WoW is officially dead, lads. What will you play now?
WoW is officially dead, lads. What will you play now?
What happened in the patch that everyone is mad
Wow is dead, long live wow.
New pre-expansion patch hit today.
Leveling dungeons and quest content are now vanilla-style and take hours to clear now with no increased reward. All mobs got their HP raised to absurd amounts, even old raids. Heirlooms are shit and everyone is super weak while leveling now.
This, when it stops being popular, Sup Forums hipster maggots start crawling towards it again
>ever dying
only if Blizzard turns off the servers, they probably have subscribers still paying who simply forgot to cancel in addition to the hopeless addicts who have been playing for the last decade and will never ever quit unless it's turned off.
That sounds great. Which means blizzardiwill likely revert the changes and make things easy again, just lime cata heroics back in the day.
So basically everything Sup Forums and Nostraliusfags ever wanted?
That actually sounds fucking awesome
I might just resub and try it out again
You don't understand, this patch is a huge blow to casual players.
Remember wiping for hours in Strat and BRD? Now it's happening all over again with people you don't even know.
There are 110 levels in Legion. 60 in Classic. It's not even comparable.
But... literally all of that sounds good.
>November 2003
This actually kinda makes me want to sub again.
1. They'll revert the changes to appeal to the lowest common denominator
2. Even by some miracle they don't, the community is still absolute shit
This shtick was funnier when Furor did it with his guild, Fires of Heaven back 488 years ago.
They're going to lose a lot of casual gamers.
This is bad. Casual gamers are nice, non-toxic people.
>pre-expansion patch
Didn't you know? 90% of all WoW forum goers started in closed beta 1.
They'll nerf leveling as soon as enough people cry about it, same as they did with heroics in cats. That was the real downfall of wow. Then raid finder cane out a few patches later and was the final nail in the coffin
>claims to have played when the game was challenging and tedious
>is mad the game is challenging and tedious again
you faggots are retarded.
That sounds great though?
The whole issue with WoW is that it slowly became a total fucking snorefest because it was designed to be easy as all hell.
>hurr why can't my tank practically solo leveling dungeons any more
It's not harder. It just takes a lot longer.
>There are 110 levels in Legion. 60 in Classic. It's not even comparable.
If the objective is to enjoy content, less levels is better, because otherwise you would just be able to cheese BRD by going there 50 levels above the recommended level.
But of course no one subbed right now is interested in doing content, just hit max level for their alts
no, you are actually retarded, if you thought about the change for five seconds you would see the patch was bad.
>practically solo
you literally could solo most at level dungeons on any class. Tanks were able to solo some 25/40 man content at the appropriate levels
we get it, you just want to get to the endgame content as soon as possible
just buy a fucking character boost
I see nothing wrong with this but all I hear is the echo of
>you think you do, but you don't
Imagine if Dark Souls was patched to have all the enemies have 10x more HP.
Sup Forums would say it's harder now, when in reality it's just fucking tedious.
>Remember wiping for hours in Strat and BRD?
yeah but at least it meant spending time with your frien-
>with people you don't even know.
oh. right.
that sounds awful
those fuckin kikes man why do they have to ruin fuckin legacy raid bosses
the thing is, current wow is piss fucking easy. I could clear quest and dungeon content with my eyes closed.
no, YOU are the one who is retarded
that's literally how TRC bosses work though, and people like it
Not anymore. Level 50 dungeon bosses have like 500K HP now.
what a surprise, it was just a scam to increase cash shop boosts all along
who could have seen this coming?
This image hasn't been true for Sup Forums for fucking years.
The leveling isn't hard, it's boring as shit just buffing a mob's health by LITERALLY 300% and increasing how much EXP is needed for each level isn't fun, it's tedious.
Does this mean you can't solo old raids? I don't really give a shit about leveling and whatever, but if you can't solo old raids, that's gonna be fucking awful.
You'll be forced to find groups, which isn't bad in theory, considering it's an MMO. But it'll be fucking murder as nobody is gonna want to do old content for the most part.
