Is 4.2 going to suck? They pushed the new Relic back to 4.25 at least but probably 4.3.
For a relic quest I would wait for it to be good. Goddamn i hope its good.
Wow this game is still a thing
At least TRY user...
>new Relic back to 4.25 at least but probably 4.3
2 patches before they announce 5.0
based yoshi
haven't played since SB came out how is whm?
Vet player here, unsubbed from months. What's new in this big patch? I honestly don't care enough to even open a new tab to google. If you don't want to answer then suit yourself.
been playing since 2.1 and finally just quit IDGAF what the next patch looks like because they made 4.0 look like the bomb and it actually just bombed. fuck FF14.
Its more of the same with a basic level Glamour Log that can only be accessed through the Inn instead of making it a Housing item for ease of access. Sigma-Scape and Sigma (Savage) with the same difficulty as Delta (Savage) meaning more of the same with the Lamias getting Beast Quests. The big THING (Eureka which holds Relic ARMOR/WEAPON [aka Dyable Antiquated Gear]) for 4.2 got pushed to 4.25. Its more of the same with nothing to add onto its value as long lasting content.
This is how I feel user except I had the absolute waste of being around since 1.0 still hoping they'd turn the game around after 3.0 was named More of the Same but at this point Yoshi and his fellow execs are more than happy leaving it at this bare bones MMO with no Midcore content as long as the Balmung/Mateus cows keep feeding the Mogshop.
the magic of relic blue gear is gone and haven't seen purple that means anything since 2.0
what a waste i really liked how the process of obtaining pre-atma relics was but nope they just have to complicate things and make everything souless
Anyone else looking forward to more housing drama?
the absurd amount of drama and gayshit that goes on in this game is another reason why i left
it hard trying to make a decent flist without getting sucked in to all their baggage
Just a reminder to everyone in this thread that Yoshida would want you to unsub from his game and FINAL FANTASY XV ROYAL EDITION will be out early March.
im done with FF and the last game im buying from SE is KH3 if and only if the combat is fast
And Dragon Quest Builders 2.
looks cool but not my thing
DQ11? No?
nothing will top 8's story and characters so no
4.1 didn't look very interesting, I've yet to see 4.2 content
Why did I even buy SB
>nothing will top 8's story and characters
I see we are just shitposting now.
I've been subbed for months but I sitll got my money's worth from SB. It's funny how retards complain about buying expansion not being worth because they unsubbed after 80 hours played.
and i see you've taken it upon yourself to start it with your contrarian attitude despite what your actual beliefs are.
Have you played 11? How do you know you won't like it better if you haven't?
>nothing will ever top X
That is just shitposting. No matter what X is.
I would trade all these characters for 1 Yangus
It's a pretty good mmo from what I gather. Would be great to have localized but it's been too long to realistically expect.
What's a good way to get a lot of grade i/ii materia? marketboard on goblin is lame as fug
Recently resubbed. It's the same shit. I wasted 13 dollars. The only thing exciting happening next patch is the transmog manual so I can finally get rid of all the useless gear I held onto because they might give me a use for it someday.
>Omegascape is going to be as piss-easy as Deltascape because of players like this one
I agree with the cat slut.
YP hinted that stormblood might be a 7 patch cycle
source me son of a bitch
The cat slut is actually lying through their teeth. They were kicked because the tank's friends wanted to join.
Next thing we know it'll be a subscription based MMO, but you have to pay $10 per major update for new story/dungeons as well.
greylien detected
It's going to be the exact same shit it has been since ARR was released. If you can still tolerate that after all this time then I'm sure it'll be fine for you.
Eureka is going to be a steaming pile of shit tho
It's just going to be another fate grind isn't it..
It's going to be LoV with fates
Yes, but itll have some added bullshit on top of it like a deep dungeon style progression system and the rewards you get from it will just barely outperform the gear you can more easily acquire from other sources.
They said Diadem v2 is the prototype for Eureka, so you bet your fucking ass it'll involve fates.
I'm really hoping we get some "exploratory" content that's more like exploring an Etrian Odyssey labyrinth. Make the map sizes rather large, randomly generate a new map daily/weekly and you could probably have something pretty interesting with lots of longevity.
Considering relics are heavily tied to Eureka, don't be surprised if it's actually the new deep dungeon and the new base relics are actually the new aetherpool. If we have another Fate grind I'll actually be genuinely mad.
>Releasing the same week as MHW
I'll see you all in 4.3 or 4.4
>this user will be frothing at the mouth throwing an autistic fit when eureka is more fates
Stopped after having o3s on farm, had a lot of shit luck finding an actual competent/organized static. Is it worth coming back for 4.2 or should i just wait for 4.3?
