It's almost been one whole decade. Can we get a L4D appreciation thread? Memories, strats, all is welcome

It's almost been one whole decade. Can we get a L4D appreciation thread? Memories, strats, all is welcome

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I loved this game so much. 2 was cool too but nothing beats the original, especially with all its custom maps.

Valve are shit

RIP Turtle Rock

*blocks your elevator*

left 4 dead blows and always has

how? I can't think of any other game to do that style of survival/versus nearly as well.

i miss this game

Beat me to it

Every single fucking time

killing floor 1

l4d has versus, survival and the take 2 hits and youre fucked expert difficulty.
kf1 has pick berserker and """kite""" in circles on the same map everytime boring shit

how do you beat expert on single player?

killing floor 1 is possibly the most convoluted and ugly game I've ever had the displeasure of purchasing.

Too advanced for a console brainlet, understandable.

hardly, it's just a shit game and L4D was always superior.

*teleports in the elevator*

I don't think that's possible, friend, maybe with extreme cheesing, I dunno

*starts a votekick against you for wasting a charger*


lol, left 4 dead is a giant shitheap

It's possible. Although, you do need to cheese the finale events.

I was almost votekicked once for spawning through the end saferoom door

Left 4 Dead was probably the blandest shooter I ever played, every single weapon felt like a popgun and the enemies were either a nuisance you mowed down with zero difficulty or bland bullet sponges. Literally the only people who ever liked it were gabe dickriders because muh VALVE

>it's another "your friend keeps closing the safe room door on you" episode

Ill give l4d series a pass because they have no lootcrates and mtx bullshit. probably the only relevant things they've made after 2007 sans TF2 other than portal 2 SP.


I remember before they nerfed hunters, you could set yourself on fire and nail survivors for 50 damage with a high enough pounce

hunter was the best, he has the highest skill ceiling and you always had a chance to play him in, l4d2 would be 10x better if hunter melee did 10 damage and you could switch to a hunter in ghost mode if there was less than 3. Also fuck jockey

i remember before release chargers did not have melee and his primary attack was bowling the survivors, he could ram into the whole team multiple times in a single life.

Hunter is a pile of shit compared to the xenomorphs from avp1 and 2

I met my husband in l4d2.
We screamed and spammed shit about Niggers and music and dick spray ppl a into and did drugs
I knew he was the one.
In fifteen years I've never met a man half as great as he is.

Leader characters are the best characters especially Coach, followed by the cynic characters.

Expert mode with my mate, we use to kill the two other survivors and beat every campaign. Speed runs, versus mode with hunters and smokers and targeting the same survivor until he rqs were the fucking days.

>it's a degenerate gay faggot drug addict episode

Bill's voice actor died recently.

If new L4D ever happen... Should Valve leave bunnyhoping as it is? Or fix it?

>partners take charge
>they are completely fine and take no damage
>i take charge
>am immediately hit buy a charger or smoker or hunter

Each time I take a corner or climb a ladder it always happens.

I wish I could play this the same way I used to.

Remember when Valve made quality games?

Did any of you play Dam It?

Coach players - Always AFK

Nick players - Usually leaders; sometimes leave you behind because they are selfish

Ellis players - The best player but doesn't really communicate with the team

Rochelle players - Better off being an AI

post your favorite custom campaigns


Shit netcode, broken ass hitboxes, terrible AI, buggy as fuck. Can't say I'd recommend it.

Tank's Playground
Tank's Challenge
Tank's Arena

Leave me alone

That fork was useful in making that image.

>that Ellis who will always let you get the supplies because he hasn't been hit once
>that nick who casually sidesteps and lets you get pounced because it's no jockey on his head
>that rochelle who spams her shitty voicelines and TKs you at the end of every level
>the coach who's shit at the game but has an entertaining personality

>Nick players - Usually leaders; sometimes leave you behind because they are selfish

Bitch, if that aint me

What about the L4D1 survivors?

If you didn't play Coach and spam "AW YEAH, TUNNEL OF LOVE" you were doing it 1000% wrong.

