Why is there no Hitler in Civilization series?
Why is there no Hitler in Civilization series?
hitler bad
Because the leaders in those games are usually competent
Like Stalin?
No, same with Mao
Like the female Korean leader?
This is definitely going to be a thread about video games
>won a war
>killed kulaks successfully
>industrialisd his cuntree
more competent than Adolf "speed" Hitler
Fuck, is that his scalp flying off?
Hitler is a meme and was never real!
"The Truth is out there, we just need to find it"
The Jews would secretly find it very fun
It would be a PR nightmare. It's as simple as that.
Effective sure, at the cost of starving out millions of other slavs. Whether that's competent is still up in the air.
>tfw user's Hitler free-for-all was never finished
yet this mother fucker was in Civ 4.
Who was in the wrong here?
nature doesn't fuck around.
It would be banned in Germany and there would be an absolute shitstorm.
Pure evil like Mao and Stalin are a-okay though.
Probably so it doesn't get banned in Germany.
anything with hitler in it is banned in germany?
swastika is banned in germany.
i don't know about hitler being banned,but he is usually censored in video games here,we even shaved him for wolfenstein 2.
will germans ever let this shit go
The jewish Hitler.
It hasnt been even a hundred years since the worlds most destructive conflict. Its gonna take a while
Is there any other kind of Hitler?
>pure evil
not as long as there are holocaust reparation monies to make
go back to plebbit faggot,both hitler,stalin and mao are pure evil
>directly responsible for the rise of SJW and liberalism
He's the worst leader ever.
I can't imagine people being so dumb they fall for boomer propaganda yet exists.
>I have no idea what weimar germany was like
Hitler was a reactionary.
>(((they))) said so on tv, so it must be true!
his government is still in power today though
Daily reminder that the whole point of Nazism was to expand the borders of (((Germany))) by massacring and enslaving white Christian nations and taking their land - just as the Torah commands!
Not only did Nazi leaders have Jew names, they natively spoke a dialect closely related to Yiddish.
Sorry, but i'm no longer capable of feeling bad for people I don't know.
You can't fool me rabbi
The benefits of being a one party state.
so many neogaf faggots here,go suck some Stalin cock
too OP
You know why there isn't. He's one of history's most reviled leaders. Just imagine the pure hatred you'd see in something like the comments for his would-be overview video. For better or worse, you'll never get it him. If by some grace you actually do, it'll be the very last civilization game you will ever see. No topping Hitler for billing.
I don't care about weimar germany in the slightest, this fucker lost the war and brought SJW scum onto us.
Nice the classic "Why isn't HITLER in Civ thread?"
Didn't take long for the B-BUT STALIN and B-B-BUT MUH MAO false equivalences to come in!
If you need Sup Forums to explain why Hitler isn't in civ you are a fucking brainlet.
Sup Forums Sup Forums Sup Forums /lgbt/ and non hentai porn boards are known as the Liberal laughing stocks of Sup Forums.
t. judeokraut
Think about it. Nazi Germany lived off arms' dealers and US' money - jewish money. USSR was the biggest threat to jewry at the time, so (((they))) decided to destroy both Germans and Russians in a huge conflict.
>kike calling others rabbi
Too fresh
You really can't fool me rabbi. trying to mislead people to conform to jewish interests because "them jews would hate that!" is the oldest trick in the book.
You literally just described Nazi Germany
also the new leader screen was awful I miss that one
(((Nazi))) (((Germany)))
Stalin and Mao killed way more people than hitler.
But the US saved the USSR from eradication
Too soon.
To be fair to them, they had Stalin and Mao two games and the better part of a decade ago, and have not had anything similar since. Not that it fully excuses it, but they haven't kept going with that bullshit, which is worth something.
The shame is that it's been traded off with not choosing fucking leaders and all the choices for them being fucking perplexing but hey, what do I know.
>Read OP and distinctly remember Hitler being playable in Civ 2
>Look up images to post as proof
>Can't find any
>Look up roster
>Hitlers not on it
Guys I think my father modded Hitler into Civ 2 when I was a kid.