You still will, you just wont be like a super saiyan running through 1 shotting stuff. Some classes will have more difficulty than others on certain bosses/raids
The two propositions are not mutually exclusive.
It's tedious, and it's harder as the game would turn from a sprint to a marathon without changing pace so to speak. A lot of people can't repeat perfectly the same sequence over and over again without mistakes, if only because they grow tired.
Old raid bosses had their HP boosted by a shitton. MOP bosses have like 60mil HP pools now.
is it supposed to be a bad thing that the game is actually a little challenging now?
>time consuming = challenging
Have you played WoW?
I mean current WoW? WoW before this patch but recent?
I decided to test it out before this patch hit. I was killing mobs 4 levels higher than my character with 2 globals.
As a rogue.
While aggroing 5 mobs on me.
This isn't even the current end game experience, hell this isn't anything. There is no danger, no mechanics. Winning is a certainty. There is no fun involved in this process. No achievement.
It's not challenging, I hope you understand that.
did you play wow pre wotlk?
You're right dude, taking 10 times longer to kill mobs is SO much harder
Okay, I will explain this situation to you so that you can understand it.
Every fucking quest in ever fucking expac was designed around the enemy hp and damage being a certain amount, which means applying a flat hp change across every enemy in every zone has made certain quests almost impossible to complete. Take vash'jr, the intro quest to that zone puts you in a situation where several naga are attacking you at once. Without Full BoA gear you will probably die, especially if you are playing a class with no self healing. Thats not the only issue though, take dungeons. Dungeons have always been a five man task, so saying 'get good' is not an argument. Relying on tanks who up to now have been using fury to rush through isn't viable, and its making the game shit for dps and healers. Most tanks have forgotten how to tank, and everyone suffers for it. The changes to the game since classic also remove the fallbacks that allowed players to get through difficulties. With more levels and many more areas, finding people to group with to do hard content is impossible. Many guilds have been completely stagnant for years, and you would be lucky to be in a guild that actually has people actively playing the game, much less actively playing the game that aren't max lvl.
This would be good if they increased ALL the stats on mobs, but they just turned into damage sponges now.
>MOP bosses have like 60mil HP pools now.
Holy fuck, that's insane. Isn't that pretty much a return to actual MoP numbers?
I want to become emotionally invested in this girl and then after a long while of us dating; her to leave me and become a bittersweet memory in my life.
Yes, HWL in vanilla on my warrior
So, to reiterate, to those saying the change is good, you are fucking wrong. The act of making the game more difficult is fine, and I wouldn't have cared had they made leveling take ten times longer, but the method by which they implemented it is awful. A flat hp buff across every zone is the absolute laziest and lowest effort they could have made, and its exactly what they did.
because high warlord isnt time consuming... and extremely challenging
Just fall in love with her picture and cut out the middle man.
>wow is dead because leveling isnt easy enough for some fag and his kids
Pandering to these people is what killed the game long before this patch
you sound like a cuck.
Actually it's more than just that and if you think it is, you haven't played it on live yet. Aggro 2 mobs and you are not a tank class? You are dead if you cannot squeeze the most dps possible on them before they fire off anything that can hurt you.
This shit did not happen pre patch.
The real problem with making all the dungeons """more challenging""" is having to do them with other people. Before, it didnt matter if you got matched with a retard who didnt know what any of his buttons did because anyone else in the group could easily make up for him. But making the leveling dungeons actually require thought is going to cripple every dungeon finder group you ever get. The game isn't filled with people used to actually having to think. The leveling experience is significantly worse.
don't ya mean
a better choice of colors for sure, too bad the canvas is several years too deteriorated. nothing has any value in that shit anymore
this is your average wow player today
maybe those retards will fuck off back to questing
like they're supposed to
There are girls you marry and girls you cherish the time with but are better off away from, even if you want it so bad user. One day you'll learn
>Sub-races get a special reward for leveling traditionally
Kind of a weird move to deter people from using level boosts.