That's good, keep playing your retarded games with little girls, we want to stay between real men

As Coach, I usually spam "Cotton Candy, wise Pharaoh of food"

I played Rochelle, spammed her laugh line and stole all medkits and pain pills.

>Let's release a second game for no reason without fixing the first one first
God I hate L4D2, it took a great concept and turned it into shit.
L4D had a simple approach and decent map design, why mess it up?

l4d had a problem with grouping in a corner and melee spamming everything, l4d2 sort of fixed that

How so?
You get a katana folded 1 trillion times to slash-spam even more effectively (and saving bullets) - unless of course you were stupid and did it while the enemy had a spitter.
L4D had a cooldown on shove-spam (not initially).

Played it last week
I liked it, too bad it's unfinished

Any of Roku's Resident Evil campaigns
Dark Wood
The Bloody Moors
Journey to Splash Mountain
Crash Bandicoot: The Return of Dr. Cortex

get good

what was weird in l4d2 was how different the hit registration was for melee attack and for pushback

like the pushback would always hit, even when it should not. while melee would sometimes miss when it should have hit.

Devil’s Mountain or whatever it’s called
Journey to Splash Mountain
I Hate Mountains is the best though.

>me and bros manage to form a 8-man lobby for versus
>kill eachother and throw out dank banter all of the day
>my team usually wins because I'm the MVP at this game

I still love the bro-op and try to fuck around. Best part was when everybody died in the gunshop and I ran on past the tank for ages chugging pills until i got smoked.

i miss L4D
im one of those guys spamming zoeys death scream but not to annoy teammates...just my fetish.its always great game when i encountered fellow teammates who likes it

Just use hooktube user.

yeah, youre right, that fucked alot with the balance of boomer aswell. They should only have let you kill a single common each strike and the same with shove

Never got to finish it since it would crash after the cable car bit

Almost 10 years huh?
My memories playing this game is playing 4v4 coop. Don't know what the fuck are we doing at the time. Just having fun

>am survivor
>infected does elevator trick to my group of friends and I
>they suck really bad and can't do anything to us, we just kill them over and over for like 30 minutes
>they give up and try to move the generator so the game can progress
>we kill them every time they try
>they ragequit

Goddamn son of a bitch

Dead Centre>The Parish>Dead Carnival>Swamp Fever>The Passing>Hard Rain>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Cold Stream

>Be playing very first level.
>Tank punches taxi into alleyway and trap survivors.
>Everyone trapped but me
>Sprint to safehouse to finish section
>Kicked to a cacophony of autistic screeching for 'abandoning them'

>playing as infected at plank country
>spawn as charger at the barge
>charge and kill one guy into the water,another hanged on the ledge and two other get thrown off but otherwise fine
>instant votekick saying im incompetent
>fortunately only 2 votes
>finish another one off as a spitter
>playing next level as survivor
>two of them gang up on me and shoot me
jesus christ they're brainless

Yeah it’s oretty buggy. It spawns endless hordes and tanks after the first Tank during the finale too.
Great atmosphere though

>all these people complaining about constant votekicks

Granted, I haven't played these games in years, but back when they were new I played them a bunch and it was a given that everybody was going to play badly and that we'd likely have to retry a few times to win. I've never been votekicked and votekicking in general has never been on the table as something we should do. What happened?

elitist faggots, I only got into it in 2012 and got kicked each time, had to wait till '15 to get friends to play with me

so in random pug games, votekicking is still rampant in 2018 or are you guys re-telling stories from years ago?

nah it died down

Reminder to always pick auto shottie when playing expert so you can massacre your whole team before the votekick on you passes

Yeah, no he didn't

I definitely think that if you're playing L4D/L4D2 for the first time that you should find three friends who haven't played these games either. I can guarantee that if you just pair up with randoms that they've beaten the game a hundred times and now all the cheesy strats to get through the campaigns as easy as possible.

The true L4D experience is being surprised by everything, working out your own strategies, and just having fun! Back when these games were new, you got that experience with random people, but that ship has sailed.

He did user