Was It kino?

Was It kino?

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ludo, ludo

Fuck off /vg/. Yes.

Fuck off to Sup Forums or /vg/ and kill yourself.

>have heart defect
Nigga should've died.

gotta hand it to them, it was good

this was the purest kino moment of the vn
hell the entire rin route was kino as fuck

>have heart defect
>let's race against the fastets girl on the track team
starting Emi's route requires you to be a fucking retard

No, her run is the second worst one.

Everybody knows it's canon that the moron died, there's simply no doubt about that.
>somehow rin is the second worst one

What visual novel

Doki Doki Cripple Club

you dont deserve sauce
get the fuck out of here you fucking new fag

Which route was the best for Hisao? The worst?
Emi is prob the best for health honestly and anal

I pray this is fucking bait I fucking pray you are just fucking with me.

>tfw no armless gf that paints with her feet
>She will never hug you with her stubs

>tfw you will never kiss Rin's beautiful pussy

No. In fact it ruined Sup Forums.

Saya no Doki.

>and emi
>worse than hanako and rin
lol sure

Lily is considered the best IIRC

emi was the healthiest route, not counting the near heart attack at the beginning for running
prove me wrong
protip: lily's nice too


Why was it again that she was so depressed, i mean she had an amazing talent despite the thing about having no arms, even if she was pressured in doing the those paintings, she had a future, she obviusly was a free spirit, how come she couldn't end on the conclusion that the only person that she had to trust and follow was herlself. IRL Hisao would've ended up with shizune, and no even as love interest, he's literally an autist incapable of understending other peoples emotions, like, your friend is crying in corner half naked ad the first thing that goes in your mind is to fuck her, wtf.

Every time I think about that scene I want to reinstall it and actually finish it.


>a mute whore
>just a whore
>worse than shy cute girl and the closest thing to a relatable character in the game


*not worse

hack // sign G.U. Cripple

>identify Rin as best girl immediately
>love cunnilingus
>mfw doing her route

>cute shy girl
She is unlikable and not relatable at all, unless you were left in the skillet too long when you were a kid lol.

How many times has Sup Forums died again?

>that doodle

When i said relatable i meant rin, hanako is garbage.



So shes the person toei hired to do db super keyframes

What the fuck am I looking at?

Eh I mean she's more relatable i guess but I still think she's really unlikable. In fact i'd go as far as saying I liked her more in emi's route.

Did you notice that ever since DDLC came out, Sup Forums is suddenly very positive about Katawa Shoujo?

armless girl fighting blind girl

She wasn't so depressed. She was just isolated. She doesn't understand how the world works, and the world doesn't understand her either. On top of that, she doesn't even recognize herself going day to day. She can't handle that she's changing everyday, so she paints to keep track of who she is. In that way, painting is more a hobby for her than it is a dream job.

Basically she's literally moderately autistic

>Sup Forums is suddenly very positive about Katawa Shoujo?
/ksg/ is probably just tired of talking to the same people for years and came to pay a vist.

Fuck man, i dont want to remember the feels.

"Change is the scariest thing in the world to me."

Rin is pretty straightforward and I think the reason a lot of people don't really "get" her is that Hisao is arguably at his worst on her route, which is saying a lot.

You get me user. I seriously wish I was in high school when I played this, there's a lot of things in Rin's route that resonated hard with me that would've been world-shaking when it was actually relevant.

I don't know pal, i think the point was that she couldn't be likable, she was at war with her herself, a good character doesn't need to be likable in order to be interesting, and if we talk about her personality, she was the most human of them all.

I don't know considering this is a dating game i think you'd want to like the person you're dating.

Fuckin Pissao is the worst cripple

Cripple Fuck General

I actually avoided the option because i thought it would be a bad end, then i died getting drunk with autism kun.

better version coming right up

>physically incapable of using a razor
>clean shaven
Her and Emi were pretty close huh

>tfw read the manga but to afraid to watch the anime

I don't understand how anyone could ever misunderstand "mentally handicapped". FFS, this is supposed to be set at a remedial school.


Lily, obviously.

I never took Rin as person you could get along with, even less for something as big as relatioship, when i went to her route i didn't want to be her boyfriend, just to understand why everybody liked so much her route, i became interested in her as a friend, becuase she made me remember a friend in high school that was just as her, i managed to make him a chad, now he's a doctor making the big bucks, has a gf and is handsome, he was a bro... but well, that's just me. I accepted a long time ago that this characters aren't real, that escapism is bad, that i'm going to die alone, that the world is misery and suffering and that we must endure it.

This, but unironically. Living without women is so much easier.

she has allopecia

It's actually pretty solid, user, you get used after with the rotoscopia after 2 episodes or so it's still really ugly. The soundtrack in scenes like that just make it worth it, really.

Actually this

No, I dropped it because the game forces you to lose at Risk against smug bitch.

Okay for you cutie I will

Dude, I'd just be impressed anyone would be able to play Risk at all.

>Lilly's route was best for him
>has two more heart attacks within like three months
>sex drive equal to Emi's without the exercise to help him endure it
He'd be dead by 30

>Marries into rich family and can afford as many medical treatments as he needs

Rin admits Emi helps her set up her pad/tampon so...
Think she wipes her ass, too?

Lol you're a faggot
He was right in a way but, people without love just crave it because they see people around them that get it.

How embarassing

Is this pasta?

Daily reminder.

hang yourself KS dev

>shitfaced drunk girl wants your company overnight
>"no can do ma'am I'm a gentleman"
>friend literally reveals herself and her deeply personal tragic past to you in an intimate moment
>"damn girl you lookin' fine, time for da din dins"
Did I do the meme right it's been a while

>that feel when dying alone

This thread is making me realize just how much of an asshole Hisao really is. I don't know how I missed this stuff my first playthrough.

It was kinda hard to miss, he was bitter before they let him out of the hospital.

>can't wipe herself
>perform oral on her

Fuck You Aniki-San!

>"If you won't tell me what's wrong, then you can take it to your grave."

what a pussy

Disagree, when you find someone who really cares about you it is a definite game-changer.

But depending on who you are, you may have to look for other forms of meaning. Some sort of community involvement would likely be beneficial to your health and well-being.

I'll never kiss anyone's pussy so it's not a new feel

>tfw missed out on highschool love
>tfw missed out on early adulthood love
>tfw now currently missing out on mid-20s love

I need to die

>I seriously wish I was in high school when I played this, there's a lot of things in Rin's route that resonated hard with me that would've been world-shaking when it was actually relevant.

I was just turning 18 when it came out. It was like a mirror held up to my own emotional state looking at the future.


its not too late

Not him but we're probably similar, it was too late from the moment I was born.

Holy shit I never even thought of that. I guess she uses a bidet

The hole is too deep user I can't get out of it, instead I keep digging a deeper hole

I tried Rins route.
She got on my nerves so much that I didn't bother trying anyone else.

it was pretentious

Even if you turn things around anyone you fall in love with will have already experienced the peak of youthful passion and romantic love before they met you. It's unironically time to get a waifu and learn to just appreciate the transcendent idea of love above all else, user.

OP here, Hananko is the only good route
I did the thread for meme purposes

Me on the left.


katawa shoujo

I know this feeling all too well.
Living as a child for so long you eventually come to realize you're 30 years old and haven't had a single experience outside of playing video games. You try to make friends, you try to socialize, you try to experience new things, but every time the comforts of escaping reality with its dark tendrils pull you back in.
There's still time for you in your mid-20s, dear user, the hole isn't that deep.