>Perfect controller doesn't exi-
Perfect controller doesn't exi-
What the fuck am I looking at
The destruction of the last reason to have an XBone.
What the hell is that d-pad and circle button
Where is the select button
ds4 doesn't have select
When is this releasing? I know the wired one's been out, but what abt wireless? Also, that circle button looks fucked.
the d-pad is not as good as the DS4 but it's usable
looks cheap and flimsy
>that circle
please kill it.
Pretty much this but only if it doesn't have that cheap ass rubber that breaks apart on the sticks.
Oh fuck I might actually cop that. Does it suffer the same battery problem as the DS4?
on play-asia it's sold out so only in amazon europe
Does the touchscreen do anything? Last I heard it was just a large button.
Is it coming to NA? I'm in no particular rush atm.
>perfect controller
>four face buttons
Here’s hoping Hori lets you shut the dumb front light off
it's two large buttons
The giant thing in the middle-top is the select button.
>6 button is dead on official controllers
Oh my fucking god
Imagine if this was real.
some games use the touchscreen, farcry 4 uses it as both a button and a weapon select wheel (which is also bound to shoulder buttons) so you can fuck up what you have selected while trying to open the map
I assume they will release eventually in NA
>droopy ass OK button
might as well just buy an xbone controller at that point
>go to press circle
>it melts off the side of the controller
Everyone that used it said it was a really good controller
Goodbye xbox
what is the battery life
It's literally this you dumb niggers
By a large fucking margin
And yes, the dpad is actually good this time. Very good. Better than the PS4. I'm playing Yoshi's Island on it right now.
And the bumpers have been fixed from the first model, they now click everywhere
The only problem I've had so far is that the analog sticks are highly susceptible to controller smegma
This controller was legit comfy. Had a longer cord, rubber grips on the under side for your hands, and the dpad was rubberized too. Was great for everything that wasn't Dual Shock required.
Then my puppy ruined it.
Also the triggers are a bit too loose for my liking, but I would prefer digital triggers anyway. racingfags buy a wheel
>OK button
Was that even designed for actual humen hands?
>And yes, the dpad is actually good this time. Very good. Better than the PS4. I'm playing Yoshi's Island on it right now.
how is the damn battery life
>4 face buttons
>anything but shit
>3rd party controllers
yea because it was
I play wired so I don't know
I suppose the fact that it still uses AA batteries dor some reason would be a flaw for most
>Perfect controllers don't exist
Hori is good though
those triggers
It's trash, doesn't have a head phone jack
The only good game they've ever made was F-Zero GX, and the only good piece of hardware they've ever made was the Dreamcast
>chinese shit
Ok, so the sticks don't click and ZR/ZL aren't great. Besides that, the Wii Classic Controller is amazing.
been playing PS1/PS2 all day with it. Love it.
Not great if you need analog triggers for driving.
>Xbone controller with playstation buttons
So, what makes this perfect now over the Xbone controller?
that thing was not ergonomic at all
>Two crappy keyboards
>Steam controller
Opinion, discarded.
This. Headphone jack on the DS4 is one of its best features.
the analogs aren't XBOX or PS4 it's generic
I'd rather the rubber on DS4 but if you have greasy fingers it might be bad so you better buy grip for the analogs
>that circle button
>thumb pads only work well in RTS and FPS games
>they had so little faith in it they put a joy stick on there just in case
Steam controller was a failure, big picture mode never took off and is still a buggy piece of shit, VR will probably wind up being halfassed as well. Valve should just stick with making videogames and software.
>the d-pad
>that circle button
>Two crappy keyboards
You take that back
What else are they going to put in that spot? Putting nothing there would be a waste of space.
>no powerdraining useless as fuck lightbar on the front
Does anyone who has one like this? I've been thinking of getting one and it's not looking bad at all
I like being able to turn that crap off on PC.
Same here and I have no clue why you can only dim it on PS4, not being able to turn it off is so damn stupid.
how are these? Thinking about getting one for DB fighterz
DS4 short battery life is due to bluetooth 2.0/3.0 and touch pad not the led(lightbar)
Sony went to a 1000mAh battery despite the back saying ''800mAh".
