six hour audio of people bitching about vidya, you deserve what you have coming.

Geometry Wars

This is a very good post. It is very good. Personally I enjoyed it. Cuphead should be higher.

>after listening to goty podcasts have very little hope for their content
>decide to give them one last chance of redemption and watch the new episode of steal my sunshine
>begins with them saying they all loved TLJ

I'm never listening to these rapists ever again.

Dark Souls, Tetris, DOOM, Professor Layton and the Curious Village, and Alien: Isolation

Is that young linetrap?

I don't understand OP, I'm confused. Do you mean Cohesive as its properly defined or based on the image you posted do you mean inclusive or diverse? There are a slew of games across several genres that are obviously "Cohesive", pretty much any game that makes even just low bar adequate design choices are "Cohesive.", I could probably pick up any game from my digital or physical library across all platforms and it be a coin flip as to whether or not ti was "Cohesive."

Well they are morons, Vinny once said that the Robocop remake was better than the original, it was a Robocop for the thinking man.

i really can't take anyone who claims he "loves" tlj serious

i thought it was decent if a little underwhelming, but there is no way you are anything other than a brainlet if you think it's some kind of masterpiece

To be fair, Abby was the only one really dickriding that game. Just about everyone else seemed kind of lukewarm towards it.

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door, if I could beat it as a child then it's pretty fucking coherent.