What went right?
What went right?
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op here
Daily reminder there will be one more beta before launch on the 26th
PCfucks need not apply
Lots went right but there's already a dbzf thread
Already been stated that it'll be on the 18th
Everything other than the price
Nothing, the beta was garbage so I'll be sticking to SFV until they finally release a good dragon ball game
Holy fuck. The designers at Arc System Works need their dicks sucked. That look like a damn manga still in color. So good.
I don't even play fighting games yet I'm looking forward to DBZF just because it looks great. Matches are hype as fuck to spectate. Here's hoping it catches on.
They're losing out on a lot of PC sales by not having the beta on this platform. I'm interested in this game because its Dragon Ball, but i'm still not sure if the game is worth 60€.
Why is SSJ2 Gohan so sexy
He's a sculpted shota
Stay mad Capcombro
right? but /fgg/ told me it was going to be shit and to buy AE instead
Will people be salty if this releases on switch?
why would people be salty? its not exclusive to anything else.
they can't do betas on pc anymore
SFV ruined that for everyone
Because people don't want the switch to get third party support.
It's like with each mechanic that people find with this game the less it seems like any thought went into balancing it, honestly.
>You can combo someone into a corner, throw them into the air, then hard knock-down them into the ground while doing a character swap special for an immediate and unreactable turn table.
Honestly I wonder if there was actual effort put into the balancing at all. The game is just so god damn snowbally.
The world doesn't revolve around the Switch
See and there it is
People who play other platdorms treat Switch getting something nice as an offense
>Honestly I wonder if there was actual effort put into the balancing at all.
welcome to arc system work games.
people tried to warn you guys about how the game is going to have balancing issues but instead of listening you just blindly called them capcom shitposters.
I'll be salty if it gets announced for the switch (and has no downgrades) after i get it on pc
In opposition to Sup Forums's logic this is an inclusive game for anyone so they can have fun in a simple yet capable to give some space to a less cancerous competitive level.
This triggers the average casual fighting elitist of Sup Forums.
>Arcsys template game
There's nothing triggering about it. Most of the "casual" audience you're talking about is going to drop the game within 3 months and most of the playerbase will leave. After that the game will be dominated by people who actually dedicate themselves to the game's mechanics but unfortunately this game's depth is built all around meter usage and corner pressure so the whole game boils down to a Meter Rush and whoever gets 3 bars first wins the round. That's exactly why you balance your fighting games out to begin with.
great dad or greatest dad
sauce on this?
Chad dad.
>English translation
Le funny meme abridged version of character! So great!
He's basically a black dad
any overwatch thread on /gif/
Goku is a bad dad because of his actions, not because TFS made it that way.
what is she doing?
she's playing that carnival game where you pick apples floating in water with your mouth
He doesn't fucking job as much
The only time Gohan ever legitimately jobbed was against Dabura.
I like how demos are a thing again, but the funny part is they're only releasing for games I have 0 doubts on.
They paid a lot of attention to the characters and made it with a labor of love, while also super simplifying inputs and controls so casuals could get into it, but good players could perform higher damaging combos with proper meter management and team comp.
What happened with SFV?
It's the flashy DBZ game we always wanted without all of the floaty 3d bullshit
>Gohan, you've gotten a lot stronger.
>That makes me proud... finally.
Why is Goku such a shitty father?
17th you dumb faggot
>manga in color
This describes it perfectly.
>Saving the world makes you a bad dad
>muh piccolo is Gohans real dad
lmao, whatever you say fatherless soyboy.
You guys do realize there is an actual color release of the manga right, and while DBFZ looks great, it's not nearly as pretty as it?
Goku wasn't even there for Gohan's birth. He doesn't know how giving birth works.
Lovag empire is the one doing the high res releases for these, btw. Not sure why this one is labeled "danke"
The colored manga is fucking gorgeous. If people haven't read it they're really missing out. Is the namek stuff translated yet?
this, this game looks like it has no balance once your opponent can sweet spot you.
welcome to fighting games?
its DBZ, and its a Arc Shit game too.
you should of known nigs and mindlessly fighting game fags were gonna come out the woodwork for this.
well atleast you admit you'll happily suck dick
>not done in Toriyama style watercolors
i like the game better cause it had more work put into it (animations)
Thats funny, because these demos talked me out of Dissidia entirely because the game turned out to be raw, steaming shit, and put DBZF into doubts for me because of this ultra fucking casual mash combo system. I wanted a more natural fighting game experience (ie: Street Fighter/Guilty Gear style) where each button is it's own move, not "mash for a free combo".
These demos are actively pushing me away from games.
I mean yeah that's all fighters to a point, but the focus of this fighter seems to be sweet spotting your opponent in a corner and then just filling your meter by juggling them with attacks and subs with almost no skill. In short the play style looks like an unbalanced MvC3
wait each button is its own combo string? nigga why?
