Perfect Controller


Other urls found in this thread:

>why am i getting banned for advertising

>I was OP of the previous thread
People were discussing other controllers, Jim.

all these people talking about fighting pads in the last thread
>not using the best tool for the job

fuck the fighting pads what is that cup

>wireless mouse
>glass desk
>no mousepad

yeah welcome to like 2007 i guess



my hands don't get sweaty and my coffee stays hot longer. I got them with a coffee machine a while back but you should be able to find cups like it.

mx master tracks on glass all day user

>walking my dog a few weeks ago at night
>all is quiet, right around christmas
>randomly think of this exchange in my head
>laugh at loud at the "DEY ALL CHINESE" part

Is that the logo on the bottom of the cup? Does it start with a D

>autistically mumble memes to myself
>mfw someone walks by me from behind

This happens every single day.

Not so fast! This is the perfect controller for 2D games

Remember, you're here forever


Looks like DeLonghi, friends bought a super expensive espresso machine from them once, and funnily enough I have a space heater from them too

Just know you're not alone user, I sing this to myself all the time, I thigh slap for the spank sound effects.

You're both deaf and correct about the mouse.
Your glass is brushed, I used my MX Master on clear glass and it worked there as well.

More than enough buttons, can customized it to anyway you want it, analog stick, and the sweet sound of blue switches.

Got a Switch pro controller a few weeks ago.
It's really good. Would've gotten it sooner if not for the outrageous price tag.

you dont actually need a mouse mat at all with an optical mouse, this isn't 1998 wer aren't using roller balls. I'm using a wifi mouse while led on my sofa with a laptop to shitpost.

you dont need a coster on glass, retard

>sitting in a waiting room for a doctor's appointment, full of people
>for absolutely no reason remember the "are you fucking sorry" image
>erupt in laughter by myself like an absolute madman

God damn it

does this actually work on a PS4?

what is the name of that pad OP

I bought a hori fight commander and while it is great I would rather have this

>fucking a girl, i'm on top
>"you see ivan, when hold peestol like this..."
>me: heheh
>her: what?
>me: uhhnn n nothing

Nice versaches. I have the same pair. Kinda heavy tho. I miss plastic frames

I've been considering getting one of those razer ones for PC, they seem pretty ergonomic

Yes and you can plug in your own mouse too so you don't have to use the mouse that came with the Hori.

Put your optical against the window and see if it tracks 100%

The only problem with Razer's keypads is that the "stick" is more of a dpad. So you can't really use it for movement.

if you wear glasses and youre not wearing titanium frames you are literally torturing yourself

dunno why people are into all these heavy ass glasses, why would you not want the lightest thing possible? thick black frames really that important?



but do games actually recognize it, I thought that most PS4 games dont recognize mouses.
I would like to try ESO with a mouse

>put a mouse that relies upon reflecting light back into a lens, on a transparent surface
not to smart are you

Is the little stick nub thing on the one you posted good for movement?


>>put a mouse that relies upon reflecting light back into a lens, on a transparent surface
This hasn't mattered for at least 8 years, maybe even more my friend

do they make them without these? also, in what universe is titanium lighter than plastic?

Yes. They literally get me compliments and blowjobs. I have different pairs of glasses for different occasions tho. Titanium frames are for my work days. Thick black frames are for my fuck days.

>compliments and blowjobs
from guys

Can you hook up PS2 controllers on a PC? I wonder if anyone has played through Nioh with pic related.

thats basically what the pre-nes video game controllers were like, nobody had any idea wtf to do


Yes, I used to have an adapter.
I think the original OP is banned.

>also, in what universe is titanium lighter than plastic?

you realize titanium is extremely light right? the titanium frames use like 5% as much material as plastic's bendy and usually has shape memory so it goes back to its default shape automatically

im sure they make titanium glasses with all sorts of bridge options. i haven't worn glasses in eight years now after wearing them for almost 20 years

From you

are you retarded? it's an OPTICAL mouse, it relies upon light refraction, glass it transparrent, light wont refect off of it it will reflect, THROUGH it.
It's not a matter of tech it is a matter of physics.
I have a bottle of water next to me, put my mouse on that, it wont reflect light so ot wont work, but it works on my skin, or a door, or a blanket

I didn't actually, I feel retarded now. I might have to look into it since I need reading glasses but don't wanna deal with having those irritating nose fuckers all the time.

not him but dude optical mice have worked on pretty clear glass for 10+ years now, the optical sensor is basically a microscope. being transparent to the naked eye doesn't matter it has thousands of striations under light and magnification

It's an analog stick so yea.

They do it's just if you're plugging it into the PS4 it's going to recognized it like a controller hence why it has L1 and L2 on the keypad.

thanks user, here is what I was wearing as well

nose pads on glasses are just a bitch, you have to reposition them

don't make the mistake of thinking your face is symmetrical left and right, or even that your features are the same distance from your ears on both sides, or that your ears are the same height

for most people these things are subtlely different. So some people tend to focus too much on making glasses "Straight" instead of just comfortable

what the CLEAR button do?

