Goty awards going on live right now
Winners so far:
Best Remaster/Remake: Fire Emblem Echoes | Best Beta/Demo: Octopath Traveler | Best Characters: Yakuza 0 | Best Shotgun: Wolfenstein II - The Shockhammer | Best Game to Play in One Night: Edith Finch | Best Economy: Yakuza 0 | Best Side-scroller: Hollow Knight | Best Preorder Incentive: Project Scorpio |
so i was watching the reaction shots 2017 special and what the fuck
what's wrong with this faggot?
>favourite movie of the year lady bird
>blade runner 2049 was deeply problematic and sexist
>"the black experience"
>"feminist perspective"
is the dude made out of soy? why does he look like max landis? i was expecting him to start sucking a random dick during the thing because that's the only way it could have gone even more gay
also why does he paint his nails? wtf dude
Damiani said am2r is amazing and sr is trash
Which aligns with Sup Forums general opinion but me after playing both games side to side I have to say am2r was terrible, really bad metroid fights really awful puzzles stolen assets, meh music, terrible reward art when you beat the game
Mario or Zelda will win GOTY and it'll be really boring
>Yeah, that's totally the only reason people like it. Maybe at least bother getting one of the endings before being a complete faggot.
The gameplay is way too shit to warrent getting one ending, let alone any of them.
>b-b-but user you just DONT GET IT! you gotta get all 20 endings before you can talk bad about it! its soooo deep XD
what won fighting game I missed it
Anybody got a gif of when Huber called everybody bastards for not voting for Dragon Quest 8 in Hall of Greats?
>literally didn't even get one ending
holy shit, you can't make this shit up
Tekken 7
>GOTY Nominees So Far
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hollow Knight
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Nier: Automata
at this point we just try to ignore ian
Sorry I didnt wanna hold down the square button for 20 hours for "muh jap cinematic experience"
Nobody is calling it a masterpiece, they are just saying it's not mediocre your lack of effort/interest regardless.
your opinion means less than nothing at this point
I love how butthurt M&R makes XCOM fans.
Nah, Persona will take it.
>JRPGs are cinematic now
why did you even play one if you don't care about the story at all? another mad platinum fag?
Really? I haven't heard any backlash. What do they say about it?
FINALLY a good game being nominated for GOTY.
Best strategy
Nominee: persona 5
Persona 5 is bad though
"XCOM for babies".
>lukewarm panel reaction after Persona 5 announcement
it's not going to win
It's a somewhat niche series so they aren't very vocal about it but it's mostly they being butthurt that somepeople were saying it was harder/more interesting and calling ''MUH RNG'' at everything.
Sup Forums general opinion is that both games are good in their own way. Only the people that loves sucking on AM2R cock are saying otherwise.
Its okay kiddo, go back to your 2b folder im sure your porn is still there for you.
>action games from japan are now jrpgs
Cant make this shit up! Does that mean devil may cry is jrpg too?
Said the same thing in the giantbomb threads a while back; I don't know who EZA is or why they should hold any merit worth noting their opinion on GoTY for. At least the VGAs were ceremonious.
What the fuck is this Gorogoa game they keep bringing up? I've not heard of it at all until this stream.
Surprise Yakuza sweep.
>>blade runner 2049 was deeply problematic and sexist
does he actually say that? Knew reaction shot was garbage.
Given that it was developed by one guy from Berkley, I'm believing that Ian is friends with the dev.
Fun little puzzle game with a great art style.
It's a really hard game to explain but it's basically manipulating a series of images until it forms another image that progress through a story.
what the fuck is gorgoa and how is it a better puzzle game than Puyo Puyo Tetris or Snipperclips?
He said the same about Twin Peaks.
>sequel to an JRPG
>not an JRPG
You do know action-RPGs are a thing, right user?
>A "Literally who" game wins for best Puzzle game
Look up a trailer for it. If you ever played Framed!, it's a similar premise.
How is that better then snipperclips or puyo puyo?
Why even bother with this category?
I don't remember him saying that, but it wouldn't surprise me. However, I do know that he has said numerous times how much he loved 2049 and even said he saw it in theaters multiple times
Free win to Persona 5 award goes to:
Persona 5
>does he actually say that? Knew reaction shot was garbage.
Even beyond that, is pretty pointless and shallow discussion about the biggest blockbusters anyway.
>a literally who game wins best puzzle over a mashup of the two best puzzle series in history
What have the GOTY nominees been so far?
>GOTY Nominees So Far
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hollow Knight
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Nier: Automata
Persona 5
It's really hard to explain but while the gameplay is simple, the design and presentation is top-notch and the puzzle is really fucking clever. It's better if you watched a trailer for it, trying to describe it with words is really underselling it.
