>The founders of New California took an early step toward statehood Monday with the reading of their own Declaration of Independence from California, a state they describe as "ungovernable."
Will this lower my taxes?
I hope they do it so California won't be blue forever
t. LA
It'd be fucking hilarious to see California's economy tank once they have to start buying their water from a foreign nation.
Move somewhere with no jobs. Better chance of secession than voting in more corrupt as fuck gop
>Rural people hold the cards u city slickers
They are both corrupt I merely want the blue stranglehold to end
>this shit already
Its only fucking January, we already starting with no chill.
I thought jefferson was a god save solution but this is even better
texas tried to secede from the US a few years ago over something obama did or wanted to do. this won't succeed either. also, not videogames
LMAO you are aware that the """new""" california includes most of the biggest blue strongholds in the state? Pretty pathetic. Hope you're ready for no republic to ever get elected again once texas flips blue with its majority spanish population within 15 years!
>every thread
They don't want to secede
Yeah because San Jose has the same amount of influence and power as San Francisco or LA.
desu, we should break up cali and texas
they're just too big
I hope this doesn't happen
I like California but this is bullshit
They aren’t trying to secede from the fucking US, they’re trying to break off to be a separate state from the blue state jerkoffs in SF, SD, etc.
Personally I just love the idea of the California dems finally having to realize that there are consequences for shitting on the rest of the state and forcing bullshit policies that everybody outside their little enclaves hate
Californiafag here, literally from San Francisco. I've never met a single person that actually wants this. Its a pretty fucking dumb idea and not a new one either. It always fails and this one will too.
Doesn't look that way on All the liberal-infested big cities are on the coast which would be Old California's territory.
>look on tweeter
>conservatives all for it
>libs all against it
hoo hoo don't libralowskis want to be as far from drompfters as possible hoo boy
Don't Californians already vote their taxes retardedly low or is that just in the cities?
Pretty much add every state west of the Mississippi River including Alaska since they are big ass states. Splitting them into smaller states would be neat.
>Texas flips blue
Opinion discarded
Can we just burn the whole state to the ground?
Shit, user, I wish. Its almost 9% here in silicon valley.
Now you know how New Yorkers feel, Jesus fucking Christ
>Can we just burn the 5th biggest economy in the world to the ground?
Oh Sup Forums. You so crazy.
9% here in the 209
most of them are empty though
no reason to split up montana or wyoming
and for texas, you could really just split it into 3: spicland in the south, desertland in the west and texas in the east
No, libcucks will do the opposite of what conservatives(you) say.
Its called Gerrymandering
Those are counties, you fucking retard. State elections are gerry mandered. New York is a red state without NYC
People already don't care about patching the whole electoral college thing, until their side loses, I doubt it's going to get very far with some like splitting states up. The last time that happened was when Virginia got uppity and we carved West Virginia out of their traitorous hide.
I'm not conservative and I think anyone who labels themselves anything politically is a dolton but I absolutely do hate nu-libcunts yesiiree
>Without the place that makes money, New York is a red state
Shit this makes everything else make so much sense. Without the blue bits the country would collapse in on itself. Or whats left of the corps would literally enslave everyone.
>_____ is a red state without this major city
This has been and always will be a genuinely retarded argument. How much does it bother you fags that 7 out of the last 8 presidential elections prove that the majority of this country is democratic and gerrymandering is all the GOP has?
>divided California
>Central coast is stuck alone with SF and LA, the two places it hates the most
No fucking way that would happen
Literally never heard of this and I'm in Fresno. This is probably just a meme.
>19 million people in the state
>surprised when 8 million people in one city heavily influences state politics
You must not be the best at math
>Republicans have to resort to gerrymandering entire states
Don’t be a dumbass, most of those states have tiny populations, splitting them up would be pointless
I guess it's a step above flooding the state with wetbacks to take it over.
Rural people always make me laugh
>Hehe dumb city slackers, we own the food and water, we are the actual rulers of this nation!
>army rolls up
>kill everyone, rape the women
>take 90% of all food
Repeat literally thousands of times in history
>b-but illegals voted!!
my sides