1400~1800mAh would fix all problems
There some games reliant on that function? I don't own a ps4 but use the controller occasionally on PC and bring it to friends who do have the system.
You don't need a only 4-direction d-pad like that
Actually it's bad. You would want something like the 6-directional like the Saturn d-pad or simply go for an arcade stick
>mushy d-pad
I never got why anyone likes these, especially for fightan, even with the terrible hand setup, I like the xboner better because of that sexy feedback
If you think not having an annoying light constantly on won't help the battery life even a little bit then you don't know shit about video games.
But it has a blue LED on the front which will take up 90% of the power the PS4 does, which isn't even very much to begin with.
>power draining
Its just tacky and distracting.
It's the new Onyx by Hori, I still prefer symmetrical sticks I fucking hate cock-eyed controllers,
3.5 mm audio jack ?
I removed the led cable on my DS4 and it only last 4~5 hours
>There some games reliant on that function?
What function? It was only used for the psmove thing anyway, which I don't have and don't want. Worst part about it is you can't turn it off when its used with the ps4 and you can't set the colors. For example, I'm playing Tales of Berseria on ps4 right now and the lightbar is fucking pink man. Do you know how demoralizing it is to play a game with a pink light bar on at all times? It's fucking soul crushing.
I actually like this because i can play strategy games with it, my only issue is that using the right trackpad feels unreliable but it isn't, I don't know how to explain it, it is accurate and way better than an analog stick, but it doesn't have the "feel" that an analog stick has because its just your finger sliding across it.
Literally the only thing wrong about the DS4 is the lightbar. Companies love to take something that's good, add a twist to it and scam idiots out of their money.
Why do people want six fucking face buttons on their controllers?
I have one.
+Compatible with pretty much any emulator
+Dpad is great for 2d games like Castlevania
+UsbC cable recharges it quickly
+Compatible with Android IOS and windows
+Thumbsticks feel like PS4 thumbsticks
+Buttons are nice and clicky
-rumble is too much (being fixed with an update)
-triggers aren't analog
-too small for large hands
Aside from that it's a great little controller.
Put a screen in the middle of it and it will truly be a mastapiece.
>Literally the only thing wrong about the DS4 is the lightbar.
The shitty analog rubbers is a massive thing for early DS4's also I hate that little bump on the top of the analog sticks which makes it uncomfortable after a while. Not to mention the DS4 feels kind of small to my hands, I'm a 6'2 black man and my hands a kind of big so it just feels like I'll break it.
*blocks your path*
This one is better.
It's just a LED. Every controller for the past decade has had LED(s) to indicate the player number. The only difference is that DS4 has a larger window on translucent plastic that leaves more light exposed.
how's the "retrolink" version? don't feel like paying $200 for an official sega one
So close. Give it a Daulshock 4 D-Pad and fix the stupid fucking circle button, why the fuck would you not just make the thing bigger for more surface area?
Again this one is better.
Every Nitnendo controller feel fucking cheap, sorry but that's a major no. Also for some fucking reason they use a lot of glossy plastic instead of matte/textured plastic.
Not to mention all the other problems like no analog triggers, slippery analogs, shitty Dpad, not being ergonomic in any way, cable coming out from the wrong side, etc
It really is a solid device that has a lot of compatibility. It synced with a PS4 on accident too so I wonder if it will be usable there eventually.
I have the most recent firmware (update it when you get it) and it doesn't have issues pairing anymore. I use it to play on my android phone occasionally with retroarch emulation.
It's decent for windows/linux emulation
If you want a cheap and good 6 way directional go for the PS3/360 Madcatz
you can find brand new for 30 bucks or less. It works on PC
Actual perfect controller coming through. If you need more directional sticks than this you are playing shit games and have shit taste.
The analogs are the problem. The DS4 analogs are still the best despite the rubber losing grip after 8~12 months
will it work on xbone?
Circle button is like that because for most controllers, you roll your thumb to press whatever the rightmost face button is. Xbone controller does the same thing.
needs more hole technology
>Retroarch on Android
I could never get that shit to work