ITT: Games that only You are looking forward to next year

ITT: Games that only You are looking forward to next year

people will probably play this game

>new content revolves around mysterious new waifu

>princess is no longer a dyke
Definitely going to play it this time


Name one game.

Once I clear my backlog I'll definitely pick this up.

SMT Stranger Journey

This, alliance alive and DSJ
I will probably also play etrian oddysey 6 (or whatever it is) in japanese because I highly doubt it's getting an english release

You literally posted it

P4 Golden.

P4 Golden.

P3 FES and P3 PSP.

Gal Gun 2.

Untold EO

How do anons feel about Raynie's new design?

>new waifu

Aigis social link wasn't in the original iirc.

You did play the Answer, right, user?

>next year


P3 Portable
P4 Golden
Devil Survivor 2 Record Breaker
Deep Strange Journey
the new catherine
what OP posted
what you posted

yeah it’s supposed to come out this year
what kind of faggotry is OP trying to pass off as fact here?

I thought I got caught in a time warp

It still kinda works, depending on how you read her dialogue she was kinda happy go lucky in the original game, and the new design fits that better.

Still a preexisting character and The Answer was around Aigis