Stalin and Mao killed a bunch of people Hitler would have killed anyways. He didn't like Ukrainians and didn't give a shit when the Japanese slaughtered chinks by the millions, though admittedly I think one German guy tried to save a few.
US were helping both Nazis and USSR, you clueless cunt. When the fate of Germany was sealed, they rushed into battle, so they'd be on the winning side. Only Japan saw through their charade at the time.
So would everyone. Hitler is always the first mod that comes out, and when the Hitler mod is taken off the site, there's always a multiple leader pack mod with Hitler in it. Usually as the first addition.
But if your ridiculous fanfiction about them being them enemy of the jews was true the US wouldn't have saved them from Germany
The US government wanted war with the Germans from the beginning, but knew the public wouldn't go along until they let Pearl Harbor happen
if you think world politics over the course of multiple decades can be described by this simple of a narrative then you are fucking retarded.
There was a WW2 scenario and hitler was in that. He's also in Freeciv.
I did mod him into the regular game son.
you made the right choice
For the same reason there's no Jefferson Davis.
Not successful and caused the powers that be too much trouble
you need to stop thinking of nations as singular entities all their own. The "US" didnt support nazi germany, but standard oil and IBM sure as shit did plenty of business with them. Its not that you are wrong exactly, just way oversimplifying to the point of characterizing slightly.
>Only Japan saw through their charade at the time.
Ok, now this is jsut nonsense. Japan wasnt some lone visionary, they were just another country getting caught up in a massive conflict
USA didn't "save" anyone. They were just selling supplies at outrageous prices to the warring countries, so the winning side would be in massive debt to them. It's the ultimate jewish trick, how can you not see it? Fortunately, USSR had balls not to sell out their country to the jews, but, in the long run, they lost.
Bitch he liberated Ukraine. National Socialism would have worked alot better than taking all the farmers crops for the state. Also hitler wouldn't of sent ethnic Russians work in the gulags and die by the 10s of millions. As for China, well that was Japan not Germany.
>Bitch he liberated Ukraine.
One of the reasons Hitler lost was that he fucked over Ukrainians and other slavic peoples who initially welcomed the Nazis as "liberators." Guys who initially brought out the wine for the Germans ended up throwing Molotov cocktails at them and becoming partisan guerillas when the Nazis started shooting up villages. At least Stalin successfully industrialized the USSR, selling all that grain at least accomplished something. Hitler's policy in the East did nothing but alienate potential allies.
>Also hitler wouldn't of sent ethnic Russians work in the gulags and die by the 10s of millions.
Read up on generalplan ost. The minimum death tolls were that were around 30 million, significantly more than the largest estimates for the holodomor. in b4 "IT WAS ALL FAKE, ALLIES MADE IT UP, ABLOO," in which case we can say the Holodomor was just American propaganda.
>As for China, well that was Japan not Germany.
Japan was Germany's allies. If you're going to say stalin *and* mao killed more, then include Japan in Germany's total.
nazis weren't civilized, they were basically german nigger thugs
t. soyboy
>better than taking all the farmers crops for the state
>US and UK refuse to buy anything but grain from soviet union
>surely this would've not cause starvation across the Russia and it totally wasn't intentional
fuck off
So... this is the power of a true thinking man?
He causes to much butthurt so it's just not worth it. Wtf is with the leftypol garbage unirionically defending stalin and mao in here though
holy sheet
>hating statism is now jewish
Let's not bring up Marx though lol
there actually are some benefits, votes for a individual politician is more worth it, having several parties pretending to be against each other but betraying their voters every year by going into "coalitions" "merging" like in Europe is really bad in comparison, voting in Europe is literally hell
Could be a balding man wearing a toupee
He lost too hard. And suffered an anti climactic end.
Why would you want to play a loser?
Probably because he's filthy little jew.
Civ is a redpilled series, no kikes allowed.