MMO Thread. It is comfy time
What's the ideal business model to you? I used to love FFXIV's until they started adding mogstation exclusive items, instead of just old event items and character clothing. The genre is looking grim
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I just want FFXIV patch 4.2
Waiting for it to resub
classic wow or bfa
How is BDO? Is it fun? Is Itemization good?
What I like the most about MMOs is interesting drops. But 99% of them have only interesting gear in dungeons and raids.
sucks, no, no
its just an afk grind simulator you throw money at to pass the time
>Forgot I made a thread
>It's still up
ty mmoanons..
Also currently on the BDO threadmill. The grinding for exp can be very boring, so I only try to do it with other friends. The game has so much life skilling and money to make, it's a wasted potential thanks to a few other shit korean mechanics
>*joins your guild*
Blacked Deserted Online
Gahaz bandits, mostly for money and skillpoints
A new mmo with good pvp to save me from this endless gook grind hellscape
I'd crash ten guilds just to put my peepee between those puppies
>"it's a old school mmo where every encounter is difficult, you'll need to form groups and master your skills just to clear leveling content or survive the open world"
I hope they don't fuck it up, sounds perfect.
>*hates the new girl that joined the guild*
Just resubbed to WoW I know im going to regret it but whatever
These thots knew exactly how much attention they'd be getting
I played ESO again for a week. Top tier game in terms of questing, lore, and world, but I remember why I stopped playing the first time. No CD on spells + animation cancelling make combat just ejaculating dots on the floor and using a filler while animation cancelling so your group all looks like they're having a seizure.
I have every class, and I'm 500 CP, but they all feel the same.
Back to Warframe, I guess.
>No CD on spells + animation cancelling
Well that sounds pretty bad
>tfw wont even try the game because I find the aesthetic ugly
Bless can go either 1 of 2 ways. It failed 2 launches and is now coming to the west. It fails there then its dead for sure. The game will either have a rocky start then become more stable afterward and maybe even popular OR it will have a rocky start, take too long to make proper adjustments and fail or quickly make adjustments but fail anyway. Some mmos have started off worse than Bless but still managed to find its players and survive for a good while.
Money and Exp of course
ERP from various whores I find in Calph 2
I wish I could play BDO with more than 30 fps, any config editing I can do to at least hit 60?
I remember the catgirls catching my eye, why did it fail twice anyway?
the game itself looks nice. I'd often find myself just stopping to look at shit. Game might benefit from an HD texture pack, though.
Dragons Dogma Online. Barely an MMO, though.
Just adventuring. It is not mechanically rewarding, but it feels that way, especially on world quests. I also dont spend my money on curatives, so shit really does get real if you get frozen or god forbid blinded.
Human interaction. Game is empty and you can never bump into players outside the main hub. Basically DDDA with party-based multiplayer and better vocations. Great singleplayer ARPG though, definitely tops its predcessor.
Can you run BDO on a toaster and if so how well?
any Sup Forums xiv fcs i can join?
You know this shit is going to be dead on arrival
Russians being the slavs they are weren't all that interested in an eastern mmo like Bless let alone other eastern mmos in general. So the company closed down the russian servers since they were pretty much a wasteland. The Koreans however while they did enjoy the game had their own complaints anout it. Some players have said that while the game may not be for a korean audience it maybe good for international audience. Bless being a new and very tipical mmo (take that as you will) was competing againt a bunch of other similar looking korean mmos and so since market competition was very high and the audience not liking some stuff about the game lead to its failure in Korea. The company pulled the game back to do a "revision" of it to make it "better" over all.
No, there are /vg/ ones that will claim to be Sup Forums and I know Sup Forums plays on Cactaur
I want to get into BDO but holy shit the game starts off with just nothing going on and things like the shit tier ui and the constant black thing telling me to do shit gets old real fast.
I also feel like I've reached that point that I just don't give a fuck about the grind anymore.
>Russians being the slavs they are weren't all that interested in an eastern mmo like Bless
PW was pretty big in Russia some time ago, and Lineage II even more so.
