Was he the perfect villain?

Was he the perfect villain?

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>6th graders make a checklist of what the bestest villain is

He's not even the villain in the game.

I didn't play FFVII until like 2 years ago, and I thought for the longest time that Sephiroth would be a really cool villain with an in-depth backstory and motive, and that Cloud would be a whiny emo shit with zero motivation and relatability.
I was wrong on both accounts.

Pretty much.
I was just thinking about this in the bath OP.
Honestly I don't think he was ever meant to be a well done character. He's just a villain as an obstacle for Cloud, and he expands the game's main theme of meddling with nature. We start seeing how their use of mako may kill the Planet, and eventually see Sephiroth, a person made by Shinra's experiments but imperfect and incapable of feeling what normal people feel, so he tries to find a meaning for himself and goes crazy. It's a whole "Shinra tried to play God and look what happened" thing. Cloud is the one you're supposed to see depth in (of course) and from that perspective Sephiroth works as a great villain and rival, yes, but not a good character on his own (which doesn't really matter).
It's late and I'm tired but I hope that made sense.

He is. You just dont meet him for real until the end.

>muh family
No. He’s actually generic

He is a Jenovafag even though the game itself shows Jenova doesn't control Sephiroth.

No, that's hojo.
Sephiroth is pretty cool tho.

His motivation is too retarded for that.

He's still incredibly memorable and despite the whiny faggy motivation still cool, but come one. WAHHHH MY MOM'S AN ALIEN I'M JUST GONNA DO A 180 AND BLOW UP THE EARTH.

>misses the point

What was the point?

This one.

Too edgy

Kefka's better

Most people are going to be contrarian and tell you LOL NO which ironically enough makes them edgier than Sephiroth himself, but I thought he was pretty cool and not too over the top.

>believing hojo's raving theories

It makes no sense for Sephiroth to be able to override the will of a super powerful alien entity, because it was that being's cells which made him strong in the first place

Whole thing is very obviously inspired by Akira so it’s moot.

Hes a pussy compaired to this guy

Kefka's even edgier though.
He's probably the edgiest FF villain next to like, Exdeath and Kuja.

The Ultimania says that Sephiroth was in control all along.

too lolrandumb xd

>perfect villain
>never talks
>somehow has a rivalry with cloud anyway

The anime/manga? Is it?
Akira is my favorite movie and FF7 is my favorite game and I've never made the connection?

>ayyy lmao im wacky and evil look how evil I am tee heeee ur a self-help manual!
Kefka was boring

great, it still doesn't make sense.

Cloud's the one that has deep feelings for Sephiroth (hatred, mostly), Sephiroth's just using Cloud.

>I became insane because of an experiment lol


>never talks

t. never played the game

He wants to end the entire world to bring it back to nothingness then kill himself, how's that not the edgiest shit

bet you can't recite what he says without google

This. I cringe everytime someone tells me or implies that Sephiroth has some sort of grudge against Cloud in FF7. In FF7 Sephiroth didn't even know who the fuck Cloud was until the second half of disc 1. And then when he finally cobbled together some kind of memory of who Cloud was he basically spent the game using him as a meat zombie while Cloud came up with more and more reasons for needing to find him only to get to him and claim that he doesn't care about anything he says. That's the point. Cloud wasn't special. He was a nobody from a hick town in the sticks that happened to get "lucky" once. The word lucky in quotations because him being able to stab Sephiroth in the back can be explained when you realize he had the Pre-Emptive materia equipped during the Nibeheim mission. A materia explicitly used for sneak attacks on enemies.

In no way does that invalidate what he said.

the fact that it's so minimal makes Seph a shit villain. Seph might as well be a mute.

But he was better the the other guy. You probably dont like 6 what are you one of these pussy gamers that think 7 was the best. You cunt

So the fact he doesn't talk much makes him a bad villain?

Not exactly but
>Out of my way, I'm going to see my mother!
>What are you saying, that you have feelings too?
>My sadness? What do I have to be sad about? I am the chosen one" (or something among those lines)
>Cloud? Oh, forgive me, you never had a name.

>You are only a puppet


>This place brings back memories

Sephiroth might not have had a strong character as he was basically a momma's boy that wanted to steal all the souls in the world to turn himself into a god. Basically making himself a planetary parasite exactly like his mother. But what makes Sephiroth interesting is what he does to Cloud's character i.e. degrading his psyche so far that he (and the player) can no longer trust Cloud's account of any events.

sounds pretty fucking based desu

compared to other vidya villains, yes

>The word lucky in quotations because him being able to stab Sephiroth in the back can be explained when you realize he had the Pre-Emptive materia equipped during the Nibeheim mission. A materia explicitly used for sneak attacks on enemies.
Did we play the same game? Sephiroth stabs him through the gut before he can lay a finger on him, raises him in the air, and then Cloud forces himself to the ground, raises Sephiroth into the air via the sword impaled in his own gut, and tosses him into the mako. It was one of the coolest moments in the game.


>play Crisis Core
>expect Shinra-era Sephiroth to be a brooding and insufferable faggot
>he's actually a cool dude who hangs out and trains with his comrades and is polite to his subordinates

i think he's a pretty nice guy

Close but not quite.

He was the same way in 7 before the Nibelheim incident, seemed like a real cool guy.

Yes I'm aware of that but that scene happens AFTER Cloud stabbed Sephiroth in the back with Zack's Buster Sword. Sephiroth cuts off Jenova's head, tries to leave, Cloud pursues and that scene happens

You are correct good sir.