It's more like this sort of anger.
In general you should only come back on even patches. Odd patches are always catch-up patches for the shitters with some odd content here and there. Come back for 4.2 or just wait for 4.4/4.5.
Honestly this, i wonder if the returning count will be lower this patch because of monhun
Reminder that the dev live stream is on Friday
4.4 it is, hopefully the game is a little more fun by then
that's not even good tank dps
and holy shit how is the dps so low, even the ninja is bad
user you can't have the feeling of having special gear because then the ERP crowd will cry that they can't access it to use as glamours for their RPs, Yoshi truly doesn't know where to lead this game.
Don't fool yourself user, its going to be the stupid weapon FATE spam of Diadem all over again. Expect Atma Farming 3.0
Read this and consider it yourself, do you really think the game is going to expand much with these kind of responses?
so what are the new bosses?
has the entire raid been datamined yet?
>Q. It's sad how equipment becomes garbage so quickly...
>A. With an item level based game, it can't be helped. Please enjoy your gear with the glamour system.
>that's not even good tank dps
It'd be higher for him if the DPS were doing actual DPS and letting the fight be cleared at a reasonable time.
Do we know anything about Sigmascape yet? haven't paid attention in a while. I'm only interested in the hardcore content.
That it'll maintain the same difficulty level as Deltascape instead of stepping up from where the prior ones left off.
It'll be the same difficulty as Omega.
Expect a day 1 clear.
on friday you'll get to know what bosses we'll get
i hope the hardcore gets a surprise again, i never did extreme omega but including neo exdeath was really cool
>1 new dungeon
>1 "new" dungeon
>omega 5-8
>submarine ventures
>glamour dresser
Wow surprise surprise another fucking delay.
Same level as Deltascape, it won't be a challenge if you cleared Delta (Savage) at all. I'm sorry to say user if you're going in for "HARDCORE" content you're going to be truly disappointed since most of the content is in favor of casual players or bringing in newbies.
wait why
for what purpose, deltascape was the easiest shit in the world
did shitters complain about it being too hard or what is going on
No user, Yoshi doesnt want to put any effort and will probably use "Ultimate Coil" as the reason for no challenging content. "What do you mean you want harder content? You couldn't clear Ultimate!" This is why we'll never have good long lasting Mid-Core content and slowly growing Hardcore Content
Higher clear rates for the first three fights look good for the higher-ups. "Hey look, the money we put into these are actually being played".
Now that Ultimate was a huge success that's where they can dump any genuinely hard content.
Please enjoy. :^)
Please get gray numbers or unsub from my game
>Even the expansion is getting pushed back
Yoshi you crazy bastard!
Balance, thats the problem. Its TOO balanced that anything different will unbalance it and send people crying for balance again, everything is too normalized and equal there's no point. The game's just devolved into a fashion and dps circle jerk, fuck this
>they can't do an FFXI situation where team A is still working on current-expansion content while team B is working on the just-released expansion due to the item level garbage
while catslut is dumb and bad, WARfags are insufferable faggots.
>Nobody posts the WAR's and healer's responses.
Catslut is crying wolf.
i might be done raiding in this game if this is the direction yoshi wants to take.
something with the difficulty between unending and neo exdeath would have been perfect for this game, this game is seriously lacking content for everyone who's not a casual.
this shit is honestly disgusting and bad game design.
people don't want ultimate because while the fight is really fucking good, it's exhausting and requires you to spend immense amounts of time trying to actually clear it.
just give us gordias again, the playerbase can handle it now
You are in the wrong game buddy.
user, you're a fool if you think its just because of the Item Level garbage, like the pastelink shows Yoshi has no intention of fixing the iLvl system because Glamours sell. It means more money for less meaningful content. The reason we have gotten to this point thanks to the cancers like Reddit who sucks the man's cock at every chance they can get and Balmung/Mateus who treat the game like "SecondLife" and ERP their fat asses till death.
Its not even between hardcore and casual players, the content is game is horrible for anyone who is even willing to even put in a modicum of effort into being somewhat proper in their class because if you even bother to try to learn a basic rotation then CONGRATS you're better than a majority of the playerbase playing your Job. You wont get Gordias user, you wont get to relive that "freshness" of 2.0 but instead get to live in its barely functioning corpse that Yoshi is keen to keep milking for minimum effort.
While I do understand that the direction was needed from 1.0 I can't help but feel he took it too far from the extreme of 1.0 to the other end and will suffer the same result regardless.