Namek is, as you can see from But not OG DB, Cell, or Buu
Yeah. Mashing square for instance (light attack) literally does it's own combo that goes into a launch combo and ends with a laser blast for most characters, for example. I really don't like that decision.
Of course you dumb casuals who don't play fighting games love it.
Good graphical engine.
Doing everything possible to avoid the "we just do one character and just change the color of the beams" hell that all the other dragon ball fighting games fell on.
Looking forward to the shota team of Young Gohan, Gotenks and Kid Buu
They're unoptimal combos that are there for new players to get their feet wet. Anyone beyond that will never use more than the unique 5LLL bit which is just another tool for each character a la Persona 4 Arena (which is another game with autocombos, and it's far from a casual game).
t. capbro salty his already ded game will b more ded
What does 18's assist do? It's also in her regular moveset.
Lowkey pissed i missed the beta and im mad pissed, one of you sumbitches need to let me know when the next open beta is out like a day ahead of time, would be much appreciated
24 hr beta tomorrow at 9pm PST you nigger
It's a barrier that converts attacks into meter.
>See and there it is
Sounds like a victim complex to me desu
>The world doesn't revolve around the Switch
Sounds like, "most people really don't give a shit whether or not the Switch gets 3rd party support"
Yea, do you know what the biggest difference between P4A and DBFZ is though with the autocombos?
P4A directional specials that can be used to cancel out of shit and even during mid auot-combos you can mini-dash your way into another one so that you're not locked in doing so. That's why the game had so much depth to it yet ironically it stilled died within a year or two.
The only thing that even replicates that kind of mechanics in DBFZ is that you can almost literally super dash out of anything and Special Swap out of a combo but it forces you to reset. Not that that matters in the long run because this game has literal fucking unblock-able corner block-strings that can lead into a combo that'll delete 70% of your bar. (And currently TGohan and Freiza due to their meter usage and specials can literally setup a block-string on top of each other meaning you can literally ToD someone once they're in a corner.) And what the fuck does the person in the corner have to respond to all this shit? A teleport and a Super Swap both of which cost meter that they might not even have until 50% of their health bar is deleted and most of the time it won't even fucking reset the game into neutral because the opposing person can just counter it with their own teleport only they have several times more meter than the other person.
No matter how you look at this game, it's an unbalanced mess, I was at least expecting Blazblue level of competency with the balancing but this is like every fucking character is either Carl, CT Rachel or Sign Elphelt and in the case of TGohan it's all three at once.
I'm not even trying to drag the game down and make it seem like it's unplayable at this point, I just cannot believe that the depth of this game is so shallow when Arksys is known to make fighters with ludicrous amounts of mechanics to use and balance with.
This or SFV?
You have to realize this is a hyper fighter in the same vein as Marvel vs Capcom.
Except this doesn't hit Touch of Death levels of unbalanced fuckery yet.
Balance was gonna be borked. Hopefully it just makes at least 60% of the cast viable and doesn't rely hard on the same 6 characters.
The beta was bad. But the game itself is good. Sad that another beta, objectively superior, is running right now.
>Except this doesn't hit Touch of Death levels of unbalanced fuckery yet.
Goku with TGohan already has setups that will guarantee a 60% hp deletion combo if you are pushed into the corner and if the Freiza + Krillin assist combos are anything to go by with Freiza then when the final game is released you're going to see shit like TGohan + Freiza swap + Krillin assist literally setting up unblock-able strings into a knock-down into another eventual unblock-able string.
I mean yea, sure it's not a true ToD but it's still a technical ToD because during the whole fucking charade the other player has little to no input or counterplay on the situation, they just have to wait until their character drops and get the round reset and hopefully not get grounded into the corner again.
True. But with how this game is based around Meter, alot of it is gonna depend on that meter and if you have it
No local multiplayer, whats the point?
dissidia is a steaming pile of shit with zero technical depth. there's no skill involved in movement. there's no skill involved in attacking. it's all entirely reliant on positioning, timing, and coordination, which sounds good on paper until you realize that there are plenty of games that offer these things as well as mechanics that actually engage you. it's so utterly shallow that it's a complete fucking joke anyone plans to play this wack shit on a competitive level.
Funny how the bots itt shift towards the manga. Waifus or other parts of db when someone posts something negative.
Is this some anime tier marketing strategy?
i named my son gohan
almost nothing
post gokus
Whatever you say, armchair dev.
Fucking 9 days to go. I can't decide if I should play this or monhun first.
i want to get this but im scared itll die quickly because of it catering to casuals
Company make it had decade experience looks like anime figth games, DB gets new seasons and hype, just build like anime game by studio had experience on it.
What does my IQ have to be to be 7/10 at this game?
I still don't understand that quote.