>tfw can't decide between teso and FFXIV to kill time lately
Maybe now you can since it's a bit more optimized. Depends on how potato we're talking though
Well for whateve reason it was the russian servers were dead af. It wasnt even "p2w" or aggresive monetization thing, they just weren't interested so they pulled the game out and went back to the drawing board to see how to salvage it.
I quit both, but TESO 100%. Game is free so give it a try. The sub is worth it if you like it. I would say try to play until both your bars are full; the game starts out not very exciting.
Like an 8 year old toaster.
This looks so generic, what makes it stand out?
Nothing. user said it failed twice. So obviously it did not stand out.
What makes you feel TESO is better?
void fragments in celestial basin
depressed AF, soo nothing
Then why would he ever think that it could become stable or popular here
I don't.
It was never meant to stand out. As dumb as it sounds the developers themselves said that they weren't going to do anything wild like "Revolutionize the mmo genre" nor were they going to try and appeal to nostalgia fags. Bless is a typical fantasy mmo meant for people who just want to play the basic mmo feel.
BnS is so fucking bad
They realize people can get that from a million free games right
ESO has vertical progression; gear I had 6 months ago might not be 'meta', but it's still on par with current gear. You get sets ala Diablo 3 and mix and match them as you wish. Upgrading them is done via crafting or paying someone to do it.
I feel ESO has a much better world to explore, with tons of public dungeons and delves (solo mini dungeons on the map) for you to do. I also enjoyed the quests a lot more
+better crafting
+crafting is USEFULL
+no gear treadmill
+fun DLCs
-combat is the worst among all action MMOs (all classes feel samey due to cross class skills, animation cancelling 100% required to not be a shitter)
-DLCs are paid, or for sub only
-you need to sub if you wanna craft
+ERP (?)
+better raiding than ESO by far
and both games have completely shit PVP. At least ESO has the group vs group ala DaoC if you like that. That's pretty good, but always laggy.
I admit I am a nostalgiafag fr FF stuff but I also like gameplay, so ESO sounds overall better for me.
Meh. If thats what they're aiming for its what they're going for. Had alot of mmos that tried to do something new and "revolutionize" stuff but failed spectacularly in the end while other more basic ones still thrive to this day. There plan could work or maybe it wont only time could tell.
Exp through MSQ. Started a new character after not playing for like two years. Me and a bud from high school are playing through all the 2.0 content and seeing how far we can get before next weekend.
Monster Hunter. Almost literally counting the seconds until it drops.
>What's the ideal business model to you?
You're able to buy the game and run your own servers that connect to same server listing as the official ones but on your server you can play with any mods that you want while the official servers would support more players and more features. That way running private servers isn't just something a dedicated team of autists can do but actually apart of the product and in case of company/server shut down you'll still be able to play the game with people.
Anyway I wish Planetside 1 was alive, I consider it the best MMO and FPS I've ever played.
But user what about its retarded younger brother?
I like to pretend it doesn't exist.
tera is fucking dead pls tell me something to fill the void
I'm just waiting on Crowfall.
Wildstar is slightly less dead.
What? Isn't that like still one of the top 10 most played mmo?
Maybe in Korea but certainly not in the west
Lifeskillin for silvers so I can finish upgrading all my boss gear.
I just want a fun new MMO experience. I like BDO but I honestly miss dungeons and raids sometimes.
I honestly just kinda want FFXI+BDO but with updated graphics and systems. I want skillchains because comboing off with your fellow players feels awesome. Grouping needs meaning to it, but shouldn't been required just to play the game normally.
Are there any new MMOs from last year or coming up that are fun? I just need fun in my life.
I don't know actually, I was playing Vindictus but got bored, I tried replaying Maplestory because the graphics are pretty but it's really braindead, Guild Wars 2 was never good
I was considering getting back into FF14 but they didn't add much from the Omega raid so it's also dead
MMOs as a whole, I want to play something but I've either burned through them without enough new content to keep playing, or they're just bad now
Aren't you in the /vg/ clans?
nothing, quit bdo again,
I hear tell KUF2 is getting a NA/EU sever so thatll be nice, I miss my rifle squads.
>Dragon Dildo
I'm getting a bit tired of FXIV, Stormblood was great but the areas didn't blow my mind and while the raid was good, the armor looks like trash, even the Ivalice ones.