All this new stuff and pre-expansion stuff being in early makes me think the expansion can't be more than a couple months out. Like May/Juneish
>Dark Souls, a challenging, unforgiving game where more enemy HP would have a massive impact
>WoW, a walk in the park for 110 levels on your own until you decide to go into Mythics with people you never met before and you have no idea what you're doing because the game never taught you ass crap
good comparison.
its great and all but I bet
>mana is still infinite
>pots and scrolls are useless
>so is engineering tools
>first aid useless too
>no need for food as all melee classes have some sort of self heal now
>you still rush from quest marker to quest marker skyrim style
As a positive this will probably kill LFG spamming so you will see more people questing
Leveling length doesn't equate to difficulty. Making it so enemies aren't one shotted and you actually have to deal with their rotation is a huge step up.
Why even bother with leveling dungeons when you can just quest then. Leveling loot gets replaced insanely fast so unless leveling dungeons provide a good time to reward ratio in terms of gear/exp there's no reason to even bother.
Basically it sounds like leveling dungeons are even more pointless now. Well uh grats I guess people will just quest to 110 then.
This is not the pre-patch you stupid cunt.
Is everyone defending this patch braindead? It's literally only a HP bloat. There's no challenge or fun to this, it just wastes your time.
You guys are so addicted to contrarianism, you don't even stop to think.
It's pretty stupid for them to do this now. Not that I don't like it, but I haven't played the game in years. I think that is the same for a lot of people who would be the target of this change. I think most of the people that are still clinging to their shitbed of a game are the type who literally turn their brain off when they launch the game. The kind of people who want to hold W and clear dungeons until their body tells them to sleep.
Imagine if all the Dark Souls enemies could be killed by one L1 press and you never had to learn patterns until the later game.
>questing completely fixed, increased mob health is offset by never outleveling content thus never getting reduced xp
>wtf but dungeon spamming takes 10% longer and i have to pay attention!!! UNSUBSCRIBING!!!!
I'm here to shitpost
i havne't played wow or even an MMO for that matter
Level scaling was advertised as an expansion feature, you fucking gibbon.
>10% longer
Try 100%
>making shit take longer and more trivial means it's fixed
No one with even a single functioning braincell gives a fuck about the WoW lore.
Hahahaha, the absolute state of WoW. This is the mess you made with your own grubby two hands Blizzard!
WHat the fuck is this "game balance"
*will smith scream*
actually it would be less trivial, since theyre forcing you to pay more attention to it.. idiot
good because you cant even cast a single spell before a mob dies in current dungeons
How is doing the same shit you were doing previously, but for ten times as long require anymore attention than it did before? You're the idiot here.
Anyone who hates this change is a literal fucking moron. Before you almost one-shot every quest mob in the world and dungeon bosses wouldn't even live through one proper rotation. The entire questing experience was aboslute garbage. A single early dungeon run would put you out of level range for an entire zone. At least now you can get a better experience for how a spec actually plays as opposed to pressing your single damage button and the mob dying instantly.
The only people I see really not liking this change are people that played WoW as a secondary activity while they did all sorts of other shit like watch TV, talk to their spouse, browse their phone, etc. I'm excited to be able to enjoy playing the different specs as their intended.
>tfw you will never be a 70 year old granny that only logs into wow to farm materials
i wish Sup Forums was still like this
but now it's all
>b-b-but it's fun
>*soy grin*
>wahh it takes a bit longer to level from 15 to 110 while never leaving stormwind now!!!!
People have already done the grind on the PTR, it takes at MOST 30% longer. Except now you don't need to run half way around the world when you get 5 levels to go to the next zone
I still pull the same amount of mobs while leveling, but instead it takes 300% longer. It's not dangerous, it doesn't require my brain, it requires more button presses.
If you don't enjoy the gameplay, why are you playing the game? People say this time and time again, but that's how WoW is and has always been. Just because a boss can live to actually do its mechanics now is no great travesty. I've been waiting for a patch like this.
You still do like 200% increased damage to MoP mobs, anybody with 910 gear will still steamroll old shit.
case and point