Why do they even bother nominating ten or so games when it's clear to anybody with a brain that it's just a two or three man race between mario, zelda and persona
>when it's clear to anybody with a brain that it's just a two or three man race between mario, zelda and persona
Yakuza 0 is better
recognition matters
building excitement is fun
Ultimate Chicken Horse is a fun as fuck game.
I'm not arguing what the best game of the year is but what is gonna be actually in the running for these guys in particular.
>the game before it was an rpg so we can make our next game as easy as a visual novel and people will still call it an rpg!
holy fuck lmao you are so dumb user just stop posting, go back to fapping your tiny dick to nier.
It came this year?
Best couch coop I've had
>Ian likes MH World because he can make and play as a cute girl
>Brad shutting that Bosman bitch up
I'm still mad Gundam Versus wasn't even nominated for best fighting game
This It's about showing games recognition as well. Even if something like RE7 doesn't win, it can't be understated how highly some of the members though of it.
I wonder how long this is going to go. We're already 2.5 hours in.
How much long are they going to ramble on about the best multiplayer game? It's quite clear none of them are really enthusiastic about this award and just rambling on.
As long as it takes
desu no one really plays fighting games there. dunno why they even bother when they just throw shit in there and them actually not caring about it like Ian and Brad
Crash was robbed
XCOM2 was robbed
Give me an update on the GOTY discussion/nominees
The last award will take 3 hours to decide, settle in
XCOM2 would have lost to MarioXRabbids regardless. At least this way, they didn't technically lose.
Xcom 2 wasn't released this year, I don't think they considered the expansion
Crash didn't even make top 5 cause they argued that the devs botched the movement.
what the fuck are you even on about?
are you implying RPGs are hard and NieR isn't one because it's easy? fucking action JRPGs out of all things? did you start playing video games last year?
Xcom 2 came out 2 years ago. How was it robbed in the 2017 gotys
Crash is shit
XCOM2 is old
>GOTY Nominees So Far
Divinity: Original Sin 2
Hollow Knight
Horizon: Zero Dawn
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Nier: Automata
Persona 5
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard
My problem with Mario+Rabbids winning is that no one but Ian liked it enough to beat it. Ben was the only one that played all the games there and he preferred XCOM.
It's a stupid category either way, though, cause there's no reason to have one where barely anyone played any games.
>Horizon: Zero Dawn
Has it ever won an award?
War of the Chosen changed so much, though
this is one of the stupidest posts I've ever seen on Sup Forums
The amount of times I died in Crash because he simply slid off a ledge was absurd for a platformer and pretty much unacceptable. I technically landed on the platforms, but because of the shitty rounded collision detection I was killed.
Nah. Based Jones insta-killed it during discussion for best characters.
What's left, Odyssey, Wolfenstein II which they liked a lot and Yakuza 0?
It's unfortunately the game with the second highest amount of gotys in 2017
Certainly playstation focused groups increased the number, but still...
Critics are shit.
It changed nothing. All it did was add a massive amount of padding to the game. It didn't make it a better game.
>next: most surprising game
oh boy I can't wait for baby's first deconstruction to win while chat screams about how it's the best game of the year again. It's good because it subverts expectations!
It's a great game though and Nintendo-only critics boosted Mario and Zelda too.
man this is taking too long for such a boring category
>Critics are shit.
It mostly won Reader's Choice awards actually. I don't think it won a single GOTY from a well-known outlet.
It'll be mario + rabbids
user, what kind of inferiority complex do you have? There was no mention, whatsoever, of Nintendo in that thread.
They were trying to be nice to the other games before they started fapping all over on PUBG.
>Long ass discussion and then give the win to game they talk the least about
Fucking hell.
I fucking hope so
Honestly that's my pick. if you told me a game that has Rabbids in it would be even remotely good five years ago, I would've straight up called you fucking insane.
Why do care about these guys again?
Desperately grasping to the good times of 2014/2015 GameTrailers.
In hindsight, I wish it never got leaked because it would have been such an insane reveal. People had time to process it and it was still a shock.
Fuck this fanbase is worse than Undertale
What should win?
What is this Life is Strange dicksucking and why is no one calling him out on it? Surprising? The hell, even the fanbase think it sucks.
Gametrailers was one of the most respected outlets and basically the only big video games journalism outlet that was actually good.
What? Read the post I replied to, all I meant is that all exclusive games get boosted because of platform-centric outlets, so saying "Horizon got more gotys because of playstation focused groups" is pointless.
It's the same fanbase. They're also all over Steven Universe and Rick & Morty.