>Caring about relics
>people don't want ultimate
They do though.
Ultimate wasn't successful because its hard and is going to have really low clear rates, its successful because of the excitement surrounding the race that meant people who weren't going to touch it with a 10 foot pole could still "enjoy" the content.
>just give us gordias again, the playerbase can handle it now
Rather than Unending I'd prefer if they just did a third difficulty tier on odd-patches which is proper-Savage difficulty, instead of the current misnomer which may as well be Final Coil difficulty.
>relic armor
>it's more dresses or just recycled models
I'll enjoy the player fury if nothing else.
>pathetic amounts of content in each patch considering the time between each one
>every QoL request from community is met with "it will be too hard because of XYZ" or "maybe in next expansion, gomen"
>resources that could be used to create meaningful content being put towards unfun PvP modes infested with bots that noone really has interest in
>practically nothing to do at endgame if you aren't in a static/raid group
I really do like this game but it's in a shitty, sad state
Disregard raid,
Enjoy big fishing.
>we want hard content
>not ultimate though, that's to hard and long, gratify me now
>Crafting or Gathering
>When gil is useless
Get out of here Yoshi, its clear people want proper Mid-Core content to justify theyre overpowered iLvls that are only useful in Raids
reading trough this thread makes my head want to explode
why bother trying to argue with official forum retards when they will just constantly use ad hominems at the mere mention of you using ACT and FFlogs
Big fishing has nothing to do with gil though.
Only people trying are the stockholm syndrome players that can't put the shitty game away because they wasted too much on subs
When the majority of the playerbase can't even handle the current EX Primals (which are far too easy to be considered midcore), I'd hate to see what SE's idea of "midcore" content would be.
I think harder dungeons is the right direction to go for now, if they decide to do that.
EX primals and Savage are fun but have been wearing on me for awhile. The difficulty is right but they're much more scripted than the average dungeon run.
>harder dungeons
hell yeah
i hate how the dungeons in this game is designed for 2 year olds to get trough
let there be tears about dungeons being too hard to get trough
It sucks. While XIV does so many things wrong I still love it and I've had so much fun playing it but SB just killed my desire to play while I was still subbed. The worst part is I constantly get an urge to resub but because of all this bullshit I resist. Each patch sounds like more and more bullshit. Feels fucking bad.
I want some hard 8-man dungeons with proper difficult trash, and make it feel like a raid encounter as a result, albeit with each boss essentially being one phase of a given encounter focused around one gimmick.
don't resub
game's not worth playing unless you got a nice group of people to do savage with
user if you don't have the proper incentive no one will want to do them, even with Extremes people are after the Dogs though I've noticed theres been a drop in demand with the content drought and lack of playerbase.
What we need is more challenging dungeons, 8 man dungeons and maybe the 1.0 style of Dungeon Objectives where hitting a certain timer would net you a chest. Hide glamours and lock it behind Level Sync only to make it truly challenging with increasing difficulties for better glamour rewards.
Honestly the open world needs work too, maybe bring back Hamlets and incorporate it with the Beast Tribes in their respective regions and have the fight for Territory where you can help them out to keep some land and provide better rewards besides spamming to get one mount and you're done. Give some life to to damn game make it seem alive and make it seem like there are beast tribes with internal conflicts such as the Gnath and Vath. Also why do Hunt beasts not consider fighting each other or traveling in massive groups of lower variants of themselves that bring proper damage to promote more people to gather.
They're not going to make story dungeons any easier. If they did do anything, it would be like mythics in WoW.
More challenging content that isn't raids along with decent open world content other than hunts would be nice. I just have a hard time seeing where that all fits in with their current design philosophy.
I could go for an FFXI style system like Voidwatch where you just fight proper-ass boss style mobs that you forcibly spawn in a PVE zone, rather than some instanced zone existing in a bubble.
>hide glamours
I don't understand. We'd like them to make the content, which means it needs to be something players will actually use so they can justify the cost.
The best way to play this game is to sub for new xpacs (hw and sb both had genuinely good FF stories) and maybe an extra month if you're having fun.
The moment you reach a point where you start considering running the same instances for 7 weeks to get a weapon you should unsub. Ive been playing since beta and this game is genuinely fucking amazing, but too much of anything is a bad thing. I'll probably resub a month before the next xpac to catch up with msqs and then drop it again in 2-3 months.
I mean its probably our AF3 but dyable, our AF weapons will get a nice aura and a ilvl boost this step, but the interesting crap will happen on the next step, we will get a new weapon model and hopefully a new armor model, say what you will about the game but the relic designs are usually the best in the game so im kind of exited