Clears your RAM and restarts your game

Really convenient placing for it then.

desu senpai the mouse I have for my laptop is just some cheap ass one I bought off of ebay and the one on my PC "gaming mouse" has different mechanisms, so maybe the user is right, though with my limited knowledge of the mechanics of the mouse and reflecting of light being intricate to the fuction of opticas I am scheptical.
Obviously my PC mouse isn't wireless because I not a retard.

>Obviously my PC mouse isn't wireless because I not a retard.

take your poor ass to best buy and get one of these and then tell me theres anything wrong with it if youre such a non retard. sound like a presumptuous person who hasnt kept up with technology at all.

This, there's absolutely 0 gameplay affecting latency on that or the g900

whether they have fixed the latency phenomena or not, I would probably still prefer a wireless mouse.
There is no point on me replacing my current mouse as there is no issue with it but when/of there ever is I'll consider it.

>2. Flaming/flagrant "fanboyism"/etc. will not be tolerated.
janny probably thought it was to start a """"""""""""""flame war""""""""""""""""" about the best controller (it likely was)

dont make excuses for them

ive noticed over the past several weeks they randomly delete threads with discussion. mods are actively trying to subvert Sup Forums in case you havent seen the porn threads staying up for three hours

maximum soy activated

any idea how Nacon controllers are?
fukers cost $140 over here while the standard ps4 ones cost $66

yeah nah, I ship off for kapooka soon

The ps4 is already the most ""comfy"" current controller. Haven't tried the switch pro yet though.


i have a standard ps4 controller but the charging port is pretty fuggd after 3 years or so
it's time to put it down but idk if a nacon is worth it
and yeah i'm sticking with the ps4 ones cuz the memepad is so gud on pc

do you like cleaning your desk more often than necessary, retard?

what an unfathomably awful controller

I got a Logitech one for 50 because my keyboard was at a bad position for gaming. I fucking love the thing and have easily gotten like 4 times the price out of it. I will say, everyone told me the nub could act as an analog but it never worked. Still worth, try the logitech as it's less than half the price for more buttons

>Literally just an Xbox Controller with a worse Dpad and slightly worse ergonomics
You cannot beat the Xbox 360 controller and I dont give a fuck about console wars, I use it for PC as well. There is not a single thing on it that I would change, because it's already so perfectly ingrained into my muscle memory that anything else is wrong.

>not enjoying the benefits of a memepad
you sad soul

I need a d-pad in the prime spot for 2D games though. I think you need at least 2 controllers to cover that

is this bait?

nice d-pad you have there

The D-Pad works. The spreaded base just helps you catch and move the D-Pad without actually even touching it, especially in diagonal positioning. Otherwise it's just wasted controller space.

If you think about it, it's a decent design. There's really nothing wrong with it, and the very few benefits it has outweigh the NOTHING wrong with it.

The perfect controller needs to have both paddles and a gyroscope.

Literally benefits nothing to anyone on any controller. In fact the Gyroscope sometimes fucks me up in Bloodborne because I sometimes accidentally perform an emote with my controller movement when I'm just autistically jerking.

100% of all gyroscope controls I've ever activated have been mistakes.

Splatoon is only playable because of gyro controls.

Splatoon's playability due to gyro controls comes from the obvious downside that the Switch doesn't utilize a normal fucking controller.

Unless you're using a pro controller, in which case that's basically just an Xbox360 controller, and at that point you dont need gyro anymore.

How does it feel to be genetically inferior?

Normal controls are pretty bad in that game. Camera control with a gyroscope is much more precise than just using a stick.

>It's "retard who thinks gyro aiming is better than twinstick aiming in all situations" episode

>asymmetrical trash


I use a pro controller with gyro in Splatoon and it's terrific, it makes me want more games with gyro aim, I really need one for singleplayer shooters on PC

>Hori chinese pads cost 20 bucks
>he thinks Hori will pay any neckbeard to advertise it here
>meanwhile Ubisoft marketing never gets banned

>360 controller
when will this meme end?

I am only very slightly far sighted, I only wear them when I am at my desk for more than 15 minutes and more for comfort than necessity. I can focus without them.

>sony symbols
>stupid touch thing

It's pretty good for 3D games as well. The analogs are soft and delicate like Miku's skin.

>test day at univeristy
>have to do a mini essay
>all good until
>start laughing so hard teacher sent me outside because i was bothering other students
the version i started thinking of was this one

Huh. I don't think I've ever been in a screen cap before.

The second gen "slim" ds4 is the one I use. The only difference is a slight feel in the plastic and the light bleeds through a slit in the top of the touchpad. Go with the second gen imo.

Why haven't any of these accessory makers made a proper quality pad that can be modded? I mean, Microsoft has that dumb Elite controller, so there must be a market for something higher end.

Give it decent micro switches instead of rubber dome, and sell it as a mechanical gaming controller.

Hori Onyx

it dougs

How is the Switch Pro? My family/friends find single Joycons comfortable so I just grabbed another pair of Joycons for multiplayer instead of the Switch Pro Controller.

I didn't like the Wii U Pro Controller, vastly preferred the gamepad for some reason there.

Always liked Nintendo and Playstation controllers. DS1/2 are horrible to try and go back to after 3/4 though. Sega and Xbox controllers are fucking horrible.

G27 is the best controller ever