I'll play 4.2 and if it's meh, I'll quit
Why has the mmo genre remained so stagnant and dull despite huge technical advancements in game making? Why do mmos released today play and operate the same as World of Warcraft from 2004?
video games in general have stagnated. FPSes of today are no different 10 years ago apart from graphics.
Nothing right now
News about 6.0 for Aion, was a good game like 5 years ago and the new patch is retconning everything from the last 2 patches. Please be good oh god this is my last hope for MMOs
Star Trek Online
Fucking task force reps.
A decent ship.
Lotta reasons really.
No good studios are making MMOs any more. All the good ones either tried and failed or watched as half the industry failed and thought, "nah fuck that." Plus MMOs aren't the genre studios are chasing any more. Now everyone is trying to make a hero shooter or a battle royal game. So without new competition the existing MMOs are free to stay in their comfort zone rather than innovating or trying new stuff. Also they don't want to do too much crazy shit because they want their game to run on every toaster they can. That's a staple philosophy of MMO creation.
Don't mind me, just posting best Ragnarok server ever.
Also greed, see: Square Enix.
>log in
>everyone on your friendlist is "offline"
I just want a MMO that makes farming mob interesting because they have cool drops.
Only Ragnarok Online really gave me that.
it still hurts
BDO has mob farming for gear I guess. Also for money. But you'll have to purchase a pet or join during an event so it auto loots for you else youll be bending down to pick stuff up every second. Sadly no cosmetic grinding
Good. Now hang yourself.
no but ik some ppl from there
>Game is free so give it a try.
explain? i thought it was like $20
Is FF14 worth starting now? The last time I did the free trial I am stuck in the first 20 lvl because I have no way to level up and killing creep give no xp and I have no more quest. Would I be far behind if I start now?
you sound retarded so yeah ff14 sounds just right for you
this desu
If BDO had a few dungeons and free cosmetic gear, it would be perfect
I don't get why anyone would play anything but Tera honestly.
Maybe if it has less focus on botting.
That UI is fucking garbage.
FFXI and ascension
Nothing because recent weather has damaged something in my area so connection was spotty most of the day.
An MMO that gives players tools to have fun and just throws us in to the world. Tired of yellow exclamation points.
I prefer subbed when the company makes it worth it.
caveman here, is that a zerker? thats just a gay ass spearsword skin right?
You can customize it a lot.
But uh, every MMO has a clusterfuck of a UI.
its the launcher still bugged as fuck?
new class
gunner, scyther, brawler, ninja and what else is there now?
How is that wrong?
Valkyrie. Some of the classes got updated in KTera too.
Jesus this post
I'm sure. I wasn't trying to give you shit, user. Your WEBM just gave me a very visceral reaction.
Not all MMO have cluster fuck UI. Teras is just dog shit, no need to band everything else with it
I wasn't retorting or whatever.
Every MMO I've played is pretty terrible. Which ones have good UIs?
dont put me that fucking ? the biggest issue the game has since the begin was the launcher or it didnt start the game, get stuck in eternal download or some other fucking shit, the only way to fix this was to download the entire game from direct download and it always had shit speed, even with all this people recommend to not download the steam version because it has the same issue
Never had to do that and I've had the game installed since 2012.
Bit more optimized? Did they fix it?
I was getting 20 FPS with my high-end computer.
i installed it the other day and still had fps dips with a 1060 6gb
My problem with the ui is that it hinders performance, along with the game's general optimization.
I've got a mid-range pc by today's standards, but it should be more than enough to run a game from 2011 at 60 fps, but it doesn't. Hell i'd even be happy with 30 so long as it's steady.
The biggest thing is something about the way the game handles writing texture effects to your ram. There are a lot of user optimizations now compared to back in the day. Still runs like shit no matter what you do, but it's not the fault of the UI. I haven't upgraded my ram or CPU since I started playing the game but I think if I did, my fps wouldn't drop ever below 30 anymore during battlgrounds which would be pretty nice.
Where's TERA 2?
Slutty elins in slutty clothes was the main draw of the game and I want it in nicer graphics
Because BnS is literally an improved Tera in every way?
>get invited to guild
>discord is just people talking about quitting the game