But Sephiroth`s dialogue is important. He talks a lot when he tries to convince Cloud he`s just a clone.
>Cloud, forgive Tifa, she had no way to know!
Stuff like that. He`s even sarcastic.
>Tifa, you remember the picture we took back at Nibleheim? You want to see it Cloud? It turned out pretty good.

It's as inspired by Akira as it is the Thing
The dystopia of Midgar, Cloud riding a bike and Jenova being a writhing mass of psionic flesh is about the only real similarities

this shit again?

Totally forgot about that scene, my bad. Still, heroic effort on Cloud's part

He's literally a child throwing a temper tantrum


he was a shittier version of miang from xenogears

>people complaining about Sephiroth being a bad villain when this fuckface exists

Sephiroth telling him to eat shit and smacking the apple out of his hand in CC was the part of the game

Yes, exactly.
He also says life is pointless because it`s just going to end anyway so he decides to end it all.

Yes! It fucking was! That's what makes Cloud's bravery real. Because he wasn't a super soldier like Zack or a test tube super baby like Sephiroth. Cloud was some faceless, hick nobody who was in a situation way over his head but he stepped up anyway. He was a hero long before he had the super strength to back that up. Cloud's growth isn't to get his power level high enough to fight Sephiroth. It's to become mentally strong enough not to be enslaved by him. Which considering how Sephiroth's powers work is a pretty damn steep hill to climb but Cloud does climb it (with heavy influence from Tifa).

Sephiroth shitting on the OC donut steels was the best part of CC

>nigga cloud
>slav barret

I kinda like it

La tifa nigheart and niggaroth can fuck off though

The guy impaled best girl with a samurai sword half way through the game. If he isn’t a top tier villain I don’t know who is.

>you will never be an obese piece of shit that party's all day, eats until he passes out and gets paid to do jack shit while some skater does all the work

Why even live?

Niggeroth looks great.

Jenova doesn't have a will, its just an alien virus, a super powerful one which can imitate people.

You know why Genesis irritates me? Besides for being a Gackt clone that quotes terrible poetry? It's because this fucker shouldn't exist. I don't even mean within the context of FF7 though that's true too. CC was supposed to be about Shinra putting down the last pockets of resistance from Wutai. So one would think that Wutai would be important or something. But no we see Wutai for all of 15 minutes before the story immediately abandons that in favor of wanking to Genesis. Who's story is boring as fuck.

>I have the power to give people Genesis AIDS and turn them into clones of me before they die

Leading to the built in excuse of why you fight a never ending legion of Genesis mooks who all look the fucking same.

Can you really pin that sort of thing on Sephiroth considering that checklist only became a thing because of him?

Don’t get me wrong, love Sephiroth...But Rufus was the better villain in VII.

I feel like someone should've acknowledged how much less insane ShinRa became under Rufus's leadership. Which is crazy. The guy that authorized a giant fucking cannon being airlifted via helicopter and plopped on top of a residential area so they could shoot spirit bullets at Sephiroth is LESS insane than the previous President

>President Shinra authorized the destruction of 1/8th of the city to kill 5 people

Rufus was barely in it. And he wasn`t even a villain. He is one for a total of like an hour until Sephiroth takes his place.

And even then, Rufus is flying in the giant fucking cannon because the end of the world is coming and there's a giant planet monster headed right for Midgar's ass.

Now this is a shot in the dark, but when President Shinra drops the plate like said he's listening to a piece of music, specifically Haydn's The Creation (Die Schöpfung).
Now would anyone happen to know which specific recording it is?

> perfect villain

He was hardly malevolent throughout most of the game.

Shinra as a whole had great villains. Damn if I wasn't impressed when they took down TWO Weapons with their tech. And this scene, it made me respect the man when I first saw it. How he accepts that he had lost the gamble, it was a powerful sendoff. Too bad that AC retcons it.

>hardly malevolent

He was almost as good a villain as the evil tree earlier in the series given that he spends THE ENTIRE GAME up until disc 3 stuck in a piece of materia in the northern crater

The amount of speculation as to how he accomplishes what he does while being dead the whole time is quite a thing to behold

Kefka is just some Joker-wannabe motherfucker whose 2edgy4me.

that's not asriel

>lol fucking sephirothfags not preferring the based kefka, so deep and nihilistic

Yes but is he a tree

Notice how i said "most."

So is Sephiroth

>nobody liked big katana, narcissm or planet-destroying villains before sephie
Come on dude, it's the most archetypal thing ever.

um, no sweetie

This man did literally nothing wrong.

>most archetypal thing ever
Name me 5 big katana, narcissm and planet-destroying villains from before the 18th century.

>has a heart of gold
>travels with the former leader and king hero to save the world
>his mentor, leader and king hero dies to save him
>plunges him into despair until a random village girl finds him collapsed of hunger in the woods
>he and random village girl fall in love and conceive a child
>demons attack the village one blood moon night
>tries to save her and his unborn child but fails
>still stays in the village and defends it despite feeling mindnumbing shame and sadness over his loss
>decides to dedicate his life towards saving humanity and sacrifices his soon to be wife's brother and turns his sister in law into a hate devouring demon
>tries his best to make the world a paradise without demons and puts the many over the one
>it all goes so wrong but he still stays the course and dies to his sister in law
Being Artorius is pain in both dark souls and ToB

>hides in a crater the whole game
>biggest accomplishment is stabbing a praying flower girl in the back
>except that wasn't him that did that, it was actually his mom or something
Yeah, great villain.

It's been confirmed that Sephiroth was in control of Jenova.

You do realize that said flower girl was set to launch the one thing in the entire world that could ruin his plan right?
