Would you name your child after a video game character?

Would you name your child after a video game character?

What happened to that kid that got named after Skyrim?

She should have left him the moment he agreed to take her name.

Typical woman.

damn that's a good pasta

>literally named a kid Alberto Barbosa, even getting married and changing his last name to achieve this feat
more people should strive to be like this man

You think THAT'S bad, remember that time my name was "Meme me a meme, master memer"?
That was a crazy week, huh

I guess you didnt read the second to last line

Already have. My daughter is legit named Aerith. Lots of compliments, and as normies as ffvii is only like 5 people in her life have realized what it’s from and asked about it and she’s 9. Most people are like “ohhhh like Aretha Franklin but not..”

that's actually a pretty good name

I have. But its just a regular name.

Aeris sounds much better than Aerith desu.

My son's name is Vincent.

Live in your shame.

>took his wife's name

I choose to believe the only reason he even married this woman and took that indignity, is that this was a form of meta shitposting.

No, I'd never give my child a name that is popularly attributed to a specific individual, whether fictional or not. Let him have his own identity by picking a name that isn't associated with a famous character.

Most kids I've meet who are called Jesus ended up being delinquents

Most names are associated with someone already. To accomplish what you're suggesting, you'd have to come up with something entirely unique, which brings its own share of problems with it.

If I ever have a daughter, I want her first name to be Estelle and her middle name to be Bright

this is my daughter Gradius IV Fukkatsu

I bet she could live just fine on half his income.

Do you share a name with a vidya character, Sup Forums?

There are so many names I've discovered through Fire Emblem that I want to name my kids.

Lachesis (named my kitten this but she passed away 2 days later)
Kamui (okay, only if I have a half-nippon kid)
Nowi (actually, I'd never name my kid this as much as I love this name)

I admit, I'm terribly uncultured. But hey, it looks like I have some class, right?


My wife's son's name is JC.

I would like to name my daughter Natane.
I just feel a little awkward considering I fell in love with the name from a poorly translated H-game I played for Sup Forums years ago.

I named my son Alucard

Now this is vaginaposting

>you wrote a lot of ERP with a friend
>you had a small group of repeating characters
>you named your daughter after one of those women
>nobody will ever know save for your friend and yourself because its a rather common name

I sure do.


To commemorate 10 years of my playing WoW, I'm naming my soon to be born child Battle for Azeroth

Holy shit this is the gayest post I've ever seen and I really hope you never breed or ruin your childrens' lives with any of those names.

Successfully lobbied to have my wife's son named after Lee from The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1!!!!


I'll name my firstborn Sonichu

I named my cat after a video game character if that counts.